Chereads / Empire of Butuan / Chapter 104 - Chapter 100

Chapter 104 - Chapter 100

--- 3rd Person POV ---

--- 5th of August 1904 ---



In an opulent and grandeur room in the palace of Suryavarman. A handsome, 18-year-old man can be seen reading something while seating on a chair dedicated for his study. Wearing a traditional sonmin in royal blue, adorned with intricated regalia and patterns, one can say that the man is born with a golden spoon on his mouth.

The room that the man in is the study room, located at the northern wing of the palace. Adorned with piles of books and a table used for reading, chairs, and other necessary things for a study room. The room itself is big enough to house 100 individuals at once.

Accompanying the man inside the room are two of the man's trusted courtiers, both male and female. Wearing their traditional clothing prescribe by the Ministry of Imperial Palace under the approval of the maharaja. Both are silently standing on the left side of the room, waiting for the man's instructions.

Wind blows gently along with the rustling of the bamboo trees, giving it more a sense of serene feeling. Along with the wind's gentle blows, scent coming from the lit incense covers the entire room, giving more calm to the entire room.

The man in question, who is reading some book, is the current Yuvraj of Butuan Empire; Yuvraj Siagu Alexie, age 18. While reading, Yuvraj Siagu could not help it but take a glance at the dancing bamboo tree outside the window.

"It has been 8 years, and since then… the world has been totally different from what I have remembered." Yuvraj Siagu muttered to himself while staring at the dancing bamboo leaf, reminiscing the happenings in his life for the past years.

It has been 8 years since the war between Butuan and Japan occurred, and since then a lot have happened. The first big news came in 28 of October 1897, King Gojong of Joseon formally announces the creation of the Korean Empire, crowing him at Hwangudan, the coronation included both styles from the West and traditional Korean Coronation.

Yuvraj Siagu his entire family, and aunt; Samrati (Marchioness) Haimi of Butuan, attended the coronation to show support and recognition to King Gojong's act of proclamation. Members of the royal family from Siam and Hawai'i attended the coronation. That same day of coronation, Crown Prince Yeong was then appointed as Imperial Crown Prince Yeong.

Yuvraj Siagu remembers how majority of Western and Asian countries never really recognizes the proclamation of Emperor Gojong himself, even the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty reportedly laughs at the coronation. Which Yuvraj Siagu totally understand as the Korean Empire is a poverty stricken and crumbling empire.

But everything changes when Maharaja Siagu XV and King Rama V recognizes and legitimizes the reign of Emperor Gojong. Even the Japanese Empire recognizes the existence of Korean Empire. And by the following months, the Pan-Oriental League was born, an alliance between Butuan-Siam-Hawai'i-Joseon, prompting other countries to reconsider their actions.

Adoption of western military uniforms and clothing were also put into place by government officials and military units in Joseon, following the actions made by its allied nation. Although the usage of traditional palace guards attire remains the same.

Following the coronation of Emperor Gojong of Korea. Yuvraj Siagu's mother, Maharani Alice also given birth to a triplet; 2 boys and 1 girl. The boys were named; Kiran and Arin while the girl is named Anaya. It was a jubilation for Yuvraj Siagu's family and the people of the palace. Maharani Alice was even in full joy after seeing her newly born children at that time.

Maharajkumar Ainesh and Maharajkumari Mahati, along with Yuvraj Siagu, were also in full joy after seeing their younger siblings. The young Maharajkumar Ainesh particularly dotted on the newly born, Maharajkumar Kiran due to his ash-colored eyes. Maharajkumari Mahati on the other hand dotted the babe Maharajkumari Anaya due to her being a girl. While Yuvraj Siagu dotted on the young Rajkumar Arin for being an active little child.

But despite the additional member to the family of Shaja, the jubilation did not last long as the young Rajkumar Arin died at the age of 5 in 1902 due to tuberculosis. This put the entirety of Butuan Empire into a 12-day mourning period due to the young Rajkumar's death. Following the traditional mourning period of the Butuanon culture, believing that the spirit of the dead only last in the world of the living for 12 days before it ascends to the afterlife.

