Chapter 3 - power of imagination.

imagination is imagine making, that men's to form a mental picture in your mind or brain.

genesis 11.6

says " nothing can stop dem of what they have imagine to do" paraphrase mine.

whatever a man imagine is possible if its not possible you can't imagine it.

you can't imagine and impossible thought everything you imagine is possible.

one man says " imagination is a preview of life coming attraction" .

mean ng whatever you imagine is what will come to pass.

" exceedingly above all you could ask or think according to the power worketh in you"

meanjng your thought and your thinking need to come together before result can come out.

the bible says * as a man think in his or her heart so is he or she"

both negative thoughts and positive thought comes and when you did not change your mindset nothing work for you.


many things that people pass through is not prayers they need what they need most of the time is a change of mind.

if you change your mind all other things refusing to align change also because the change of life is the change of life, is a preview of life coming attraction.