Chapter 9 - Chapter 07

Kuta was getting worried as she was starting to wonder why everything started to change shortly after it was revealed that she had been a mage. She might have been one all along but what she was at least her eyes. It did not change what she was and that was a weapon user was the youngest swordmaster in the history of the Sabre family. Her status as a mage should change that as she was not raised to use magic after all but was taught blade skills and the way of the sword.

The fact that her metallic arms were her wand should be proof of that. The wand reflect the mage and she was literally living their family motto as her blades were not just extensions of her arms but her actual arms themselves. This should be proof that she is a mage that not following the path of magic but that of the blade.

Kuta did not question when she was asked to come with one of the servants as they exited not out the front door but out through a back way that meant only for time if they ever needed to escape from something. Of course, what Kuta did not know was that this was just one of the many hidden escape paths as she was just informed of this one in the case of ever needing it. Only the head of the Sabre family was aware of all the hidden exits as their family had rivals and enemies not thus outside the family but inside it as well.

Having never taken this pathway before she just followed the servant as they walked with her all the way to the end of the path where they then came out into what appeared to be a deep forest area. One where it was rather late and night and she could not tell where they were at the moment. Though it was late at night the sun had fully set just yet for it was still twilight currently. The nightly twilight as there were two times of day that twilight happened after all. There was the moment between the moon setting and the sun rising then vice versa.

"Interesting that we made here at twilight, Spellblade," the servant said

"Why has everyone been calling me by my title lately as before everyone was just calling me Lady Sabre or Miss Sabre since my talent was originally discovered," Kuta asked

"Talent!? You are just a mage as you have no talent for the blade just that cheap blade magic of yours" the servant said

"Of course I have talent do you know how hard I trained my mind and body? I am serious just look at my arms they are visible proof that I have talent and if not talent then at least proof of my hard work and how much I follow the path of the blade rather than magic" Kuta said looking annoyed.

"Why are we.....what are you doing that could have harmed me" Kuta demanded to know as she blocked a hidden dagger with one of her arms.

"A weapon user instead of a mage then why are you not carrying your new blade around after having lost your old ones," the servant said

"Seriously!? Are you seriously asking me that question" Kuta inquired as she was narrowing her eyes as she looked at them.

"Did I stutter" the servant replied back.

Sighing Kuta just stood there with one arm behind her back. Blocking all their strikes with only one arm through the block were being done as if she was parrying them with a sword rather than an arm.

"I see this is an assassination attempt that I heard about that some Sabres have to deal with. I did not think I have that problem though" Kuta said at least not from within the family.

'Why is she able to block everything I am doing as she is just a mage that was pretending to be a weapon users as she does not even have a blade to defend herself with' the servant thought

This is when Kuta removed the hand from behind her back and took the stance that she normally did when she was about to get serious or at the very least no longer playing around. Then she was gone as she just seem to vanish from their view before usually walking back towards the entrance of the hidden pathway they came out of.

"Oh yeah I would not move if I were you as whoever sent you to kill me apparently did not actually want me dead but you instead," she told them

"What do you mean do not move as I entrusted this task by...." the servant said ignoring her warning and the moment they had the world seemed to slide at an angle.

It was not the world that was changing but the servant as Kuta had sliced and diced them so finely that as long as they did not move they would live. The cuts were done in a manner that they would heal since was one of those types of cuts after all. The type where the cut is so clean that damage would only appear if there was movement. Then the fact that they had been cut would register and the damage could occur as it would have normally.

Kuta did not care to look back as the servant collapsed into a pile of parts as she was not against killing as she had done that as swordmaster after all. They were dealt with deadly weapons after all and they would not get stronger if they did come at each other with full force and the intent to kill at times. She never went out of her way to kill someone but she did not hold back as this was just the kind of family she was born into and raised in. She did not have a normal childhood but then against that much should have been clear given she was the youngest swordmaster after all. That had a light and dark side to it after all, however, Kuta fortunately never dived too deep into that dark side as she did not embrace nor fear it. She acknowledge it at least at the depth that she was in which any reason that made her a unique case amongst her family.