Maharani Alice, Yuvraj Siagu's mother, locked herself on her chamber for the next 10 days after the funeral of her son. Cries and wails of pain and suffering could be heard outside the chamber of Maharani Alice every night. But it was not just Maharani Alice whom have suffered. Maharaja Siagu XV also have distance himself from official work for a month before returning.

Even Yuvraj Siagu, Maharajkumari Mahati, Maharajkumar Ainesh, and the young Maharajkumar Kiran and Maharajkumari Anaya were in no mood to continue their duties and studies as royal children for the next 5 days as all of them felt missing. Yuvraj Siagu Alexie particularly felt distress after losing his brother; blaming himself for inadequate preparation just to save his younger brother. It was only when Princess Abbhantripaja of Siam comforted him that he returns to normal.

This made Yuvraj Siagu Alexie realizes and fully understood the idea of a monarch being indifferent at all times, just like how his father; Maharaja Siagu XV is doing. With this, Yuvraj Siagu Alexie became more focus on emulating the true stature of being the future monarch of Butuan. Thus, despite his grief and pain, Yuvraj Siagu suppresses his emotion and force himself to face forward, slowly hardening his heart on the process.

Japan on the other hand became an ally of Butuan at 1902 which was subsequently followed by Siam and Korea. Which became a controversial moved of Emperor Gojong as some Koreans still viewed the Japanese as their enemies, but Emperor Gojong knew the importance of establishing friendly relation with Japan and moving on from the past.

The following month of 1902, Japan officially joins the Pan-Oriental Alliance of Butuan, Siam, Hawai'i, and Korea. A defensive and economic alliance, protecting and promoting the interest of the 4 nations and one protectorate. A common ideology of Asian first became the common ideology of the alliance, having Butuan as its leader. Anti-western ideology and sentiment among the common people grew, particularly towards Britain, USA, France, and Russia.

Particularly in Butuan where hatred for Westerners, specifically for Britain, France, Netherlands, and the American's, and the Qing grew significantly after the publication of an article entitled, "Chains of Deceit: The Western Betrayal and the Dragon's Greed". This was even intensified after people remembers how the United States of America involved itself with the independence war of Cuba against Spain, one of traditional ally of Butuan Empire.

Huge anti-western sentiments linger in the entirety of the empire causing Westerners whom have little to no blood of a Butuanon and deemed by the people as alien were discriminated and hated by the locals. Shunning them with services from local businesses and other more. This made the ambassadors of these western nations to seek the audience with Maharaja Siagu XV, seeking to intervene with the current situation.

But instead of receiving a proper answer from Maharaja Siagu XV the western ambassadors to Butuan were instead ignored and shunned from entering the Diliwata Estate. The same situation happened in Siam, Korea, and Japan, with people slowly having anti-western sentiments and started to prioritize their own country's situation and allies.

Japan even pulled out from the Anglo-Japanese alliance that they were brewing with Britain and instead officially joined the Pan-Oriental Alliance in 1902, after years of being an observing guest. Making Britain loss its face against Butuan.

Along with this, modernization of societies of the 4 nations became also the goal, headed by Butuan. Korea, Siam, and Japan, boosted their development while being assisted by Butuan financially and technologically. Korea benefitted the most on this venture as it is the most poverty-stricken country in out from the group.

Siam and Japan; already on the road of comparing to other western countries, developed on a much stable way while subsequently providing support to Korea in a much lesser scale. This made the Butuan Empire popular to the eyes of the people of Korea, Siam, and Japan.

Western architecture mixed with traditional architectural styles have also became a common sight to see in countries of Butuan, Japan, Korea, and Siam, as architects and people became more interested in opening to this avenue to styles.

Although initial reluctance and prejudice from the people hinders this development to take foot during the late 19th Century but upon the first 4 years of the 20th century, acceptance with this architectural style became a boom; despite the hatred and prejudice of the populace towards the westerners.

On the other hand, just years after aeroplanes were introduced in war, countries started to develop their own aeroplanes to counter the technology that Butuan has. But reality never smiles at the broader spectrum as it took western countries a total of 5 years for their efforts to bear some good fruit.

