Chapter 6 - Luciana and Syzoth

The questions made the deviled one for a moment pause.

'What spide… AHHHH'

Only now did she realize that indeed a green spider was currently on her head.

He wasn't as big as the other green spiders she saw at the lower floors, and because of her strength, she didn't feel any weight from it.

She then hurriedly brushed the spider down, but the spider only bit her, and jumped down at the table, looked at her, and raised his front paws. It seemed to try to make itself look bigger, but he only made himself look cute.The bite of the spider meanwhile didn't really hurt the deviled one. It wasn't much different from being bit from a mosquito. The reptiloid made then a strange whistle, and held his right hand to the little spider. At first the spider moved himself backwards just slowly, then he turned around and ran right towards the reptiloid. The owner of the mansion didn't even budge, and after opened his hand the spider jumped right on the hand. There, he remained for a few moments. The deviled one noticed that the spider seemed to be eating something.

"What the, I.. it"

"It'ssss an Aracularia barzzziam, or by itssss more known name, the green incapaccccitator. Funny really. During their juvenile sssstagesss they usssse to avoid other bigger creaturessss if itsss alone. However, the goblinsss love these bastardsss much more while they are ssssmaller than when they are bigger for one sssimple reason. Their venom."

The deviled one noticed a slight change. She started to feel a small numbness go through her.

"The venom itssself isssn't deadly. Its only becomes deadly once they grow up. But the current venom of the juvenile incapacitor ssservesss a different purpose. To paralyze the enemy. That'sss why it has that name. For that reassson, Goblin raid their nessstsss, tame them, and use them during their raids on villagesss, by putting their venom onto their arrowsss, and shooting them at the enemy. Then they capture the women, while killing the men for food."

Now the deviled one realized that she no longer could feel her limbs. They refused to budge. She was now panicking. What now?

"Asss I said it'sss not deadly, sssoon you ssshould be able to move again. In a few weeksss." Now, the deviled one was no longer able to feel or move anything below her shoulders.

"Oh right, I forgot. These bassstardsss are also capable of making it no longer posssssible for magical beingssss to usssse magic. Funny, isssn't it? Sssso sssssmall, and yet so powerful. That is why magessss absolutely desssspise these guys. They want nothing more than to completely genocide them."

He was right. The deviled one tried to use magic, or try to sense anything, but she couldn't. For a deviled one the greatest fear is to lose their connection to the magical winds. She was now completely at the reptiloids mercy.

"But I didn't allow them to do that. I ssssaved ssssome of them, sssstudied them. And learned many things from them."

"Can you help me?" The deviled one asked.

"Of coursssse, I can. I have the antidote."


"But I won't give it to you. At leasssst not now. Not until we are done."

The deviled one knew she couldn't do anything. Was that the plan of the mysterious owner the whole time? No, even if he wanted to question her, he didn't seem to have the spider as part of his plan. It just so happened that the spider managed to crawl onto her while she was captured by the spider family.

"What do you wish to know?" the deviled one asked, ultimately defeated.

"What are you?" the reptiloid asked. Suddenly, the deviled one felt another feeling. Another surge. Something strange. For some reason, she wanted to answer him. Truthfully.

"I am a tiefling. A royal class tiefling."

"What issss a tiefling?" the reptiloid asked.

The deviled one didn't want to answer that. No one but the demonic creatures, demons or other tieflings should know that. She would never...

"Tieflings are children of devils and mortals. They have a…"

She stopped. What was happening. Why did she say that?

"Don't try to remain sssilent. The liquid you just drank had a sspecial ingredient in there. It is rare, but for our conversation incredibly valuable. I don't like being told falssse information. The drink you had makess you tell the truth. You can call it the truth sssserum if you wissssh."

He was right. No matter how much she resisted, she couldn't fight the urge to answer his questions.

So she did.

"So tieflingsss are born from a devil and a mortal. They in turn have an incredible connection towards the dark realm, and all of them are capable of using magic. They are ssssignifically more powerful than most of the racesss here, even capable of taking on an ogron or a vampire in a fissst fight. On top of that, they can transssform, which boossssts not only their agility, strength and other senses, but it also makes multiply the magical output from their sssspells. And if they serve the daemons fatefully and loyally, the supreme rulers off the dark realm, who are your equivalent to our gods, the daemons reward their servants with even greater power. Sometimes, just like the other races, they can become devils themselves. Am I right?"

"Yes" the deviled one answered.

"Then nexxxst question. Who are you and what wasss the crystal tomb you were laying?"

"I am Luciana. Luciana Maekenron. My family is currently one of the highest-ranking nobles in tiefling society."

"Maekenron, Meakenron. Sssorry, are you a relative of Delaniel Meakenron?"

"He is my little brother. Why?"

The reptiloid didn't answer. For a moment, he seemed restless and motionless.

"Why aren't you answering? You drank from the same cup as me. If your words are true, then you also shouldn't be capable of not telling the truth."

The reptiloid then looked up at the tiefling, or Luciana as she herself called, and grabbed his cup. He then drank a little bit, which in turn made Luciana realize that the cup had an antidote towards the truth serum. At least, that was the only way she could explain why the reptiloid didn't seem to even bother to try to answer her questions.

"Are there any other relativesss that you have?"

"Only a mother and a little sister."

"Lilith and Alexiana Maekenron, I presume?"

"Yes, that is their name."


After getting that answer, the reptiloid seemed to be bothered by something. There may be even some fear in his eyes.

"Why were you in that crystal tomb?"

"That was a trial."

"For who?"

"Another tiefling. He was sssupposed to become my fiancée, but he had to pass the trial to win my hand."

"What'sss his name?"

"My fiancée?"

"Who elssse?"

"Draegon Wolgenrad."

The reptiloid then became silent. Putting his head into his hands, he seemed to curse in a language not known to Luciana, she did however manage to guess the words *general* and the name of her supposed fiancée. The reptiloid remained silent, obviously thinking about something. Luciana then decided to ask who was the one to free her. But then she realized that the only person capable of doing that besides her future fiancée was the reptilian human that sat across her. And like she thought, he was indeed the one who took her out of the tomb and brought her inside his home.

"One last question. Do you know anything about the blue aposssstle?"

"No, I never heard anyone with such title."

Sighing, the reptiloid stood up, grabbed his cup, and came closer to Luciana.

Then, he held the cup in front of her.

"Drink. It'sss the antidote. You no longer need to answer me any questionsss. You may not be capable of using magic instantly, but you will be able to move. I will no longer hold you against your will. You may leave. "

Just as he said. As Luciana drank the liquid, she could feel that she could move. She stood up, and was about to leave through the door that the reptiloid opened. Then she asked for the reptiloids name.

"I call mysssself SSSyzzzothh."