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Soul Land: Divine Blood (completed)

A Young Boy while playing some games was suddenly killed by a character from said game. The boy was reborn in a new world that he had knowledge of. What path will he take in the magnificent but deadly world of Soul Land/Douluo Dalu as the successor to Mohg the Lord of Blood This is a republishing of my previous book by a similar title: Douluo Dalu Divine Blood. mistakes we made when setting the book up and I didnt realize this until recently. I am changing very little from the original publishing. I am currently redoing most of the first volume and new chapters will be published every 2 days

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Bloody End (remade)

1- Bloody End (REMADE)

Original was 500 words. original date 6/27/2023

New version = 1912 including author note game explanations. new date 7/27/2023


A figure with pale skin and wearing a blue dress and hat (Ranni my beloved) wielding a +8 polearm acquired from a father who they were last forced to kill after they took up the mantle of avenger and for some reason, targeted them (quest/character info at the end for those interested or confused).

The figure walks through an archway that has a layer of golden mist to reveal a massive stone throne room that is fairly decrepit as if long abandoned or uncared for. Granted the spiked minions and other crazed monsters outside don't exactly portray a sense of cleanliness when there is a giant pool of blood that leads to a never ending gorge and a giant bird which is considered one of the most optimal farming routes in the game because it has suicidal tendencies if you shoot at it with a bow from an elevated position very close to a site of grace (rest/respawn location).

Yea, not very clean but the figure isn't about being clean since they arent wearing shoes in the first place. With halberd in hand, the figure moves forward and they see a large distant dark figure that is carrying an even bigger trident that has a sort of mausoleum aesthetic. A dry creepy voice calls out

"Dearest Miquella. You must abide alone a while."

"Welcome, honored guest. To the birthplace of our dynasty!"

The dark figure gets closer and reveals a dark blue robe with silver linings and a pauldron on the left shoulder. Thin boney hands are extended in welcoming while the one holds the aforementioned trident. But the face looks like a shrunken dragon face that is made of wood presumably. It looks very creepy and slightly demonic as the roots even extend from part of the left side of the 'face'.

Heavy footsteps ring out in the arena as the cloaked figure who is identified as Mohg, Lord of Blood by the giant health bar on the bottom of the screen. The figure otherwise known as the tarnished warrior rushes forth like the melee combatant he is. Once in range, Mohg swings out easily with his giant trident but a simple dodge roll phases through the attack as a light slash is done on it's back as it's unaffected.

Mohg turns around to slash out, leaving a set of red claws in the air that explodes a second later. The tarnished had simply run around the boss as the explosion is the main damage dealer of that attack and not the claw action itself. More light attacks are done on his back when Mohg reaches his hand into the sky with a red glow a ring is formed. Then with a pulling motion forward, his body is covered in a red burning liquid that forces the tarnished to back off and let them recover some stamina.

But since was further away now, Mohg tosses out some of the burning red liquid, coating the floor by the tarnished. Forcing them to retreat further and by golly Mohg doesnt like that. He points his trident forward and charges at the tarnished. Who by the way got stuck between some broken pillars in the back and the burning liquid in front. He tries to dodge but does it too early and is struck. Flopping over on their back with half their health gone in an instant. The fire ends and after the tarnished gets up, they run away and drink from their flask, a red healing aura covers them as they are recovered to full.

Mohg is not idle at this time. Throwing out more blood flame at the tarnished. "Damn Let up already, just sit still for a moment, im coming", A voice that doesnt belong to the tarnished is heard. This is the player who is controlling the tarnished as their character.

The tarnished can only run around in a circle while getting closer. Once that happens, Mohg initiates a standard 3 cycle trident swing where the tarnished easily dodges each other and unleashes a jump heavy attack on Mohg's side. Mohg stops and grabs his trident with both hands as he thrusts up while saying


A red ring surrounds the tarnished warrior while they had already began to spin their halberd and release consecutive attacks upon him until Mohg ends his call by swinging his trident in front of him, but the tarnished was already behind him so it didn't matter.

"Come on come on. The 2nd call" the words are said in failure as Mohg turns around to claw out once more which forces a dodge roll and a light attack. Mohg resumes grabbing his trident with both hands and thrusting up once more.


The tarnished resumes the spinning maneuver and at this point has taken out 2/3rd of the bosses health. A strange thing occurs then, Mohg quickly turns around while doing the swinging action of his trident after the call which slaps him away.

