„We all have our 15 minutes of fame. Mine just happens to be a bit longer"
Guild master , the most important person in the guild, and as many say, in the entire city.
Leader of the best forces of humanity and protector of the country.
Only rivaled by the king`s influence and the second guild master in Havenmoon.
And as big of a caliber he was politically, he was also in person.
Massive and purely muscle, visible beneath the cloth. Luscious dark hair with a touch of crimson and and an even more luscious red mustache.
Clearly a good role model for the guild name.
-So. What`s the newbie`s name? – He stood above the rest of adventurers, maybe except Arron.
-Damon . – The mentioned big guy answered – Haven`t had much talk with him but apparently he is pretty decent.-
-Anything special? Came and messed something up? Rich ? problematic? –
-Nope – Another quick sip of beer.
-Great. EVERYBODY QUIET – Guild master shouted to the lobby of drinking people.
So everybody looked at him mid-drinking or some weird things with swords.
-Oh shit. – Some random guy quietly said.
All the knowledgeable ones instantly stood still and did a small salute to him.
-good evening guild master . How`s the day? –
-LOUD. – He was clearly not in the mood today – NEW GUY ! –
Aries and Damon and Elandra stood up -YES- all said in synchronization and stood still like a stick was glued behind them.
-UGH, no the awakened new one. – Guild master slapped his face.
-That`s me sir. Ummm guild master I mean . – Damon came forward from the crowd.
-Office upstairs. Now – And he went upstairs as he proclaimed –
-Wait now? – Damon rushed behind him – Okey I guess screw the celebration –
-I heard that. Also later –
"Guild master " Office label was clearly stating.
Office alone was bland.
One desk, some bookshelves with unidentified books, one big wardrobe. Locked on top of that.
And the chair for the big man himself, bigger then most other objects.
-So, Damon right ? – He stated calmly as he poured a glass of …. Water I hope.
-Yes. Sir . –
-Drop the sir, I have a name too – And one shotted the full glass. Yeah definitely not water.
-Ummm… I don`t think I know it – Damon stood with his hands at his back very awkwardly.
-Its Mark. Guild master Mark, or Mr. Mark. Or Markus if you prefer full.-
-Yes.. Mr.Markus sir. –
-That`s better. So.. I`ve heard you awakened today . –
-I think so. –
-You think? You`re not sure if you can do ANYTHING different or impossible normally? You think only?
-Well. I can. Do this only – And showed the sparks to Mark.
-Hmph. Nothing special I see –
Words just went through Damon`s chest . ~You could at least told me this lighter ~
-Well don`t worry, it will grow later on. Let`s hope at least – Another glass poured
~And at least propose one to me too ~
-From now on, you are more than just a human. Normals will respect you, even if they don`t show it.
Remember this. –
-Ummm okey? That doesn`t seem that big of a deal to me – He looked at his hands.
-Well yes, your awakening is garbage, of course you don`t see it. –
Another hit in the chest.
-But….. you are in the guild. So you need to show professionalism, bring out your tough face outside.
You are now one of the symbols here. That what you need to remember first. – And downed the shot.
-Aren`t you a bit… too much? – Damon really wanted to sit down and stop standing like a moron.
- No. Every single awakened is the prime of our guild, from bottom to top. Especially now – He almost crushed the glass from…. Feelings.
~Okey I will not touch~
-So. – He clapped his hands and put up a smile – Now for the good stuff – Paper and quill on the desk
-Sorry? – Damon got confused, obviously.
-Your name. time to pick your name adventurer – and slid the paper forward.