In the morning, Nicole woke up early. She wanted to prepare her son's favorite breakfast, pancakes with honey and apple. She hurriedly prepared them, and as soon as they were ready, she went upstairs to get Santi, who was already dressed. She carried him downstairs, showering his little cheek with kisses. The doorbell rang, and Sara rushed to answer it. It was Bruno. Nicole was surprised to see him there.
"Good morning."
"Dad, it's great that you're here!" Santi ran to hug him.
"Hello, son. I would like to take you to school if your mom allows it."
"Can I go with Dad?" Nicole could see the excitement in her son's eyes.
"That beautiful smile has convinced me. Finish your breakfast and go with Dad. Bruno, can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Of course."
Nicole walked towards the study, and Bruno followed. Once inside, Nicole closed the door.