As the intense battle raged on, an unprecedented event unfolded. It surpassed even the legendary clashes between Zeus and Poseidon. Chaos, the primordial entity, had awakened and now observed the fight with a watchful eye. Keisei, once confident, found himself on the losing end as Adriane reached his full 100% power. Tendrils lashed out, piercing and stabbing Keisei relentlessly. It seemed all hope was lost until an aura enveloped him, transforming Keisei into a being with a galactic skin. The fusion with Chaos had occurred, rendering them immensely powerful and posing a threat to Earth itself.
Suddenly, the entire space around them turned white. "This should work no longer, Keisei," a voice resonated. It was Chaos, the embodiment of primordial godhood. Adriane continued to hurl tendrils towards Keisei, but the transformed Keisei simply walked through them, each tendril breaking upon contact. "Adriane, get away from me, you monster!" Keisei shouted, his voice brimming with determination. He unleashed a massive ball of Konzetsu, capable of obliterating entire universes. However, Keisei effortlessly made it disappear. Approaching Adriane, Keisei spoke a single word, "Contract." With the sheer force of his power, Keisei consumed Adriane, causing him to vanish. The world returned to its normal state, and Keisei unfused, reverting back to his original form as Knight. Knight and Jinsei stood in disbelief, gazing at their hands, struggling to comprehend the outcome.