"You make some sense," Zhao Yulu actually felt that Chen Guanglei was right.
Initially, she hadn't thought much about it, and simply applied because the salary was high and the opportunities seemed grand.
It was only after Chen Guanglei mentioned it that she started to notice the problems.
Fisherman's Nook is a long-established brand with a solid reputation.
As it stands, running the business as is would generate a good profit each year; it's very stable.
But now, with a name change, who would know about it?
Turning JiangDilao into a well-known brand will be extremely challenging.
Furthermore, her father has been appointed general manager, and he hasn't worked in the business world for over a decade.
Even if he was capable before, he's likely out of touch with the current management trends.
Falling apart within a year isn't out of the question.
Unless Xu Yang can tolerate the constant losses and keep pumping money into it.