Chereads / Spider Gamer(MCU) / Chapter 20 - Phoenix Force and Aliens 3

Chapter 20 - Phoenix Force and Aliens 3

Peter's Pov

After disintegrating the combined aliens attack, I used observe on it and it shows.

[ Race: D'bari




Strength:Peak Superhuman Level

Intelligence: Lower Genius-Level

Skills: Master/grandmaster telekinetic, novice energy manipulator, combat master, apprentice illusionist, immune to telepathy, superhuman strength, superhuman durability, superhuman healing.

Weakness:Immune to telepathy skill and energy manipulation reduced due to merging, easily angered, merging has a cool down of an hour.


After going through information, I came to conclusion that even though the being may have increased strength and telekinetic power, its intelligence and immunity to telepathy have been reduced which will prove to be its downfall because we have two extremely powerful telepaths present, me and Charles.

" Charles, use your telepathy to distract it, because I can't believe that such a merging will not have some weaknesses." I telepathically said to him as I conjured a massive bolt of bioelectricity and threw it at the the being. The bolt was stopped by a translucent shield which goes to show how powerful a master/grandmaster telekinetic is.

" It stopped my bolt instead of absorbing it and that shows that it cannot manipulate energy as Vuk can when not merged. So Scott, Storm and Iceman, you can also join in." I told them telepathically and they gladly obliged as Storm brought down a barrage of lightning unto the being, Iceman conjured a huge storm of ice and threw it at the being and Scott was the final catalyst as he unleashed his powers and the translucent shield shattered like glass.

Apart from the being moving one step back, nothing else happened which goes to show how physical strong it is.

" I want you guys to attack again after a signal from me." I telepathically told them as I used my telepathy on the being.

The moment I entered its mind, the only thing I can feel is anger and vengeance and I decided to capitalise on that as I and Charles conjured illusions to make it believe that it had already defeated and killed us which caused it to released it shield and that was the perfect moment for the x-men to attack which they did after I signaled them to. As the the attacks landed on the being, it wasn't able to form a shield because of the illusions. The attacks were able to injure it a lot; this stimulated the x-men to attack more while we distracted it from forming any shield with our illusions. It became easily overwhelmed with our combined attacks and Logan did the killing by cutting off its head.

"That was something else" Said Iceman while plopping down on the ground and everyone followed suit.

" Charles, I think we should go inside and check on Jean and the kids. They are probably worried." I said after some minutes which prompted us to get up and head to the mansion.

" What of the body and the fallen tress? " Storm asked while looking around in disgust at the huge green body lying on the ground.

" let me take care of that." I said as I took out a small net that quickly enveloped the being and it disappeared from site.

" You always surprise us. Is that teleportation?" Dr. Hank said excitedly which I replied by nodding my head and also telling him it is a secret technology of mine so no sharing it with him and he pouted but apart from no one bothered me which goes to show how much they are willing to trust me and I consider it a success.

Upon reaching the mansion and assuring Jean and the kids that everything is okay, I decided to try something with Logan and Jean that I have been putting off; try and communicate with the Phoenix Force for Jean and fix Logan's memories.

" I want to fix your memories now if you are ready Logan" I told him to which he nodded without any hesitation.

" After I am done with Logan, I want to try something with you Jean. Find a quiet place and meditate while I am helping Logan with his memories." I said to Jean before telling Logan to lead the way to his room so that we can get comfortable.

After reaching his room, i told him to lie down as I brought a chair beside him and sent telepathic tendrils to his mind and I saw many blank spots that I immediately started to fix. It took me almost 5 minutes to fix all the blank spots and I tried to make as easy as I can on him. I left his room after finishing and head to Jean.

I found her in deep meditation in the Danger room which was transformed into a beautiful scenery with waterfalls, beautiful flowers and plants. I can certainly say that this room is perfect for meditation.

I sat down in a lotus position and entered her mind. The moment I entered her mind, i felt an immensely powerful entity and I followed that direction. The more I near the location, the more powerful the entity feels and I can honestly say that even John, my trainer is like an ant to this being. The power I felt is immeasurable and infinite. When I reached the the location of the being, I saw an undescribable woman.

A woman that can cause destruction only with her looks because of her beautiful she is. She puts all the woman I have seen in my entire two lives to shame. I was brought out of my staring when a beautiful voice came out her mouth.

" What an interesting human you are. Experienced Death, blessed by the One Above All and having a mind that I cannot read at all. Why are you here ?" She said while looking at me curiously.

I cannot say I am surprised she knows all of these things about me even if it is unpleasant. "Hello, Lady Phoenix. Thank you for granting me your time. I came here to talk about your avatar Jean Grey." I told her to which she nodded for me to continue.

" As you can see she is a fragile human even with her mutant status. The amount of power you are giving her is overwhelming her very easily and it may cause unimaginable damage if left unchecked. That's why I am here to request you to help her in her training because I believe there is no better teacher to teach her than the embodiment of psionic forces. I hope you can grant me that request." I said to which she laughed and said.

" Don't worry young man, I will train her only because you ask. I haven't meet anyone so interesting in a long time. Also, here is a boon from me. " She said before disappearing from my sight and I also left Jean's mind.

The moment I left her mind, I had a ding sound but I decided to check it and all the others I received during the fight later.

When Jean opened her eyes, she immediately hugged me and thanked me while crying her out heart out.

" Don't worry Jean, from now on you can receive training from the Phoenix Force and you don't need to fear becoming the Dark Phoenix anymore." I said to her before ending the hug.

" Let's go check on Logan, he is awake now." I added to diffuse the awkward situation.

I followed Logan's mind signature and found him and the other x-men in Charles's office.

He got up the moment me and Jean entered the room and hugged me to my and everyone's surprise.

" Thank you Spider-Man. I really appreciate your help. If you need help with anything , just let me know" Logan said before letting go of me.

"Well, it is no problem. I am always happy to help. You don't need to repay me. " I said to him before addressing the x-men regarding Jean's condition and they were immensely grateful for my help.

I left after telling them to keep the suits and use them well.