Chereads / Damaged doors (MHA fan fiction) / Chapter 14 - Origins and endings

Chapter 14 - Origins and endings

Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto had reached the halfway point on the staircase by this time and Izuku decided he needed to take a break to catch his breath

"Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine Katsuki"

He sighed heavily as Katsuki sat down next to him and nudged him gently

"What's got you sighing so heavily then?" "It's just that… I realize now how big this role really is, and I just accepted without knowing anything about it really. I wasn't even told what the plan was, just where to meet. Maybe he forgot…" "Well, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that he just forgot to tell you, but judging by the way he looked at me and Shoto I don't think he ever intended on telling you the plan, or at least not your part."

Izuku looked out into the vast forest lost in thought while Shoto paced back and forth a bit thinking about something. It was silent between the 3 men for a little bit until…


Shoto, Izuku, and Katsuki looked around concerned before Izuku said:

"I'll go check it out." "No midoriya, you need to follow what the detective said and get to the top of the stairs I'll go." "Can it, both of you."

Izuku and Shoto looked at Katsuki who was staring into the forest around them

"I'm going, Shoto, you stay with Izuku. Make sure he gets to the top of this staircase safely. Do not leave him by himself, got it?" "But Katsuki what about-" "I'll be fine Izuku, go."

Izuku watched as Katsuki ran in the direction of the scream and gradually out of sight. He stood there for a few seconds more before Shoto started to usher him up the stairs.


Izuku got more and more scared as they neared the end of the stairs. He could see the top of the stairs now, and something inside him warned him to turn back. Like something bad was going to happen. As soon as Izuku took the final step up he turned around to look behind him, but no one was there. He was beyond worried, Katsuki should've been back a long time ago. Where was he? Izuku turned back to his left to find Shoto, but now he was gone too. That was weird, he was right there a second ago. Izuku was going to go back to search for him until he heard muffled screaming behind him, Izuku was petrified to find Shoto in the hands of Officer Yamada tied up and knocked out cold. Izuku watched as Officer Yamada threw Todoroki's unconscious body aside with a look of guilt on his face.

"O-officer Yamada? Officer Aizawa? What's going on? What did you do to Shoto? Where's Katsuki?" "Izuku, it's nothing personal…" "Come on kid, just stay calm, it was only under the detective's orders…"

Izuku looked from Todoroki to the police officers in fear as he slowly backed away from them both, but suddenly he bumped into Detective Keigo who had a blank but menacing look on his face. He wasn't there a few seconds ago, Izuku couldn't understand what was going on.

"Detective Keigo? What's happening? Why do you look?-"

Izuku fell to the floor before he could finish his question. His eyelids started to feel heavy on his face and his vision started to blur. Before he fell asleep he could hear the detective say:

"Thanks for blindly accepting, I couldn't have done it without you~ I'll make sure to dedicate my promotion to you, and if we can find your body I'll hold a funeral."


Izuku woke up somewhere in the woods, whether he was still at the shrine he didn't know but he knew he was tied up, he could feel the uncomfortable rope on every inch of his body which made him more sensitive to even the clothes he was wearing under the ropes. Izuku was beyond upset, he felt betrayed even, why would detective Keigo, out of all people, have to do that? Was it a part of the plan? Why wasn't he told? It would be his life put at risk, so it would be better if he knew right?

"If I could just make the bondings a little looser… maybe I could-" "Maybe you could what freckled bunny?~"

Izuku slowly looked up at the man in front of him, secretly hoping it was just some sick joke, but it wasn't. It was him except this time his whole head of hair was purple. Izuku was curious but frightened at the same time.

"I decided to go natural for you today Izuku~ The light blue dye started to wear off, so I just decided it was time to show you all of me! Well at least the part you hadn't seen~"

The man laughed hysterically as Izuku cringed and looked away from the man In front of him joking casually about taking his virginity unconsented. The man kneeled down to Izuku's level and caressed his neck gently while laughing at how Izuku shivered and whimpered because he was still sensitive to touch because of the drug Detective Keigo put in his system.

