We now see Sebastian, Standing in the middle of nowhere, Staring out into space
[Race: Giant
[Age: 90]
[HP: 10,000]
[Strength: 5,000]
(Every point in strength is 10kg in lifting, So he has a lifting strength of 50,000, Idk my math may be wrong)
[End: 6500]
(Every point in End is 10 times the strength of Buckypaper, Which is 500 times stronger than steel,)
[Dex: 4340]
(Every point in dex is 10 times the speed of a bullet, Which is 2,600 mph)
[Int: 100]
(Can't make a story about a smart character. If the author himself isn't smart, That's why his int is so low)
[Wis: 500]
(Wis is just how wise he is)
- Sword and martial arts
mastery (Passive)
- Life return
- Soru
- Tekkai
- Kami-e
- Geppo
[World traveling]
"Wow, This is just like those RPGs I used to play with the kids and damn am I strong", I said, Admiring My Stats
As I click on sword and martial arts mastery
[Passive Skill Sword and Martial Arts Mastery: Max
[Makes Swords And Martial Arts Hit 100x Harder and 100x Faster, While making you hit harder]
"Huh, Neat", I said
As I am looking at the system, The system suddenly brighten up with life
[Hello, Welcome to the Multiverse travels system, Where if your dream is to explore the multiverse. Then this system is for you]
I got spooked by the system suddenly turning on but after I got my bearings, I talked to it
"You sounded a bit too coherent, So I have to ask. Are you sentient ", I asked
[Why yes, I am sentient good sir. Now don't worry you won't have a system falling in love with you, As I am a man. You can sigh in relief now]
"I have read my fair share of Chinese Novels that have systems, It's always a female or it's not specified and they also start abusing it, Acting like the system can't just take away there power", I said, Sighing and shaking my head
"Now don't get me wrong, There are some gems out there but most of the time it's just that", I said
[You know, I think we'll become best friends one day]
"Ight, Now are you going to tell me about you"
[Oh please, Take me out to dinner first]
"I think I can see why those Chinese novel characters, Hit the system now", I said, rasing my fist
[WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT, I'll tell you this time, No bull]
"You better", I said, lowering my fist
[Do you know what stats are]
"I do know what they are"
[Ok now, let me explain some basic shit about the shop, The shop in the system got everything you could want, You want haki. Go ahead and buy it, You want pizza. Well go ahead and buy it, you want to have a power so broken, it's break the balance of things, then go ahead buy it]
"When you mean everything, Does that include planets"
[Yes you can buy planets, If you don't believe me then open up the shop]
I clicked on the shop because I don't trust like that and I was bombarded with a list of things from different animes I have watched
[Kai planet]
[100M M.T.P]
[100,000 M.T.P]
[1B M.T.P]
[Masterful Singer]
[100 M.T.P]
[Profession mastery]
[300 M.T.P]
[Show all 192,252,144,244,123,795,000]
"Why is Voice-of-All-Things free"
[Because I didn't see anything in Voice Of All Things that could make you power ful of the bat, You do like a challenge don't you?]
"I do like a challenge, Also what are M.T.P"
[Oh they are multiverse travels points, I know very creative, You can get them by partaking in the main plot, Also the reason why most of the powers are so expensive is because of inflation, Damn inflation, No but seriously it's because of how powerful they are]
"Ah ok, Then I'll buy voice of all things"
[Ok, Now get ready for, Drum roll please, The World travel feature!]
"WOOOO", I said, Standing up from my seat and clapping
[I know, I know keep on praising me]
Then the clapping stopped
"So, What does it do"
[Well easy, It takes you to other world duh]
"I know that, It just how do you use it"
[Open the world travel feature, I'm too lazy to explain it]
Once I opened the feature, I got taken to a place in space with four buttons
[Random World]
[Previous World]
[World Coordinates]
[Saved World]
"Hey system, What's this all about"
[World coordinates are the coordinates of a world, For example, You want to go to this specific world without it being randomized. So you put in that worlds coordinates and BAM you're in the world now]
[Saved Worlds are backups of the worlds you been to just in case you lose them]
"Why is that so OP"
[Tbh man, I don't know]
"Ok enough talking, I'm ready to go"
[Just so you know time pauses in the last world]
"Didn't I say, Enough talking"
[But you're talking right now]
"I forgot to ask, am I the strongest in MHA?"
[Hohoho, no your far from being the strongest, you can go to another world right now is because, I was bored waiting for you to become the strongest]
"How far away?"
[Oh, 500,000 million tons away]
(I'm assuming he's that strong)
"DAMN, All might is that strong
[Yeah, now when are you going to press that button]
"Now", I said, pushing the button
I pushed the random world button then that same tube from the beginning appears again and forces me in, After a unknowned amount of time, I see a world again and blackout again,
Next time I woke up, I saw that I was in a room with a mech, Oddly familiar to shinji's mech and then I gain the memories of my body, When it was on autopilot
"HOLY SHIT, IM IN NEON GENESIS, I mean the mech, Aka Eva, Was a indicator but, HOLY SHIT, IM IN NEON GENESIS"
(How was the chapter, Rate it from a 1 to a 10)