So this story is gonna be about a group of 12 year old children who built a spaceship that took them 1 year to build.Who then set off and got lost in space for 2 years.While their Family members and their friends where oblivious to where they were.Their was a missing children's report that the police investigated but it eventually went no where. The children who set of into space family members and friends mourned over their deaths.But they accepted that they were gone and once a year every year on the day they went missing.They went to their empty graves and mourned their presumed death but one year they went to their graves.Then they saw something coming down to earth which got caught on NASA's radar.It landed close by then NASA and them rushed to the landing site and the saw a space shuttle.Then NASA told them to back away from the spaceship then it's doors slowly opened the NASA team pointed there guns.At the door then what they saw was 6 children who looked like older versions of the missing children.
I'm a 5,10 14 year old African American boy with twits that has pink tips and I'm the smartest of the group and the semi co leader the group has a leader and doesn't at the same time my personality Is I'm lazy sometimes but if I want to do something I'm going to do it to the best of my abilities
He is an 5,7 14 year old Hispanic African boy with waves who is the mechanic of the group his is than of a eccentric boy who can be serious
THEN WE HAVE Alexandra
But we call her Alex she's 14 years old 5,5 white girl she has blonde short straight hair with black on the top and she's a moody girl and she's very kind
And you have HANA
Hana is 5,5.5 14 almost 15 years old Asian girl and she is serious but she's playful sometimes and she has black long straight hair
Then you have Jack
Jack is a 5,8 14 year old white boy who has freckles and has brown hair and a high fade who is playful and funny and at least he thinks he is
Last but not least Breanna
But we call her Anna she's an 13 year old black girl who's very close to 14 she has brown braids very shy but opens up when she's with people who are close to her
Extra Details for the children it has been 2 and a half years but for others on earth it's been 3 years plus all the children families are very rich that's how they have the money to build the space ship and they are all all A students