The way I also wants to go with them on this weekend, I wish they could just squeeze us in, in their vacation also. It will be a perfect for me and Erich also.

“Guys, let’s go, to prepare for tomorrow,” Erich said so, and her friends followed her.

“Guys, do you even realize what you doing it’s? If we really want to be their friends, we have to do it in a proper way,” Eddie said with a stare, his eyes wandered to all of us.

“Yes, Eddie he’s right, we have to apologize” Aaron said.

“Here’s an idea, tomorrow morning, we have to wake up very early, pack everything we going to need, and follow them; I am pretty sure, they’re going to wait for each other at the campus, so let’s seize that, what do you all think?” I said, and asked, I hope the idea will make sense to them.

“I guess that will work, good idea, I’m up for it,” Aaron said, nodding his head.

I’m looking at all of my friends and they also nodding, I guess my idea its perfect. We will see tomorrow if it will work.

The early bird catches the fastest worm, that’s us. We got here as early as possible to catch them before they leave.

"Hey, Edward, did you hire a transport for us?” I asked Edward, who his eyes were roaming around, looking for Erich’s friends, but we all know he was specifically waiting to see Rose.

“Yes, it was the first thing I did, when I got to my flat yesterday,” he said, with reassuring voice, and face expression.

“Cool,” I said whilst looking at Erich and her friends, walking toward us.

Erich was looking very elegant, her wearing that dress, it was just a simple summer dress, but it fits her elegantly. With her walk, she could make all men fall from the stare, and cause accidents. I saw them stopping, talking while looking at us, I think they are more annoyed than yesterday. Lana, she looked annoyed more than her friends.

They walked toward us. And I moved myself near Erich. I am taller to Erich; I think 10 cm inches from her. Her smell could get a person in a mood, the scent it’s fruity, comfortable and sweet, very nice. I love it.

Michael made a loud sigh with a disappointment upon his face after answering his call.

Lana asked him with a sour face, and voice “What! What happened?”

“It’s the transport company, they said their transport got stuck on the way, so they ran out of their transports now, but they will compensate our money,” Michael responded, why this happening to us. He said while throwing his hands up in the air.

Then I heard Toni chuckle. I also wanted to chuckle, because that means we will offer them to go with us, that is definitely our chance to seize, since Edward, hired a 16-passenger minibus transport. This is awesome.

“And why are you all here?” Erich asked.

I was not expecting that question at all, but I guess we should answer them, right!

Our transport just arrived before we could answer them, and they gasped at it. We moved to the transport, and they all stayed there looking at us. But we all know, soon enough they will be inside with us.

“Hey, let’s go, you need this transport, we can take you there,” Toni said, shouting at them. I mean this is the best plan, we going to offer them the ride, to know where they are going for their vacation. I mean it’s a win-win situation.

Then I saw Chris dragging his clothe case heading to us, and he got in without any hesitations.

“Just get in, nothing will eat you out here, they are offering the transport, stop standing there, and just get in,” He shouted at them, and they came, and got inside.

I bought orange juices, with my grape juices. Is it a bit extreme, or psychotic to buy orange juices for Erich? I mean I don’t even have his contacts. I guess love will make you do crazy things, don’t blame me.

Edward and Michael, just sitting behind the driver giving him directions. The driver he’s also using the GPS, but you know sometimes they can make you take a wrong turn. They seem getting along. While I am sitting next to Toni, who is busy playing games in his phone. Lana next to Rose, while Erich next to Lana, they are sitting on the same row. Chris sitting alone, Aaron also, and Eddie sitting with us at the back, being cute whilst looking outside the window.

The minibus stopped moving, I guess we arrived. We got out of the transport, all of us, but we stopped at petrol station. I saw Michael looking at Eddie who was heading to men’s toilet, honestly, I didn’t know that he was gay, also Chris, until Aaron mentioned it now. That is why maybe Chris and Eddie look cute, they are very cute to be honest. I wonder who’s also gay here.

Michael he can’t move his eyes away from Eddie, even when he got back from the toilet, I can’t tell by his expression if his into Eddie, or he dislike him.

“What’s wrong?” Eddie had to ask, and Michael nearly choke from his saliva.

“Uhm…. Nothing, I’m sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable,” he said, with a little embarrassment on his face. I don’t wish to be him at this moment.

Michael ends up talking alone after Eddie leaving his side.

I followed Michael inside the store, I wanted something cold to drink; my skin it’s turning red with this heat. You know it’s so fun looking at these two, now Eddie he’s trying to reach for a juice at the top, he has the same height as Erich, and Chris he’s kind of short but not too much, his height its fine. Michael looking at Eddie who is struggling to reach the juice, I don’t know what’s going on in his mind at the moment. But he is so rigid, looking at Eddie.

He ends up walking toward him, and he stands behind him and took the juice, and Eddie turned to him, and Michael gave him the juice and walked away.

I got my cold drink, paid and got out, I saw Erich rested his body to the side of the shop door, drinking his orange juice. Seeing Lana following Rose everywhere, it starts to be a question, they seem pretty close, but it’s more than that.

We arrived, wow the place hooked my eyes. It hooked me, I got hooked. It’s amazing, just before you get inside you will just be hooked. It’s called “Camps Bay Atlantic Villa”.

“Wait, why are you guys following us inside the villa? Did you make the reservations?” Chris asked.

“Don’t worry about that, let’s just get in,” Edward said, I guess Edward got more connections.

We all at the receptionist Edward and Michael speaking with the lady behind the counter.

“Hi, how can I help you?” she asked with a bright smile on her face, and a soft voice.

Michael talking with her, and she handed Michael accessing cards to their rooms, and Edward walked toward her.

“Hey, how are you doing? Do you have available rooms?” he asked, hoping she will give him the positive answer.

“No, are you with them?” she asked pointing at Michael.

“Yes,” Edward answered pretty fast.

The receptionist lady replied, “If so, you can all share the rooms, since they booked five rooms, and with my counting, you’re all ten, so it’s perfect for you to share.”