"P-please, stop…" "Why? You clearly look like you're enjoying it~" "I'm not! The detective-" "Put a drug in your system? I know~ Detective Keigo has always been extreme like that~ Using MDMA was a bold choice for him~" "H-how would you know?" "Because he told me he would." "W-what?"

Izuku didn't believe the rapist at first. The detective wouldn't do that, not after all that talk about helping Izuku and getting him arrested.

"Yes, the detective has been able to contact me for a long, long time~ Way before I found you even…" "T-then why?-" "You ask a lot of questions Mr. Midoriya. I thought you would probably be too scared to speak by now…" "Ah, speak of the devil~"

The man looked at the detective as he walked in front of both of them with an unbothered look on his face. Izuku stared in disbelief as The detective looked down at the man.

"I hope you make it quick, i'm on a schedule." "Aww, my last day on the outside and you tell me to make quick work of my little present?~ That's so rude of you~" "I don't have all day! Hurry up and do what you do best…"

Izuku felt his disbelief turn into rage as he watched the detective start to walk away from him leaving him at the mercy of whoever this man really was. As the detective walked out of sight from Izuku and the man, Izuku started to get a horrible feeling in his stomach. As if something bad was going to happen. Just then the man had grabbed Izuku's face harshly, forcing Izuku to stare at the man.

"Let's talk a little before I have my way with you~ about this…"

The man tapped the right side of his face where the scar from 3 days ago had still not healed fully yet.

"You really did a number on me that day~ Though it really turned me on to see you running so helplessly from me, as though I was a predator diligently chasing after it's prey!~"

He mercilessly twisted and pulled on Izuku's nipples making Izuku whimper and moan shamefully as he trembled and cringed

"P-please, leave me alone…. Why are you doing this to m-me? Who are you r-really!?"

The man smirked at Izuku as he chuckled softly and smugly

"Well all you had to do was ask~" "Just shut up and tell me!"

The rapist grabbed Izuku by his hair and forced Izuku to look up at him as he unzipped his pants in the process, rubbing his throbbing member in Izuku's face.

"That's no way to speak to an old friend~ I think I'll have to teach you some manners myself. Don't worry, you'll still get to know me~ With no interruptions~"

He had stuffed his member into Izuku's mouth and started to move slowly as Izuku struggled to breathe.

"So you wanted to know who I am, right? Well here's my story"

*12 years ago*

Izuku had always been one of the two people everyone in class got along with well, even if Katsuki didn't want to admit it he actually cared for Izuku deeply. As soon as Izuku became part of the class of 1-A everyone adored him, some more than others… He liked having many friends to hang out with because of his past with bullies and whatever else. Mineta always felt he had a close connection with Izuku from the moment they became friends, but he really confirmed his feelings for Izuku when he got saved from a school shooter that went by the name Tomura who was only a year above them in school. From then on Mineta decided to cherish and love Izuku from afar, being perverted towards the girls so that no one would find out, nobody else knew except for his best friend Denki Kaminari, who had advised him not to follow Izuku around so much because it was basically stalking. But in Mineta's eyes Denki didn't know what he was talking about. Denki didn't know true love or what it looked like, that was true love! So Minoru told Kaminari that he had stopped following Izuku, but instead he took it to the next level. He decided it wouldn't be too bad to follow Izuku home by chance one day even though they lived in two different areas of Nagano, but before he could try he got caught up with finals and before he knew it the school year was over. But in their second year of high school he decided it was finally time for him to start making a move on Izuku. So he wrote a note to Izuku saying:

"Dear Midoriya,

Your eyes are like beautiful emeralds

Your hair like the swaying grass

Your bright smile makes my heart beat fast

Your tenderness makes me feel as free as a bird

And you laugh makes my stomach do flips

I want you to be mine



Minoru snuck into the school early and placed the poem accompanied by a bouquet of roses and chocolates, hoping that Izuku would be the first to find it. Unfortunately that didn't go as planned, because when he returned to the classroom after hiding in the bathroom so that he wouldn't be spotted he saw Mina, Ochaco, and Toru standing around Izuku's desk giggling. Those nosy bitches… He walked over to the scene to hear the conversation between them.