In 1900, Britain became the second country to develop their own version of aeroplanes, establishing their own Royal Flying Corps. This occurred after Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury announces the end of Britain's isolation. The German Empire then followed the British by developing their own aeroplanes, becoming the third country to do so after feeling too much pressure from Butuan and Britain.

France and the United States became the 4th and the 5th superpower country that developed their own aeroplanes. Although came almost last, both have demonstrated will to not be left behind. Russia and the Austrian Empire, ravaged by political and economic instability, moderately developed their own forces, almost posing no threat to other countries. Even Siam, Korea, and Japan, laughs at Russia and the Austrian Empire's development in broad daylight.

But the Ottoman Empire became the one lagging behind due to its late acceptance of the incorporation of aeroplanes on its rank. It wasn't until the when the British shows its forces in the middle east that the Ottoman Empire felt the pressure to established its own forces for protection.

But despite these countries' effort, Butuan still steps ahead of them all as Butuan continues to manufacture and produce aeroplanes that is an improvement or a new model from the previous one. Siam, Korea, and Japan, also benefited from this as the three countries have establishes their own aeroplane military forces, equipped with planes produced by Butuan and their own scientist and engineers after years of training in Sooraj.

By the following year, renovation and construction of the new Imperial Compound have also been completed. Altering the structure and the design of the entire compound from its original look. Making it totally different from what Yuvraj Siagu have seen the day after he was delivered. The Imperial City have also been open once again to the public after the war, allowing people to marvel the beauty of the Imperial City.

But what really made Yuvraj Siagu and his family happy is the marriage between Crown Prince Vajiravudh of Siam and Lady Kaahini of Siargao in Bangkok, Siam, last 1902. The union was attended by main members of the Shaja and Chakri Dynasty. Other foreign Asian royals and western delegates also attended to commemorate the union. The union was held at the Grand Palace of Bangkok, Siam. The ceremony follows a traditional Thai-Buddhist wedding.

"Your Imperial Highness! Your Imperial Highness!" A continuous calling with a hint of distress and worry echoes through the entire hallway of the Suryavarman Palace causing disturbance in the entire palace.

Courtiers whom have been busy with their daily works of maintenance became aware of the noise causing them to paused a bit and reprimand the shouting female court lady.

"Hush with your shout." A female court lady whom have been serving the family for 30 years stated with reprimanding tone, "What is it that causing you to shout at the residence of the imperial family? Are you seeking death? Are you not aware that the Yuvraj is here for his personal study?!"

With reprimanding from the court lady echoing through the halls of the palace, Yuvraj Siagu was brought back from his daze and realizes the loud noise coming from the outside. Curiosity and irritation visibly appear on the face of Yuvraj Siagu as he requested a total silence while studying.

"Senior Court Lady Mei Ying." Yuvraj Siagu uttered while focusing his eyes on his book.

Moving forward graciously Senior Court Lady Mei Ying replied, "Yes, Your Imperial Highness?"

"Check on what is happening outside. If I remember correctly, I specifically ordered that there should be no disturbances for the next 2 hours while I am studying." Yuvraj Siagu ordered calmly which Senior Court Lady Mei Ying followed and left the room in haste.

Yuvraj Siagu then returns back to his reading, completely ignoring the things that is transpiring outside once more. His personal assistant, Senior Eunuch Radhesh also keeps on an attentive position, not wanting to disturb his master while keeping him a company.

Worry is what Senior Eunuch Radhesh is feeling right now while accompanying his master in study. As a servant born to serve the imperial family, Senior Eunuch Radhesh have seen his master grow from one thing to another. But since the death of his master's younger brother; Rajkumar Arin. His master has been putting all efforts into his study and duty.

Other might see this as a good thing, but Senior Eunuch Radhesh knows for a fact that his master is just avoiding things that will remind him of his younger brother. Although not known to others, but Senior Eunuch Radhesh have always heard a faint cry at night at the chamber of his master, the same situation occurs at the chamber of Maharani Alice.

