My name is Sun Wukong, and you may know me for challenging Buddha and disrespecting the gods. Yes, I did those things. I'm always looking to fight strong opponents, so I became the God of Destruction. It was either that or watch others fight from above and bless them, but who wants to be left out of the action?
(Narrator: We will now move on to the next chapter.)
Hey, it's Knight here, and we just won a big war. My daughter died in the last chapter, and I went into a full rage. Now that we've recapped, let's get to the story.
"Rio, stop dragging me everywhere!"
"Rio, start speaking. Master, I'm sorry, but you have a lot of things to do. You have to spar with your king, have an audience with the king, spar with Lycone, not to mention do some missions at the adventures guild. You can't keep sending the Konigen to do your bidding. Ok, fine. Rio, I will do the tasks," I sighed, not wanting to do them.
After a long day of work, I can finally go to bed- (someone crashes through the ceiling). A tall monkey man with red armor adorned with golden balls appears and starts to speak. "I'm looking for the guy you call Knight Made in Darkness."
I respond, "I don't know who he is. I think he went to Lionsgate."
The monkey man throws a golden blast towards my head. I dodge, and he speaks again. "I know you're him," he says with veracity.
"My name is Monkey King Sun Wukong, and I challenge you," the monkey man declares.
I reply, "Fine," and get up. I step into the arena, and in an instant, he appears in front of me and throws a swift kick. I quickly dodge before another kick comes my way. I go flying through a portal, and Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, looks furious. Prior to us speaking, we find ourselves in a forest, and I start to transform. "Demonic heritage skill activated," the system says.
We are in a heated battle, trading blows, and I know I can't beat him, but it's so much fun. We continue to trade blows over and over again. Sun Wukong pulls out a stick, and I start laughing hard. He asks why I'm laughing, and I respond, "Because you just pulled out a stick! Laugh at this!" The stick extends, and I go flying.
I tell Sun Wukong to give me all he's got, and he says he's only using two percent of his power. I use all the kinetic energy to throw one last attack, and he was ready. He charges a massive energy bomb and throws it at me. I try so hard to stop it, but I feel myself losing consciousness.
When I wake up, I find myself in my bed. Rio asks, "Master, are you okay?" I reply that I'm sore but okay. Rio hands me a note. "Hey Knight, sorry for going hard on you. If you had your limiter off, you would probably be even stronger than before. And get that helmet fixed; I don't want you destroying Earth. It has really good food. Take care, Sun Wukong." That was the ending of the note.
I plop back down on the bed and lay there, ready for the next adventure that awaits.