"Mina, Who do you think wrote this letter?" "I don't know ochaco? It's really trashy to be honest and pretty bold to do on the first day back in school… Worry not! Detective Mina is on the case!" "Shouldn't ochaco be the first suspect? We all know she has a major crush on Midoriya~" "Guys! No, I didn't write this! I would have definitely signed my name if I did!"

The girls wondered for a bit more before they started guessing again. More people walked into the class. Mina turned to tokoyami immediately and stared him down.

"Hey! Edgar Allen crow!" "That's not my name, Ashido…" "Ugh, fine. Tokoyami, did you write this?"

Tokoyami looked at it in disgust and basically gagged at the note.

"Hell no… not that I dislike Midoriya I just don't feel this way about him, it's also very vanilla for my tastes… It's also repulsive."

Mineta tried not to show it, but he was very offended by what they all had to say about his heartfelt poem to Izuku, for Izuku. They should've never picked it up in the first place, but just as Minoru reached out to grab his letter Katsuki, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Izuku walked into the classroom forcing Mineta to put his hand down and stand up to greet Izuku.

"Hey, Midoriya!" "Hello Mineta! How was your break?" "It went really well-" "We're just gonna ignore the elephant in the room!?"

Mina had cut off Izuku and mineta's conversation and called over Izuku to his table.

"What is it, Mina?" "Look at your table! Someone left a love letter to you! It's really trash…" "Don't say that Mina, I'm sure it's not as bad as you're making it out to be…"

Izuku read the letter and smiled awkwardly, Mineta paid close attention to what Izuku had to say as he put down the note.

"I-it's really flattering that someone thinks this way about me… I don't know what to say…" "Oh, wow. I didn't think it was possible but there's another huge nerd in the school! You were made for each other…" " Don't be rude Katsuki, you're just jealous it wasn't you. Anyways, Shoto!"

Mina pointed over to a dumbfound Shoto who had just walked into the classroom and looked over at the scene.

"Yes, Ashido?" "Did you write this?"

Shoto walked over to Mina and read the letter, then he put it down and shook his head.

"No, I didn't. I'm a little offended because that handwriting is much worse than mine." "But you admit that you'd write a love letter for Izuku?" "If he asked, maybe, But-" "No buts! You said you'd do it!" "Stop trying to cause trouble raccoon eyes, just admit it, you'll never find out who."

Mina scoffed at Katsuki and sat down in her seat. The rest of the class came in and greeted each other before the teacher came in. By the end of the day Mina was over the letter and gave up on searching for the answer. But Mineta didn't get over it quite so easily, no. Actually, he liked writing these notes for Izuku, and it gave him the illusion that Izuku was actually his lover. The feeling he had everytime Izuku read one of his letters made him so horny to the point where he started having wet dreams about Izuku being under him with his luscious green locks sprawled across his face looking a hot mess as he shouted Minoru's name so loudly the sound followed him even outside of his dreams. Finally after a month, Minoru decided it was time for him to confess.

"Izuku! Wanna eat together for lunch on the roof?" "Oh, sure! I don't mind, I'd always liked the breeze up there anyways! And the view is so picture-worthy…" "Cool…"

Mineta and Izuku went up to the roof to eat lunch, but Mineta didn't eat one bite. All he did the whole time was watch Izuku as his emerald green locks swayed gently in the wind. Minoru decided that it was time.

"Hey Izuku…" "Yes Minoru?"

Mineta blushed as Izuku called his name, it was irresistible and tantalizing to him. It had to be his.

"I have something important to tell you…." "What is it?" "Izuku Midoriya I… I'm in love with you! And I want you to be my boyfriend."

Izuku was taken aback by Mineta's statement. He didn't think that Minoru felt this way about him. He didn't know what to or what to say, he didn't want to hurt minoru's feelings but he didn't want to lead him on either. He never thought of Minoru in that way, he needed time to think.