"Um excuse you. What the hell was that. Some sort of bug? No, probably a glitch that wasnt patched out based on unique circumstances probably. Miyazaki would never let a bug go through his game unless it's terrain based"


"Ummmmm. Why is it so early???" The panic rising in the players voice




"Miquella is mine and mine alone" A gruff voice says followed by a dark screen




"God damn it. What the hell was that. I wasn't even halfway through his health for him to phase change yet."

A teenage boy around the age of 15 moans out in suffering and confusion as he sets down his controller to rest after seeing the TV screen say the natural ominous words related to a player's failure.Failure at once more taking down the completely optional boss but as a real gamer, he won't leave the challenge unquestioned.

The young man's character was already very underleveled and his main weapon, the reduvia which is far more upgraded than the +8 halberd is far less effective against Mohg due to resistances and the super unlikely chance for the bleed effect to actually proc.

It's why he is so clumsy right now because he isn't used to using a heavy weapon like a halberd but he likes the spin to win strategy as it's effective on plenty of other bosses. As for why he didn't upgrade his weapon. He ran out of smithing stones from experimenting early on with various weapons and even though he went through all the caves in Limgrave (the first region of the game). So he has a few +5 and 6 weapons scattered around his inventory before he learned about the early on premier bleed weapon the reduvia.

He had gone through the trouble of going through the annoying questline from the first npc and had gotten the talisman which brought him to Mohg. It is an understatement to say that he was spooked out of his mind but he pulled through and after avoiding pretty much every enemy as they almost 3 shot him, he reached the boss that had been kicking his ass for a good while before he did some research to learn that his baby knife is even less effective against him than he though. Forcing him to change and bringing him to his current state.

The young man rubs his face in agony over failing so unexpectedly but like many other players. He whips out his phone to read in the meantime as he is naturally an avid anime and manga fan too in addition to being a gamer since 2020 was a great year to indulge in various media which includes anime and with the young man already enjoying reading, manga was a natural avenue.

He reorganizes himself and says. "Once more,I can do it again and better. It's not like I've only died roughly 10 times on him. Granted I am underleveled according to the level recommendation guides and I refuse to take the easy way by using the shackle or crystal tear which gives immunity to Nihil. Not that I have access to either of them since they are later in the game. That just negates the full experience. And I'm not any type of bitch." The boy quietly curses as he waits for the loading screen to finally revive him but it's taking longer than usual.

"What's going on? The game glitch out or something." The boy asks in confusion as he sets his phone down and reaches for the controller. But just moments before he reaches it he hears.

"You are mine and mine alone. And it is through you is the coming of our dynasty. " The boy pauses as he looks at the TV in confusion before he hears the dreaded words.

"What the hell?!!" The boy says in confusion before a shiver passes through his body. His survival instincts that are non existent due to living in a peaceful time yell at him. Yet it is too late.


The boy coughs up blood as his vision goes bloody from blood seeping out of multiple veins. His veins are all standing at attention. A great pain throughout his whole body due to his blood not flowing properly.


The second call forces all said veins to pop and spurt with blood. Coating the boy in his own blood. He nearly collapses, it's only the shock of it all that keeps him standing but not for long as the final call is heard reverberating through the boy's ears. And not just his ears. All of his internal organs explode outward. He was afterall a normal person in the modern world unlike the game's tarnished warriors. Hardened through trials and tribulations and influenced by Runes.


The word symbolizes the end of the young gamer. He collapses over, blood soaking all the walls of his room as he has long lost consciousness moments before falling.


1: Ranni is a main questline character who brings upon the Age of the Stars ending (you also marry her. If you do it correctly then she calls you dear Consort Eternal. She wears a blue dress and hugely oversized hat that only seeks to reveal a beautiful face and 4 slender arms. Part of her quest is to kill a Star god, a demi god who through sheer will was holding back all the stars in the sky (General Radahn) and collect her funko pop so it's pretty cool.

2. For those unaware of the quest.You stumble upon a blind girl who tells you that her father was the lord of a castle that was taken over by Misbegotten chimera (your a delivery man giving a letter and now you gotta fight monsters, typically day at the office) and the leader had stolen a "powerful sword" and he could not leave until it's retrieved. So we go, kill the chimera and present the sword. He then leaves all his men behind to find his daughter who is now dead. Presumably by chimera but when you present the sword to him initially he gives a +8 halberd. If you leave him be, he appears later in a place called the avenger shack which ties into another questline and by defeating him there, you get shibari grapes