Chereads / Surpassing Magic / Chapter 61 - 61. Sewers part two

Chapter 61 - 61. Sewers part two

"Help me collect these. We need to get a move on soon. I'm sure all that noise is bound to attract something." Cerone commented.

Alyssa took a dry swallow and started to walk over. Rys also helped, dragging bodies over to Cerone who would cut out what they needed and Alyssa would move the body to the river in the room prior.

One they collected what they needed the group was refreshed as well. Counting what they had they had nearly completed the request. The draw of something further tempted them though. Something caused those seven rats to retreat and it wasn't fear. The way they perked up and left immediately caused the group to understand that something had called to them. If they could just lay eyes in it and confirm something they could earn a substantial bonus. One they desperately needed.

They pushed onward, using Alyssa to follow faint sounds of scampering feet in the tunnels.


Meanwhile deep inside the sewer systems

A thin green man with remarkably pointy ears sat petting a grotesque amalgamation of various fungal pieces. "Look at you. Such a beauty. The city of Afeerbah should certainly look into their sewers more. Just below all this lays something fantastical." The man stroked his chin.

He turned around to look at a quivering man tied up to some grate bars. "So I'm going to kindly ask again. What is the key to open up the aqueducts? Tell me know and I can still ask my good friend here to not destroy all of Afeerbah." He smiled.

The tied up man looked at the green man. Fear plagued him, but something remained. A duty. One he would not fail. "I swear upon my family who built Afeerbah and the good citizens of that town that I will never reveal that information. Whatever beast you may control it will not be as bad as the horrors contained within that place." He spoke. His still shook as he sat there.

The green man with point ears sighed. "I guess will have to extract it from your broken mind then." He reached forward and the man tied up screeched in pain.

Far down the tunnel a familiar face sat close to the wall ease-dropping on what just occurred. Uvolia. Seven rats scamper by her hidden presence and towards Yevelian and the hideous monster next to him.

The squeaked in unison and Yevelian developed a frown. "Give them wide bearthe. We must not be discovered yet." He turned and walked back to the man who was now drooling. Small fragments of something spilled out of his mind towards Yevelian. "Thank you mayor." He then walked away.


The trio had made decent progress through the tunnels so far. The had met their quota finally. They had not found anything worthy of note though. In fact after that first horde they had never found a group over 2 or 3 rats. They didn't complain to much though. Every member of the party had gained at least one level. Rys gained three, being the lowest of the group.

Alyssa led the group using her blessing to listen for even some of the most minute of sounds. They led the group down once again. Rys dropped a small seed that became a small root. He had been doing this to provide a route out when they were done. Alyssa held a hand up.

"Something's coming. Something…human???" She spoke quizzically.

Rounding the corner in a full blown sprint was Uvolia. "Kids??? What the fuck are you doing so deep in the sewers??? Run now!!!" Uvolia bolted past them. Behind her was a wall of fungus and flesh that rolled into the wall and came to a stop. It then started to roll in their direction, following Uvolia. The three of them didn't hesitate and started running.

Cerone remembered a small entrance to a branching tunnel they had come from earlier. Cerone shouted. "Uvolia follow us!" The three of them dove into the almost three feet high path. Uvolia saw the entrance dove headfirst into the entrance. The rolling ball of fungus had been steadily building up speed due to the straight tunnel and blew past the small alcove just missing Uvolia.

Uvolia took a deep breath. Then looked to the three of them. "How the hell…." She stopped seeing the trio from before. She put her face in her hands. "Of course. Of course it's you three."

Alyssa checked outside of the alcove and helped everyone out into the much roomier tunnel from before. Uvolia looked around. Then back to the three of them. "Listen I'm not sure why you three are down here but we need to leave now. Yevelian is planning something."

Rys looked frightened but Cerone stood her ground. "We are here to reduce the monster population." She said proudly and showed the nearly 300 souvenirs they had collected.

Uvolia looked unimpressed. "Did you not hear me. Yevelian, slayer of the hero. Blessing of the villain. Do you not remember?"

Cerone puffed up her chest. "Of course we remember. I just wanted to prove that we aren't as weak and feeble as you think."

Uvolia sighed. "I supposed your right. But that thing that Yelelian made is far beyond anything you have run into thus far. You leaving with me now."

The group looked to each other. Determination in their minds. This was a golden opportunity for them. Not only was the money good it was a job for the city. They wanted to do well. If they could impress their employers maybe they could get another opportunity.

"We won't leave unless you tell us what that was and let us report it to the city." Cerone finally spoke. Uvolia looked at the determination she emanated and she cracked. "Fine, that was a fungal brood mind. It's a young one, but with the space and food sources down here. It will grow and fast. You can tell the city and collect the reward. I don't care for it. I'm just here to finish was Nort started." Uvolia looked down and then back the three of them. "Let's go."

They nodded in agreement. The trip back was easy. The addition of Uvolia meant anything that came into sight would receive a quick death via a shot to the head from her crossbow. The breached the door the trio had entered from and came out into the light of a mid day.

They shielded their eyes. Uvolia looked to the trio. "Now stay out of trouble. I don't want to keep running into you three in dangerous circumstances." She turned to leave

Alyssa spoke up though. "Wait, please come see you dad. He misses you. He worries about your safety." Uvolia froze for a second then continued walking speaking with her head turned. "Not till Yevelian is dead. I don't need a blessing to tell me to." She walked away.

They looked to each other. They would tell Palru they had seen Uvolia doing well to ease his burdens. But they would not reveal her plans out of respect for her privacy.

Cerone led them to an office near the center wall of the city. This wall was much higher and far more defensive than the one they had originally seen. It had multiple times the amount of guards even though very few entered and exited. That was for the nobility and the super rich of Afeerbah. Afeerbah was unique in that sense. While most well off royals would hire private guards to prevent loitering and trespassers. Afeerbah offered it to an entire section of the city. To enter one would need a special permission pass from a current resident and then they would only be allowed to go directly there.

They headed in. The guards stopped them. Days of spending time in the sewers had caused them to reek and the blood of slain rats had caked up on them. They looked disgusted at them and almost shoved them away on sight. Cerone held up the token she had been given when she first got the opportunity. A shining golden coin with a blue and red marking on it.

The guards looked surprised. "I apologize. You are distinguished guests of the city manager. We will bring you there." The guard no longer looked like he would toss them out and gave them respect, but he still made sure to keep a nearly six foot distance from them due to the smell they emitted.

They were brought on foot to a rather lavish manor near the dead center of the city. It screamed excessive spending. Golden trim and bleach while wall that would require continuous maintenance as well as various golden fountains littered the yard and house as if to say I have too many of these I'll just toss them here.

The guard exchanged a few words with a gatekeeper in front of the manor. The gatekeeper was dressed in matching excess. His white suit had many accents of gold and chains of gold and silver could be seen trailing into his suit.

The gatekeeper stopped them. "Please present the token." Cerone held it up. "Good. Now please do not resist this magic." He quickly swiped his arm to the side and the three of them were quickly cleansed off debris and dirt. Rys even felt healthier than normal.

"Ok now you may approach me." Cerone looked at the group and took the bag of monster parts. Stopping just before the booth the man worked out of. She handed it over and he opened the back looking at the contents.