"I-I need time to think…"

Izuku stood up and excused himself as he headed down from the roof and into the classroom. He didn't know what to do and he was baffled so he assumed the best course of action was to ask Kaminari, seeing as he and Mineta were best friends.

"Kaminari… I need your help…" "If it's anything about school work you might have to find someone else because I don't get it myself haha…" "No it's something different…" "Oh you need a charger? That's cool I've got like 12 in my bag right now which type do you need?" "No, it's not that either but thank you anyways, it's about Minoru." "OOOOH! Wait what did Minoru do?" "He umm… Should I say this out loud?" "Hmmmmm… Is mina around?" "Not anywhere that I know of?" "Lets go to the bathroom, anytime you can't see Mina it usually means she's closeby listening."

Izuku followed Kaminari to the bathroom and leaned on the bathroom stall as soon as they got inside, Kaminari chose to sit on the sink.

"So what were you telling me about Minoru earlier?" "He. ummm… he confessed feelings to me." "Woah… I didn't think he would do it. What did you say?" "I told him I needed to think, but really I don't feel the same way. I've never really seen Minoru in that way, but I don't want to hurt his feelings and say no to him…"

Kaminari looked at Izuku blankly and sighed.

"Look, Midoriya I know that you're his friend, I know that I'm his friend, but even so you do what you want and you feel what you wanna feel. Personally, you should just tell him how you really feel. Tell him that you don't think of him that way, it'll make a lot of things easier. Sure you'll feel guilty but it'll be better." "Thank you Kaminari…" "No problem. Now… about the work…." "I'll hold a study session later." "Thank you so much."

Izuku told Mineta the next day that he didn't feel the same way and that he was sorry after school. Mineta wasn't upset, in fact, he expected that answer even though it hurt to hear, but he was determined to make Izuku like him no matter what. So over the next three months Minoru continued writing the love letters for Izuku and put them in his locker before he got to school. He thought the letters were fine, he just ended up going a little overboard at one point, but it just got so exhilarating for him when he watched Izuku's face turn from surprised to shocked as he read the letters. He decided on the third month he would confess to Izuku again since they were a little closer than before. Well, at least in mineta's view.

"Izuku, can you meet me at the back of the gym after school?" "Sure Minoru! But, can you tell me why?" "It's umm… secret." "You're not planning on spying on the girls again are you?" "Nope, I don't do that anymore… I just really need to get something off of my chest." "Oh, ok!"

That day Izuku met Mineta behind the school.

"So what did you need to tell me, Minoru?" "Izuku, I had fallen in love with you last year and I didn't know how to express that into words when I first confessed, but I do now, and I want you to be with me together. Your voice Is tantalizing and the way you call my name is mesmerizing to me, and your personality is so beautiful. Everything about you Is so amazing and I want you to be with me." "O-Oh… Minoru…"

Izuku, even though he had heard it from Mineta before, was shocked. He didn't know that Mineta still held those feelings for him. He was flattered, but this time he would have to tell Mineta again that he didn't feel the same way about him.

"Minoru, I'm sorry. I haven't really seen you that way, and I believe that we are really good friends but I don't see us in a relationship. I'm sorry…"

And with that Izuku started walking home. As soon as Izuku was far enough from him, Minoru began following him fuming. This was the second time he had been rejected by Izuku, but he didn't believe that Izuku just didn't see him that way. There had to be another reason for Izuku's rejection. Minoru followed Izuku home while paying attention to his behavior. But nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He continued doing this until Izuku turned behind him but Minoru hid in the conveniently nearby alleyway before Izuku could catch on. He felt so upset but at the same time he was turned on. The thought of what Izuku would do to him if he was found following him home was making him too horny to control, he immediately rushed home and thought of Ideas to kidnap him and came up with the perfect one but when he went to collect the materials he needed he realized that he was short on tape and rope. So he just stuck with his plan B which was writing the letters to Izuku until he came crawling to him. But Izuku didn't see it that way. He thought Minoru was over his crush on him, and was still concerned About the letters. He let it go on for about a month more until he decided to seek help from the only person he could.

"Kacchan... " "What do you want Deku?" "There's been someone following me and putting notes in my locker." "What? Having popularity problems?"

