"Ghostly humans,lost in books"
"Red circles on paper,do the future they hold?"
"Memory is important,Can't forget a thing "
"Kids with successful future they wanted to mould"
The voices of the working ladies entered the ears of the boys who were in their slumber a while ago. The boys on the top jumped down from the soft mattress and landed on their feet. They quickly wore their uniforms and went to eat breakfast in the cafeteria.
The morning meal was buttered toasts,fresh fruits,juice and yogurt. Fredrick was trying to find a place to sit when a boy called him.
"Hey new kid. Come here"he looked behind and saw a group of boys at a table. The chinese boy who he saw yesterday at the lower bunk was also with them.
Fred went towards them and they invited him to sit with them. He placed the plastic tray on the table when one of the boys asked him
"What's your name?"
"My name is Fredrick "
Before the boys could ask him anything else about him Mr Ren came in the cafeteria. He was looking for Fred and easily found him.
"Hey Fred dear. I see you have already found new friends"he handed Fredrick a pink coloured paper on which there was the schedule of the six days of the week. Mr Ren took a glance of the students there and then said
"But remember that you came here to study and only study. Also does any one of you has schedule number 055?"he questioned the boys and the Chinese child spoke out
"Sir I do"
"That's great. Fred you will be attending classes with this lad here and you,"he turned his head to Chen's direction. A little smile on his face which was rare to see as he was a rigirous person with a strict persona.
"You will be showing him around the school today."Mr Ren looked at the maroon clock on the wall telling the time and then in a loud voice he announced
"You all only have five minutes left for breakfast. After that I want to see all of you in your classes"
After that declaration all the students started to hurry in eating their food. All the talks between the few boys and Fred discontinued and all of them had ended their meal by the time the bell rang.
Chen guided Fredrick to the lockers and Fred placed his stuff inside. All he needed at the moment was his physics book and a pen. From the lockers they made their way to the class where a lot of students were already sitting. The school consisted of coeducation and girls were also getting educatiom from the institution. Fred and Chen sat together and in some minutes a gray bearded man came in their class. He wore black framed glasses which had concave lenses. The teacher started to teach them and the entire class was silent. Chen saw how instead of focusing on the teacher's teachings Fred was busy in his own thoughts. Fred didn't have any interest in physics. He didn't like any subject except for English because it was easy to understand and simple. After the first period came to an end they exited the class to leave for the second lecture.
"So Fredrick what do you like?"
"Nothing" Fred gave his answer with a blank expression and an empty mind. His eyes were on the floor and not on what was infront of him.
"Come on. Everyone likes something"
"What do you like?"Fred questioned as he read the number of the room and opened the blue door.
"I like food" Chen said with a wide smile. Bringing him delicious snacks was the best one could do for him. He was an admirer of great food.
"And what do you like to do?"Fred found two empty seats at the very front of the third row. All the other seats has been taken by the students and the decision of having the seats at the back was based on their experience in Mrs Fiona's class.
"I like eating food"
The period was of their biology teacher and she was a women who was short tempered. Any misbehavior in her class was never spared. However she was nice enough to give the student a choice between detention for an hour which included the student's recess or cleaning the school's hallway.
She had the teenagers terrified of her and her ruler with which she would hit the students. Chen already knew this but having in mind that noone would exchange seats with them even if they try to trade something for the chairs behind he sat down with his book.
Mrs Fiona came inside the classroom and the students greeted her. She placed her bag on the table and picked up the chalk to write on the board. As she wrote the topic the noise of the white chalk on the board made an irritating noise making the students vexed but they had to manage with it. After Mrs Fiona left the class the students quickly left for recess. Fred was still sitting on the chair looking outside the window.
"Do you want to go outside?"
"Outside this class or outside this school?"Fred asked him. He wanted to leave this place and go back home and the thought of staying here for an entire year was exasperating him.
"Outside the class ofcourse. We can go to the cafeteria after recess but for now how about i show you around?"
"Just show me a way to get out of this place?"
"The gate of the entrance to this place and the exit is the same. Now get up"
The boys then travelled around the school. Chen showed Fredrick the classes to which he paid no heed. His eyes were glued to the outside and the metal gate which was the barrier guarding his freedom. There were borders of sturdy brick walls around the building and they were too tall for him to climb on.
"And this is the library?"
"Hey Mrs Doris"Chen greeted a lady sitting in the room. She wasn't the only person in the room as there were some kids there too looking at some books and picking which one to read.
"Hello Chen. Are you Chen's friend?"she asked Fred who stood next to Chen.
"He is new here"Chen answered her question and walked upto the large book shelves providing books to those who care to read. Most of the books were on science and it's achievements and few books told stories to be read by students.
"Nice to meet you here."
"Mrs Doloris can i borrow this book?"Chen asked her. His hand carrying a book,the front cover being the picture of a pirate and the title of the book was written in golden letters.
"Sure. Fred dear do you want to borrow any books?"
"Yeah maybe you would like Author Linda Wilson's book. I only read one of them and then i couldn't sleep" Chen said taking out another book out of the brown bookshelf. The front cover was black and the title"The Murder of Salish Teren" was in bold white coloured words.
"Here have a look"Fred examined the book which seemed to be about a murder mystery. The duo left the library with the books which they placed in their lockers before they went to attend the next class of theirs.
And there she stood,all alone. Noone was alive anymore. Jennifer,Alora,Max and Hunter. All of them were killed and their blood was on her hands. Her pink painted nails were stained with the red liquid. The cold air touched her face and she felt no remorse. The ground on which she stood was damp. The hooting of the owl on the tree and the song of the crickets was being heard by her.
"I didn't kill them. I...i didn't" Ava shivered knowing that now only two were alive. She was empty handed while the other had a gun.
"But dear Ava you did kill them"A voice was heard and it echoed in the forest. The footsteps came closer and closer till she finally found her who would be her last victim.
"You knew that i was the killer. You had the clues but oh you were naive by not believing your gut feeling" Ava stood up trembling and turned around to see the murderer of her classmates. Her bestfriend Sasha was there holding a gun in her hand and the bullets in the gun would be her end.
"It was you all along!. But i was stupid to believe that it was just a coincidence and nothing else!" Ava shouted at her as she back up but stumbled over something. It wasn't a rock or a stick but was Hunter's dead body.
"You..you also killed Salish didn't you and then used your talks to drive us into this forest"
"Maybe i did but what's the point now because your about to die Ava just like how Zena died. Sadly this gun was the only choice because in this forest there aren't any tall buildings"
"Fred what are you doing?"Chen entered the empty classroom. It was night and it was close to the time when they were supposed to be on the beds.
"Reading" Fredrick replied and Chen spotted the book on the desk.
"You should come to the room now because if any teacher catches you here then you will be scolded. Also want a chocolate?"Chen asked and took out a chocolate bar from his pocket.
"No,iam not craving for any sweets right now" Fred got up from the chair and picked up the book. He had remembered the pathway to the classes and to the room and thus didn't need anybody to guide him.
The boys went to the room and the clock had struck nine which was bedtime according to the rules. As the kids settled on the beds the lights were turned off. If any kid was caught outside sneaking around the school then he would be given a punishment. There was one bathroom and it was infront of the room in which they would sleep in.
Fred was on the top while Chen was at the bottom bed. In a few minutes Chen had his eyes closed while Fredrick on the other hand wanted to know how the story was about to end. He wasn't expecting the main character Ava to die but watching her be stuck in that complex situation and also knowing that the chances of her to escape are little had him wanting to read that book. But due to the room having no light in it he couldn't read a word from the pages even if he managed to grab it from the locker's room at this time.