Yuri was an Average Guy. A Nobody you would say. Working as a boring Accountant.
Living in a small apartment. With just a Bed, TV, and a small kitchen. He is living alone and has no friends or a girlfriend. So his days consist of work and staying at home,watching anime or reading mangas. Some would say he is just a big loser. And he was okay with it. Some days of course he also had darker thoughts. It was just a matter of time until he snaps And who knows what Yuri is capable of...
It was a normal Friday. Yuri was sitting at his desk. Which was facing the window. He could see the whole city. And on a clear, you could see the Ocean. Yuri was always daydreaming especially on Fridays and you could feel the weekend in the air. Day Dreams like having a girlfriend or going out with friends, taking over a Country or going to a random Sex Party.
While Yuri was staring out the window he saw somebody jumping out of the window at the Office building across the street. And it happened again and again and again. At some point, it was just body parts. Yuri still dreaming didn't notice it until people in his office started screaming. Everyone was gathering at the window including Yuri. He slowly realizes what is happening. Yuri was weirdly calm and happy that something exciting is happening. The woman in the office started crying and screaming. Nobody knew what is happening. People started panicking.
In the meantime, a Creature made its way to the office. Everyone was so busy with checking their phone that nobody notice it. Except for Yuri. He was waiting patiently like a lion for his prey. Observing the situation. The creature was approaching the Head of the HR Department. Yuri never liked her so he didn't bother to save her. Seconds later she started screaming and agony and pain until she stopped and changed to a more violent scream. That's when Yuri snapped out of his state of chill. In an instant, he grab the machete he was hiding in under his desk.(Just in case something like this would happen of course). And was running towards the HR Lady. The first hit was on the head. The creature was tumbling backwards andYuri jumped on top of her. At this point she was topless. The first creature had ripped off her Blazer and Top. Yuri grabbed the machete with both hands and started hitting her head again and again... and again. Every hit made her big breast jiggle. Slowly you couldn't recognize her face anymore and she stopped moving.
Yuri now was standing on top of her smiling and breathing heavily. That was the first time in years he was feeling alive. No fear. No regrets. Just the pure violets he felt and the raw feeling of power in his hands. Like a junkie he wanted the rush to be forever. So quickly he was moving on to his next target. Next on his list was the creature which started the attack. He jumped on a table and then on the Creature with a clean cut it lost its right arm and then the left arm. With a kick from Yuri, he pushed it against a wall and pushed slowly his machete between the eyes of the creature so he could watch how the blood is pouring out. Yuri looked it deep into its eyes. On this day Yuri lost his human side. Something changed him that day. The first step to the man he is going to become.