Chereads / The Scar you gave me / Chapter 77 - lying to her

Chapter 77 - lying to her

"What's wrong?" Brian asked

"I don't know but Julius seems upset about something"

"Don't worry my dear wife, I will talk to him about it later, we will be meeting regarding a business partnership we have with some other small businesses one of these weeks"

"Thank you Brian" sel said

Julius called someone at night

"He didn't do right with her, I have come to care about her a lot and I am not going to allow anyone to hurt her again, I am going to let her forget him and to do that I don't mind occupying her mind. I am going to make her think about me and my actions all the time leaving no room for him. Take care I love you" he said

The next day he acted upon his words, early in the morning he went to Aileen's house

"What are you doing here?"

"I want to give you a ride to work"

"Huh? But Julius I have a car"

"Please Aileen only for this week, I want to be your driver"

Aileen noticed ever since they returned, he had been strange, she agreed maybe she also wanted to know what's up with him, Julius has always been a happy person around her maybe it's time for her to do the worrying and not him about her all the time

"I will come pick you up after work" he said and left

"What about breakfast and lunch, you always came to give me food for these past years" Aileen said when he left, she wanted to stop him and ask him

"Maybe he was busy" she said and went to work, In her office she found her breakfast on her table. She smiled seeing it she was happy

"I guess I will see you during lunch time like always" she said

She waited for him but he didn't come

"Miss Aileen, Julius asked me to give you this" collins said

She opened it and it was her lunch

"Where did you get this?"

"I met him outside and he gave it to me and left"

"Thank you" Aileen said to collins

"You came this far and you didn't come to see me, this is not done Julius I am angry at you"

He didn't come to pick her up after work too, he sent a driver from his company to do that

She called him and he didn't answer

In the morning Aileen waited for him to come pick her up but all she got was a text

"Sorry I can't keep my promise of picking you up for this week, I have a lot of work"

For that week Aileen didn't see him

"If you're avoiding me then you should avoid doing the things you used to do also, stop doing them" she said sadly

"Hey where's your mind" sel asked Aileen when on Saturday she went with her to help their mom out and they asked her to relax

A little while ago, Aileen had called Julius but he didn't pick

"Send me a message if anything"

"Hey I am free this weekend do you want us to hang out"

"Sorry I am a little busy" was all he said

"Aileen!!!" Sel shouted

"Is everything alright?" Sel asked

"No sis, it's Julius for about two weeks I haven't seen him nor talked to him, all he does is text me"

"Maybe he's busy"

"In the past no matter how busy he was he still made time for me"

"Aileen you don't expect him to do that always maybe this time he can't make any space for you"

"Then he shouldn't have made me gotten used to this, I feel he's avoiding me"

"Avoiding you? Why would he?"

"I want to find out too"

Another week came and Julius still didn't show up, he was always on the mind of Aileen

"Fine if you don't want to be friends with me again I don't care" she said one evening but early in the morning she went to his office

Julius had been working tirelessly during those weeks

"Sir someone wants to see you" his assistant said

"I don't have time for this…"

"Not even for me"