A woman was seen stuck in traffic, she looked really exhausted. Few mintues later, the traffic started moving. She arrived at a big mansion which her father owned. She parked in front of the house. Getting out of the car, she threw her car keys to the driver and went inside. she wondered what was so important that the whole family was seated.
Sit down.'' her father told her.
She sat on the nearest couch waiting to hear what her father had to say.
I called this meeting to inform you guys that I found a suitor for Jackey.'' Jackey's father said with a straight face.
Jackey and her brothers were shocked not expecting to hear that from their father. Jackey's mother looked like she already knew. Jackey started laughing thinking it was a joke.
I am not joking, Jackey.'' Her father said bluntly.
Jackey stopped laughing immediately she heard that.
You can't just get me married.'' Jackey started getting angry. '' For crying out loud Jaden hasn't even gotten engage to layla.''
Your father just want the best for you.'' her mother spoke caringly.
Mum, do you really expect me to marry a man I don't know.'' Jackey asked her mother.
I would give till you tomorrow night to think about it. The man would be here for dinner tomorrow night.'' her father said.
You have got to be kidding me.'' Jackey was trying to contemplate what she heard.
Just think about it dear.'' her mother said.
Jackey didn't know what to say or think again but only to appease her mother. She said;
I will make my decision after I have seen him.'' Jackey said standing up to leave her brothers followed behind. She was pissed by what she had heard. She didn't really know what was the need of having an arranged marriage.
Outside the house, she collected her keys to her custom made bike. She told the driver to take her car to the villa where she lived in. The people who occupied the villa were her, her brothers and friends.
Jackey, where are you going? her senior brother Jaden asked as he and Jackson walked towards her.
I am going to your girlfriend's bar you are welcome to join me.'' Jackey said as she hopped on her bike.
She is clearly a badass.'' Jaden said looking proud of his sister.
Hmmm... Our sister is a badass.'' Jackson said also looking proud of his sister.
Are you guys going to murmur all day or hop on your bikes let's roll? Jackey asked clearly still looking angry. Her brothers hopped on their own their custom made bikes and they all zoomed off.
They got to the bar, parked their bikes and entered into the bar. Jackey wore sun glasses so as not to be recognized by people been that she is a famous musician.
Jackey and her brothers sat at the counter. Jackey's friends that live in villa sat at the counter as well.
what can I get for you guys?'' Layla, Jaden's girlfriend asked with a smile.
I would have a cocktail please.'' Jackson was the first to speak.
Give me a cold soda.'' Jackey said as she still looked angry.
Hmm... I would like to have you.'' Jaden said with mischieveous smirk on his face.
Stop joking around and tell me what you would like to have.'' Layla said with a shy smile.
I said I would like to have you.'' Jaden repeated.
Jaden...'' Layla called out his name.
Okay... I would have the same thing as my brother.'' Jaden told his girlfriend.
Layla went to the kitchen to go get the drink and served it to them.
What's up with Jackey?'' Layla asked looking at Jackey.
My dad told us that he found a suitor for her.'' Jaden explained.
What??? Really...'' Layla was in shocked.
Did I just hear you correctly uncle found a suitor for Jackey.'' Angela asked. Angela is not only Jackey's bestfriend but also her manager. '' Is this true?'' she looked at Jackey to confirm.
Yes...'' Jackey answered.
Did you see the suitor?'' Angela asked.
No, I would get to see him tomorrow night.'' Jackey answered.
Girl, forget about that and just enjoy yourself and anything that happens tomorrow night think about everything and from their you can get an answer.'' Kira said. Kira is normally the type to give good advices to our friend group. She always know how to put a smile on everybody faces. She is also Jackson girlfriend.
I think you are right.'' Jackey agree with what she said.
Hey... Jackson, we gotta go.'' Dave said as he walked into the bar. Dave was Kira's senior brother. He was part of Jackey's friend group but he didn't live in the villa with them.
Before we leave Layla, please get me a soda.'' he said walking up to the counter. Layla went to go get what he asked for.
Dave and Jaden greeted each other being that they were bestfriends.
Whats up Jessie? Dave asked the girl behind the counter.
Jessica looked at who called her and said; '' Good... you.''
I am always good if you are good.'' Dave said with a mischeivous smirk on his face.
You flirt too much.'' Kira said to Dave.
I didn't know it was bad to flirt a little bit.'' Dave said.
Jessica is Layla's junior sister. Layla came back with soda and gave it Dave.
let's go.'' Dave said to Jackson.
Jackson stood up from his seat and was about to leave with Dave when;
Wait, I'm coming with you.'' Mason said also standing up from his seat. For some reason he looked sad. The trio left the bar. Mason is Angela's elder brother.
He must really love you to be this sad.'' Angela said looking at Jackey.
Are you talking to me? Jackey asked. She never knew that Mason loved her.
Yes, you can't tell me you never noticed once.'' Angela said.
It has always been obvious.'' Kira said.
He knew it was a one sided love. he said he would rather not tell you.'' Jaden said.
Jackey couldn't believe what she was hearing her entire friend group knew and she was oblivious to the fact that somebody in her friend group liked her.
Okay... Okay... That's enough. Let's forget about this so Jackey wouldn't stay up all night thinking about two men.'' Angela said wanting to change the topic. '' And oh... less I forget Jackey you have a photoshoot tomorrow with S.C.O. We should be there at 12.30pm.'' Angela said.
Later that night, Jackey was getting ready to go bed but couldn't sleep as she taught about the suitor and Mason. She eventually slept off.