Izuku shook his head and handed the most recent note to Katsuki. As Katsuki read the note he got more and more concerned. Mineta hadn't come to school that day so there was no new note much to Izuku's relief.

"What the hell... When did you get this one!?" "Yesterday..." "How long have you been getting them?" "About.... This many months."

Izuku held up a hand to tell Katsuki he had been getting these for 5 months straight.

"You mean to tell me you've been getting these threats for 5 months!?" "The notes aren't threats Katsuki..." "So then what are they!?"

Izuku moved closer to Katsuki and told him that they were actually love letters

"You're lying, well either that or you're a huge masochist." "I'm not lying Kacchan! And I'm not a masochist either, My tastes are very vanilla I'll have you know... Read the note closely."

Katsuki read the letter again and sighed as he put it face down on his desk while leaning back in his chair.

"What kind of sick bastard do you have following you around now?" "You say that like there has been one before..." "Yes, there was one before, she was a crazy blonde girl. I just got rid of her before you found out. Now you have a sadistic lovesick puppy following you around. Seriously, you are a trouble Magnet..." "What should I do?"

Katsuki sighed and picked up his bags as he headed towards the door of the classroom. He noticed that Izuku wasn't following him and he said:


From that day on, someone in the class except for Mineta walked Izuku home. Eventually Mineta decided he wanted to walk Izuku home, nobody knew the real reason was because he now had all the materials he needed and nobody suspected anything so almost everyone in the class agreed, but Kaminari didn't like that Idea. So he had Katsuki and Kirishima follow home. They followed Izuku and Mineta until they stopped at a random drink stand. Mineta ordered 2 drinks and walked into an alleyway when Izuku looked away. Katsuki told Kirishima to watch Izuku and followed Mineta. He saw that Mineta had put something into Izuku's drink and grabbed him by his collar before he started to walk back.

"K-katsuki!" "What the hell are you doing!? What did you put in Izuku's drink!?"

Mineta smirked smugly as he chuckled and said:

"Why do you care? Don't you just bully him everyday?"

Katsuki punched Mineta in the face and shoved him against the wall harder.

"That's my friend, Even if I don't admit it, hell, that's your classmate. Were you trying to poison him or something!? Why would you do that? He trusts you!" "You don't understand shit... He's going to be mine whether he chooses to be or whether I force him to be! I'll make him love me…" "Let me tell you something Minoru Mineta, I can knock you the fuck out and call the cops right now to arrest you and I'll tell everyone what you've been doing. Keep stalking Izuku and see what happens." "Tch, cockblocker…"

Katsuki lets go of mineta and lets him fall onto the ground hard, knocking him out in the process. Then he carries Mineta's unconscious body to Izuku and Kirishima. Izuku carries mineta home in his unconscious state with Kirishima and Bakugo and then walks home with them. On the way Katsuki tells Kirishima what really happened in that alleyway.

"No way... So Midobro's stalker... " "Was really that purple pervert. And I bet you that tomorrow he's gonna act all buddy buddy with Izuku like he didn't try to poison or kidnap him." "Do you think he wrote those notes to him too?" "It can't be anyone but him, he's a fucking psycho above anything else…"

Sure enough, Katsuki was right and Mineta acted like nothing was wrong. While Izuku apologized to him profusely.

"Oh my god Minoru I'm so sorry! I didn't think that would happen to you! I'm so sorry!" "No, no It's ok Izuku…" "Really I apologize! I didn't know anyone was in so much danger!" "It's fine Izuku, really…"

The rest of the school year went undisturbed other than Katsuki constantly asking Izuku about the letters. By the next school year Mineta had left the school and the letters had stopped. Izuku thought that maybe his stalker really was threatening him and was really after Mineta the whole time, meanwhile, Katsuki and Kirishima knew the real reason behind the disappearance behind The letters and Mineta. After a month Izuku forgot about the whole thing. But Minoru never stopped following Izuku, he just got better at doing it.

- - - -

"So, Izuku Midoriya, my real Identity is Minoru Mineta."