Harry wiped his face with his shirt and regained his composure.
"Jovian, my sources amongst the Fancies have told me of a specific energy source that emanated from a location you were in. That energy signature is specifically attributed to the device I was supposed to deliver to the Fancies," Harry explained.
" It was a small orb. All it did was show a map and then burst to pieces," Jovian said.
"Ah yes, the thing that caused you to wreck my floor," Thee said quietly.
"Would it be okay if we went to copy the map before we proceed further?" Harry asked as he struggled to get off the ground.
"No need, I can recreate it here, anyone have a knife?" Jovian asked.
Terry rushed forward with a pen.
"Bro, just use a pen and paper like a normal person. Side note, are we ever going to mention the giant bathtub of sauce?" Terry said.
Jovian took the pen and ran to a wall and pulled off a piece of the tattered wallpaper.
"...okay," Harry said in disbelief.
With perfect accuracy Jovian recreated the map once more.
"What does this lead to?" Thee asked.
"This map leads to a key component of the library of infinite knowledge," Harry responded as he looked over the map.
"Oh great, more mystical 'internet' myth talk, isn't my dad already on this farcical mission? " Jovian said, clearly annoyed.
"Yes, but there are many components we need to gather. Your father and other top members of the O.O.M are focused on the big pieces which are possessed by other large towns similar to the 'Fancy Fucktown' as you call it," Harry said before pocketing the map.
"Yo, mister Ogelton," the lady in the mask said "why do we even need the brats to join us now that we got the map?"
Jovian laughed loudly and put his hand on his chin.
"Ask yourself this, did I draw the map with 100% of the information in it, or did I leave out the last bit in case this kind of situation happens?" Jovian said confidently.
"Side note, I'm a mind reader and I can tell you that he is bluffing," Terry blurted out and immediately directed his eyes to the floor.
"Terry, what the fuck? There goes our leverage!" Thee yelled.
Harry laughed and walked to the lady and rested his greasy arm on her shoulders.
"Guys, this is a friend of my late daughter, her name is Syla King. She is remarkably talented," Harry said with excitement.
"Don't talk to me, don't touch me, try not to even look at me," Syla said firmly to Jovian's group.
Harry lifted his arm off of her slowly and pushed her forward.
"Go on, tell them what you can do," Harry urged.
"What is this story time in the creepers dungeon?" Syla complained as she looked back at Harry.
Harry simply smiled wide at her, never breaking eye contact, but not in a threatening way. Almost as if he didn't understand her feelings and was just waiting for her to tell them.
"Whatever," Syla said, breaking the one way tension, "so, obviously I'm a Waker like you dorks. I'm also a pretty good electrician, but, considering the only decent electrical devices we have here are light bulbs, I am just the glorified light bulb replacer in town."
"And your Waker ability?" Thee asked.
"Be patient, you absolutely gorgeous specimen of a woman," Syla said.
"Further proof of my point, Jovian!" Terry said with a laugh.
Syla pulled out her Power Ticket and showed it to the group, but obscured the stipulation.
Detach hands that track any target, up to 2 at a time, that has been seen before by the user. Maximum range: Entire Milky Way.
"What an utterly pointless range," Terry commented.
Syla put her ticket away and returned to where she was.
"The rest of you, introduce yourself," Harry called out.
The three identical men walked forward and Jovian instantly recognized them.
"Harry, what are three thin versions of you doing here, uhhh, how?" Jovian asked.
"These are some of the older clones I made, they take a few weeks to grow to full size, these ones I made physically train for their entire growth period and thus they grew into a different form of myself," Harry said before slapped the firm ass of one of his clones several times, with several seconds between slaps.
"You dirty son of a bitch," Thee said, squinting her eyes.
"They are mentally still me, but you can refer to them as Larry, Gary and Harry Jr., if you want. The letter on their jackets represents their name so you don't get confused," Harry continued.
"Side note, who wants to bet Harry's daughter actually died because he ate her?" Terry asked.
Syla briefly raised her hand but dropped it and shook her head.
The couple in the corner stepped forward next, the man reached out to shake Jovian's hand, Jovian didn't return the gesture. The man pulled back his hand awkwardly but continued his introduction.
"Hi, I'm William Wicker, and this is my beautiful wife Reis Wicker," William said.
"Show the tickets, babe," Reis said quietly.
"Right, right," William said before fumbling around in his pockets, "sorry, one moment while I find them."
He pulled out two tickets, one of which Reis grabbed and showed, not even bothering to block the stipulation.
Trauma Llama
Can conjure miniature Llamas who can heal wounds with gentle licks. Limit of 100 Llamas at once.
Additional effect: Can repair the injuries of corpses, but not revive them.
Must remain in a loving relationship with your current partner.
"Honey, it's dangerous to reveal your stipulation!" William said with fear in his voice.
"Don't worry about it, nothing could pull me from my sweet little fidgety Chihuahua, I love you too much," Reis said as she pulled him closer.
"She can also cook up some amazing food from relatively little ingredients," William said, "as for me, here is my ticket."
Baa-Baa Black Bull
Can identify up to 3 people in a group to target. Target has the horns of a bull charge into them.
"Wonderful! Now for Jovian and his friends!" Harry said, lightly giggling to himself.
After they revealed their tickets and introduced themselves, Harry pulled out an image of the object in question they were looking for.