Senior Eunuch Radhesh saw how his master dotted on the late Rajkumar Arin. Thus, when the young Rajkumar died, his master has also lost interest on other things. His master even locked himself on his chamber for few days due to pain. It was only until his master's fiancé; Princess Abbhantripaja of Siam comforted him that his master once again smile. But still, worry is still what Senior Eunuch Radhesh is feeling as his master became cold towards others and have become too protective to his family.

But Senior Eunuch Radhesh just hope that his master's effort will be in good used for the people and the nation.

Senior Court Lady Mei Ying on the other hand, after getting out from the study room, made her way to the cause of commotion with strict and intimidating demeanor. Emulating the status of her master, whom she is serving loyally.

"You are lucky that other members of the Imperial Family were not in here. Have the training of you lower ranking courtiers have not been engraved to your head yet?" Senior Court Lady Mei Ying heard the older courtier stated towards the younger courtier, whom is now shaking in fear.

Seeing the arrival of Senior Court Lady Mei Ying, the watching eunuchs and court ladies created a pathway for Senior Court Lady Mei Ying to walk, afraid of being reprimanded by Senior Court Lady Mei Ying himself.

"What is the meaning of this?" Senior Court Lady Mei Ying inquired in full seriousness and intimidation.

This catches the two court ladies off guard and faces Senior Court Lady Mei Ying with respect. Both courtiers have then faced Senior Court Lady Mei Ying, waiting for their superior to continue her words.

In the imperial palace, courtiers followed strict rules of hierarchy. Those who are on the top are to be respected and be followed while those below them are expected to follow their superior.

The first stage is the apprentice courtiers; typically age 10-17 years, reflecting the beginning of formal training and service. Trained to be a loyal and perfect servant for the imperial family, they usually assist higher-ranking courtiers and learn the roles and responsibilities of court life.

The second stage is Assistant Court Lady/Assistant Eunuch; typically, age 18-20+, reflecting initial training and experience. They usually handle smaller responsibilities within the court, under supervision. By this time also in the past, Assistant Eunuchs were castrated to protect the woman of the harem.

The third stage is Junior Court Lady/Junior Eunuch; t typically 20+ years, reflecting developing experience. They are responsible for more specific tasks and functions, gaining experience and training for higher positions.

The fourth stage is Deputy Court Lady/Deputy Eunuch; typically, 25+ years, reflecting growing experience and capability. They typically are the assistants to the Court Lady/Chief Eunuch, taking on significant responsibilities and managing specific tasks within the court.

The fifth stage is Court Lady/Chief Eunuch; typically, 30+ years, reflecting substantial experience. They are officials who hold important administrative positions, manage various court activities, and oversee Junior Courtiers.

The last two stages are what all courtiers of the palace wanted to achieve during their life time. As these last wo positions will bring them closer to the family they are serving. The second highest position is the Senior Court Lady / Senior Eunuch; typically, 35+ years, reflecting significant experience and authority. Senior officials who manage major court functions, specific departments, and advise the Head Court Lady/Head Eunuch.

And lastly, the position where can only be occupied by two individuals; Head Court Lady/Head Eunuch. Typically, 40+ years, reflecting extensive experience and maturity. The highest-ranking courtier responsible for overseeing all court affairs and other courtiers. But the ages required for each position can sometimes be disregarded, depending on the qualification and experienced on the said courtier.

And Senior Court Lady Mei Ying is an example of this as despite her age of just barely reaching the age of 30. Even the current Head Eunuch, Kanwar Saanvi, haven't even reaches the age of 40 to date. But due to their contribution and dedication, they have been chosen to be appointed on the said position.

Thus, despite how young Senior Court Lady Mei Ying is, due to her position as a Senior Court Lady, she is still a respected courtier in the circles of courtiers of the imperial palace.

"Do I still need to repeat myself and force you both to speak?" Senior Court Lady Mei Ying stated in irritation, "You… a junior court lady. Your tasked should have been at the presence of your superior. What are you doing here at the Suryayarna Palace shouting with such barbaric attitude? Pray tell that the Maharajkumaris and Maharajkumars are not here to listen to your display of vulgarity.

But still, you have gravely disturbed the Yuvraj of the empire from his study. Causing His Highness to lose focus and be irritated due to your quarrel." Senior Court Lady Mei Ying continues with intimidation.

