Chapter 6 - Gacha System

In the outskirts of Alcemia, things were rough for the defending allies.

The room was full of tension as the recent events have proved to be catastrophic with enemies that attacked not just a week ago.

"Alicia, do you think that any more summons could be utilized in the hopes of defending this place?"

A stoic voice echoed inside the war room. The bright light of the moon illuminated the room, with the candles providing more light.

"Sir Francis, doing more would burden our summoners on their ability to produce magic, and a lot of summons died from the battle earlier" A strong voice called out.

"I agree with Vince, sir Francis we must be patient on their cooldowns" A soft but solid voice continued to support the man's statement

"I understand the regard for them, however, I need an update in order to properly integrate them into the defense plan" Francis replied to the men.

"Sir Francis, we don't have anything available other than our men and what few mages we have, the war has been ongoing for weeks without rest. All of us are tired." Vince replied.

Vince was a man of honor and integrity, what he values the most is about the people in the city. He wore an armor that shines even at night, just like everyone else in the room. Just like all inside the war room, he grew up in a noble family that allowed him to be in the ranks of the military.

"I agree with Vince, Sir Francis. At this point we might as well squeeze the mages and summoners dry, they have no more firepower at this point. It would be difficult to regain mana with few little rest they have" Tuscan followed up on Vince's statement.

Tuscan was the type to be a lazy person whenever it is out of duty, he even has some minor issues regarding his title on being part of the high ranks in the military, but when it comes to serious affairs. He would be one of the most trusted and reliable people that you would think of.

Tuscan and Vince were childhood friends and fought side-by-side with each other, both were of noble origins so they have the capability to get along nicely.

"Vince, Tuscan, that's it for the night take a rest. Alicia stay here we have more to discuss"

Francis dismissed the two people that were inside with them in the room. The City of Alcemia was by no means weak or small. However, it can't be considered a superpower as well as they have their own flaws.

Alcemia is a medium-sized type of city its military and economy are categorized as powerful, but due to recent events that have happened, it was a difficult time for the City.

"Sir Francis, I think it would be impossible for the summoners to summon anything for the next few weeks, the weakness of summoners stems from the fact that once it gets killed or dies. It will take a long cooldown for them to get it back."

'I know about that already, at this point might as well call on the ancient beings in this world'

Francis sighed and reaffirmed his will which showed determination on his face. He was in the service for more than a decade and has seen countless fights that would make him be more than a veteran with his history of wins.

Francis was someone who would uphold his promises and protect those that need help. His personality has brought people to like him even with his strict demeanor.

"Thank you for your feedback Alicia, for now, you should take a—"


A loud noise was heard as the door was flung with strength that greatly made an astounding noise that echoed inside the room.

"SIR! THE LIZARDS ARE BACK" A young soldier wearing armor that was that of a normal foot soldier ran inside the room breathless and frightened.

"What?! Wake everyone up, they intend to not give us rest. Alicia, I need you to call whoever we have left for the defense and alternate shifts between mages and summoners. I'll give you the authority for mages and summoners. I need you to take care of them while I go to the frontline."

"Yes Sir! Please count on me. I wish you luck on the battlefield"

Alicia replied to Francis giving him encouragement as he dashed off with swift movements that made him seem like a blur.

It was never made obvious from the current events, but Alicia deeply cares for Francis, he was her mentor and uncle that made her the woman she is right now. They have a close bond similar to that of family.

'Please take care, Uncle'

Alicia prayed in her mind as she brazenly walked out of the room after her uncle left the room.



Arthas gave a deep sigh contemplating his life choices, he got lucky with the assimilated mana, but he does not know if he got lucky with the random encounter with strangers who were peculiar in so many ways.

'Well shit happened, I don't know what to think about right now'

After Arthas swore an oath to the unknown individuals they left with lightning speed and vanished before his eyes.

It took Arthas a long time to get off from daze and thought about the choices that he made, although it was a suspicious group. It felt like he had no choice but to accept the contract that was slapped across his face.

"Though I always say that everyone has an option, I felt like I was compelled to do this shit from the beginning ever since I came into this world" With that Arthas sighed once more.

He opened his shop and looked at the message that was in front of him. It was a new window that popped up after they left.

'I don't know what to call those people but I'll just call them The Tax Collectors since they basically are taxing from me being transported to another world

"Man. Even in the other world Tax Collectors aren't that scary." Arthas said to himself as he looked down on the window that conspicuously popped up.


[Major Quest]

Time Limit: –

Objective: Unify the entire world for 100 Years

Reward: Unknown

Failure: Worse than Death

*Arthas has been commissioned to uphold the objective the ancient ones have to achieve in their last few years of living in the material world. Under their guidance and name, complete the designated task that was given to you.

Blessings: Cold Wind of the Northern Stars


'You know these ancient ones know how to intimidate someone who just came to the world. Oldtimer only knows how to control people with fear'

Arthas has unknowingly held a grudge against the responsibility that was given unto him by the Tax Collectors that have debuted the first thing he came out of the cave.

"Huh? What's this? Status? That's new, it must be another thing that they gave. Wait, WAIT. Is that really what I think this is? A gacha system?"

He saw two new additions to his screen and was completely flabbergasted by what he saw. It was only natural since it was a shocking revelation that was given to him, partnered with the blessings that were bestowed on him.

Arthas quickly pressed the Gacha screen being the person who loves to play games, gacha was kind of an addiction that would need rehabilitation to actually get off from. Around the world in which he used to reside, gacha was prevalent where citizens would play almost every day which gacha.

Some even spend money to get their favorite characters, weapons, and enchantments that they want. This was the world of digital entertainment in which everyone would be addicted to gambling for sanity and their mentality.


[Status] [Gacha:] [Shop] [Summon] [??:20:10] PTs: 155200

+The Beginning of the Era of the Forgotten Ones+

Spend 100k Points for a possible drop of a Full Dinosaur Imprint

Chance rate increased!

Drop Rate is 0.01 percent!


[YES] [NO]


"Mothertrucker, of course, it's a scam. It is always a scam, it is just like those game companies that expect you to spend money to just get one thing that would not even be possible. Like damn, How do I get more points?"

Arthas was quite furious about the issue regarding the cost of the system, however for some reason. Gacha players would gladly take the risk for something as expensive as this.