Lighting struck down towards Arlong who was currently rushing towards nami with his sword intending to cleave her in half.
Luffy and the others watched the battle as sanji started fawning over nami.They had started fighting arlongs men.
Hachan was defeated by zoro quite easily as usso, coby and elmepo handled chew,kuroobi,Pisaro and defeated them.
Sanji was busy being sanji by trying to flirt with nami's sister.Luffy had gave orders to not kill any of the Fishmen.He had also encouraged nami to battle along as she was more than capable to.
"Nami do you really think you can defeat me you will never be anything more than a useless navigator."shouted arlong as he brought his sword down onto her head.
Nami ignored him as a cloud formed above her head blocking arlings sword as it then shot a bolt of lightning towards him knocking him into a nearby building.
Arlong got up as he used Fishman karate to send a fierce punch towards nami.Nami jumped up in the air as a dark cloud released a giant stream of water at arlong.
Arlong doged it as he appeared behind nami about cut of her head.Nami created a cloud that took the shape of a fist as it grabbed arlongs sword as another cloud struck him with a bolt of lightning piercing through his abdomin.
Arlong then was about to sneakily stab nami through the chest with a sword he had just picked up.Nami could not react in time but before she could get stabbed hatchan jumped in the way of the blade as he got stabbed instead.
"Hatchan why did you save me?"asked Nami."Im sorry nami for what you went through and I'm sorry for what happened to your mother hopefully you can forgive me someday."replied hatchan
Tears streamed from nami's eyes as a giant cloud was then formed over arlong along with the entire arlong park as lightning crackled on the giant storm cloud.
"This is for what you did to my mother and hatchan."said nami as a giant bolt of lightning struck down from the sky destroying the entirety of arlong Park.
The destruction of arlong park left alot of rubble laying all around nami as she saw arlongs scorched and unconscious body laying on a of a pile of rubble.
Tears streamed down from nami's eyes as the symbol of the years of pain arlong had caused her was now gone and she herself was the one to do it.
Nami's sister nojiko along with all the towns people came and witnessed how nami had liberated them from arlong.
Nami's sister ran up to her and hugged her as they had a heart felt moment between each other.The other villagers started to rejoice knowing that they would bo longer be suffering and glad arlongs rein of terror ended.
Luffy walked up to hatchan as he saw him next to the pool of water as momo was guarding his body as momo looked at luffy with vigilance.
Luffy raised his hand showing that he was not here to harm them.He knew that hatchan was a good person and wanted to help him.
Luffy walked up to hatchan who was looking at him with a little vigilance in his eyes."Hello nami told me that of all the arling pirates you were always kind to her and the other villagers so I know you are not a bad person so I'm here to help you."said luffy.
"Why would you help me afterall the things I've done?"asked hatchan."Because I know how much you have struggled I know that it was never your choice and I know you were upset about how your people were unjustly sold into slavery."replied luffy.