"Senior Court Lady… I-" the older court lady wanted to speak but was intercepted by Senior Court Lady Mei Ying herself.

"Did I asked you to speak, Court Lady Rena?" Senior Court Lady Mei Ying interjected causing Court Lady Rena to tense up. Even the courtiers surrounding them suddenly tensed up in fear. Coldness and strictness were two of the most important personality a courtier must have, and Senior Court Lady Mei Ying has it already.

Senior Court Lady Mei Ying then directed her attention back to the junior court lady whom is now shaking in intimidation, "You are a junior court lady assigned to assist the activities in the main palace, what is it that brought you here in haste?"

In the circle of lower court ladies, the name of Senior Court Lady Mei Ying has been the subject of fear and admiration for the courtiers. As the woman known to be one of the closest to the Yuvraj of the empire, Senior Court Lady Mei Ying holds one of the most sought-after positions in the palace. The courtiers fear for her on the other hand steams from the fact that Senior Court Lady Mei Ying is known for being strict, cold, and intimidating individual.

Thus, Court Lady Rena fears and admired Senior Court Lady Mei Ying at the same time.

Fearing on being reprimanded by her superior, the junior court lady started to speak, "I have been sent by the maharani to inform the Yuvraj regarding an important matter. I was shouting as the message is in great. Thus, I seek for the forgiveness." The junior court lady stated with fear and resolute.

Curious on this matter, Senior Court Lady Mei Ying replied, "What is it? What is the message of Her Imperial Majesty to the Yuvraj?"

Silence was the answer of the junior court lady before tears started to fall from her eyes while shaking in panic, "Hi-his Imperial Majesty… the Maharaja, he collap-"

Before the junior court lady could even finished her words, Senior Court Lady Mei Ying started to run back to her master's study room with sense of urgency. Shouts coming from the other courtiers calling Senior Court Lady Mei Ying started to resonate. Along with this is the whispers of the maharaja's situation. But Senior Court Lady Mei Ying have no time to entertain and reprimand such situation.

Worry, shock, and fear, is what Senior Court Lady Mei Ying is feeling right now. With what Senior Court Lady Mei Ying just heard from the junior court lady, even if she did not finish listening to the junior court lady's words, one can already discern the main meaning of the words. The maharaja has collapsed on the palace of Sella.

As Senior Court Lady Mei Ying runs back to her master's study room, thoughts of prayers for the maharaja's safety started to be narrated to Senior Court Lady Mei Ying mind. Cold sweats even started to form on Senior Court Lady Mei Ying forehead.

As she finally made her way to the study room of her master; Yuvraj Siagu, Senior Court Lady Mei Ying enters without observing proper etiquette as this is an urgent matter. Other courtiers have also started to gather outside the study room of Yuvraj Siagu himself.

Yuvraj Siagu Alexie and Senior Eunuch Radhesh, seeing the sudden entrance of Senior Court Lady Mei Ying both look at the once composed and firm Senior Court Lady with confusion for the sudden loss of composure. It was Senior Eunuch Radhesh whom have recovered early and reprimanded Senior Court Lady Mei Ying.

"Senior Court Lady Mei Ying, what is the meaning of this? Have you lost your mind and started to act too barbaric?" Senior Eunuch Radhesh stated while fiercely looking at Senior Court Lady Mei Ying.

"Radhesh… let her slide this one time. Seeing with her reaction, it might be urgent." Yuvraj Siagu stated while raising his hand to signal the pause of unnecessary quarrel and signaling Senior Court Lady Mei Ying to start taking.

While shaking in stress and pressure, coupled with fear and worry for the maharaja, Senior Court Lady Mei Ying take some time before speaking, "Your Imperial Highness… It is the maharaja, he collapsed."

It was as if the world paused for Yuvraj Siagu himself after hearing the news about his father. The book that was once at his hand was unconsciously started to fall. Along with this, the pain of losing someone important to himself started to rush on Yuvraj Siagu's heart and mind. Everything went quiet after Yuvraj Siagu hears everything before dashing in haste towards the palace of Sella, not minding the call from the courtiers following him.