Kier stood and walked out of Ina's cabin. Medes and Mina followed him. Peppermint bounded after the Mage but stopped short at the entrance, fidgeting and glancing from Kier to Ina.
"Where are you going?" Ina shouted. She stood and walked to the door to stroke Mint gently on her head.
"Oh, right." Kier spun on place to walk back towards the cabin. "Thank you, Mint. I could not have gotten the information without you."
"You're going for that Dragon, aren't you?" asked the white fox.
"Of course I am. You know I have to write this story. And we'd better get you home, Mina."
"But you need help," said the crow.
"Sure I do." Kier shrugged and lifted his arm for Mina to alight on it. Medes did so on the Mage's shoulder. "But I don't really trust anyone else. And I want you guys safe."