When the whole school got the text, everyone was shocked about this information, I texted and called Spencer but she wasn't picking up. I texted Hanna and she answered me, telling me that Spencer had rushed out of the school and went back home. I was scared for Spencer because this could ruin her life and she could go to jail for this.
This is just…I have no words for any of this. This is a nightmare.
Hanna, Aria, Emily, and I went to class as usual, trying to remain calm. But Emily was freaking out and being twitchy, looking over her shoulders, trying to figure out who A really was.
We all wanted to know who A is.
School ended and the four of us, all gathered around Hanna's car. "I can't believe that A outed Spencer for blinding Jenna. But you guys said that you four and Alison did it together? Why just blame Spencer?" I asked the three girls.
They all shrugged and didn't look at me, they all looked around not meeting my eyes.
"Okay. What is going on?" I asked. "Was Spencer the only one who did it? Are you guys protecting her?" I continued. "Tell me the truth."
"It wasn't Spencer. She only witnessed it. Alison was the only one who did it and Spencer is the only one who knows the truth about what was really going on between Jenna and Toby. Toby was…touching Jenna." Hanna explained.
My eyes were wide with shock and disgust. Why did Toby do that to his own stepsister? That's disgusting, I thought. "That's…disturbing and gross. I can't believe that has happened. Why didn't Spencer go to the police about it?" I asked.
"Because Alison was scary and she was the leader of our group. If you mess with her, she'll mess with us ten times harder." Aria explained.
I didn't know that Alison was such a manipulative person. I guess I didn't know the real Alison after all. I met her a few times when I visited Rosewood and she seemed a very sweet and kind girl. But I guess I was wrong.
When I didn't speak, Aria went on. "She knew all of our secrets. We all thought she was A at one point. But it turned out that it was Mona Vanderwaal—Hanna's best friend—that got ahold of Alison's diary. She put down every secret that each of us had about us."
"Why would anyone want to target me? I haven't had any enemies in Rosewood." I looked at them and sighed. "This doesn't even feel real." I shook my head, looking up at the blue sky. "We all need to throw a small party to get our minds off of A," I suggested to them. "How about Friday?"
They all nodded.
"Where are we going to throw this party?" Emily asked.
"Maybe at our house?" I suggested, looking at Hanna with a small smile.
"Yeah. My mom won't be here Friday. She's going to a spa." Hanna smiled, getting a little excited.
"Great!" I said, clapping my hands together.
Hanna and I got into the car, Hanna drove out of the parking lot and down the road. I got out of my cell and started texting my other friends, inviting them to the party.
"What are we going to do about A, Han?" I asked. "This is getting out of control."
"I don't know. We need to take this bitch down before someone gets hurt or something."
"I just hope that we can figure it out before it's too late." I sighed and looked out the window.
Once Friday came around, Aunt Ashley left to go to her spa at around four, and Hanna and I set up for the party. We ordered a dozen or so of pizzas, chips, drinks, music, and booze for people who want to get drunk. It was around eight o'clock at night and the house was packed with people at school, everyone was having a good time. Hanna and I were dancing with a few people to Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. Aria, Emily, and Spencer were in the corner talking. Everything was going smoothly.
Everyone was still weary of Spencer but a few talked to her about school or hockey. Then all of a sudden, a group of girls came up to Spencer and threw drinks on her, Spencer screamed as she was drenched in alcohol.
Hanna and I came rushing over to them, a small gasp left my lips then I pushed the girls away from Spencer.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at them and pushed the redheaded girl, hard. "What the fuck did Spencer ever do to you?"
"She blinded Jenna, that's why!" She yelled back. "She deserves to be in jail!"
"You need to fucking leave before I beat your ass!" I threaten the redhead, I scowled.
"No, I won't be going anywhere until she leaves," said the girl.
I balled up my fist, anger coursed through my veins. I wanted to punch her so badly. No one throws drinks at my friends. All of a sudden I launched at her and started throwing punches at her. Aria pulled me off of her and the crowd was videoing every second of it.
The redhead girl and her group of friends pulled her away and rushed out of the house, the girl was holding her nose trying not to get blood all over her outfit. The party went on for another hour or so when everyone left the house.
"Sorry for ruining the party, guys," said Spencer.
I let her borrow one of my shirts since hers was in the washer. "You didn't ruin it, Spence. That bitch did when she threw that drink on you." I rolled my eyes at the memory. "You guys wanna stay the night?"
"Sure," Aria, Emily, and Spencer said in unison, nodding.
We all cleaned up the house, and we all talked and laughed, making jokes about each other. This feeling was great. I haven't felt this happy in a good while. I want to keep this feeling.