At Irene's Hotel Room
It had been two hours after she left the Spellcaster, and had anxiously waited for her ex-husband's call. When none came, she initiated it by dialing his number, to her disappointment, her call was busied.
“Why has he not called me? Despite the spell, he still rejected my calls,” she murmured bitterly. Now, she was distressed, and gave her visit to the Spellcaster a thought, “I saw the Prince from the magic pot, and he was under a spell.”
After a while, she resolved to pay him a visit.
At Horton De Spellcaster's House.
Irene was lucky to get his attention at once when she visited earlier. Now, she had to join the waiting clients and miracle seekers. Despite her position as the Princess of a kingdom, she was not ashamed to be seen in such a place. Indeed, her quest for superiority over Mirabel, had blindfolded her sense of dignity.