Soul information that is worth studying the moment a Stellar Cultivator reaches the cultivation rank of Stellar Nebula (Otherwise, it can cause serious harm during meditation).
To begin with, look at how the Soul Vessel is arranged so that one can absorb information more comfortably. That is, the Soul particle is actually inside the Vessel.
Below is a projected image of Vial of the Soul. I hope the picture is very clear and easy to understand.
The first thing you should familiarize yourself with is Vial Soul - Inherent in all sentient beings. In monsters, the vessel is the nucleus, which may evolve into a soul in the future. The Vial Soul consists of: Shell, Inner Volume, Energy, Thought Essence, and the Soul itself. From the outside, the vessel is seen as a small ball of light in the center of the being's brain, but the cultivator himself can only see his soul in the interior of Vial Soul.
The next aspect is the Shell of Soul - formed with the body. From birth it is virgin, to which corresponds the pink hue of Vial Soul, which increases the effectiveness to the development of the limits of the soul and the power of the pedigree, as long as the soul has chastity in the physical body and Thought Essence. The property of innocence is affected by intimate interactions with the opposite sex, from kissing on the lips to sexual intercourse. For the most part, only girls are affected by the development. Sometimes only during the loss of vaginal virginity, and sometimes from an innocent kiss on the lips. It depends on the pedigree and methods of cultivation.
— What comes next is something that can be absolutely mushy and nonsensical. Inner Volume of Soul - formed along with the body, it has a greenish tint. It has the property to increase in volume depending on an uncountable number of factors. Necessary for the formation of its new small vessels. The laws of nature can be formed in them, which have not been mastered before or they have been lost, stolen. So this is what I was talking about. I can control not only oxygen, but also ozone, hydrogen, methane, and many other gaseous elements. However, I still cannot control water directly, because it is an integral chemical compound. But the Stars that swirl around Vial Soul are a tool and conduit to the accumulation as well as the formation of small vessel sources.
The next thing is what intelligent beings and the soul itself live on - Energy, accumulated in the course of life's journey. The quantity, quality and varieties of energy do not depend on Inner Volume. Its quantity can be infinite, increasing its density so as not to exceed the size of Vial Soul.
Year after year, the Soul Energy is drawn little by little from absolutely everything. Literally, including the energy from the little vessels themselves. And it has no limits or restrictions, unlike the Inner Soul Volume, which is directly dependent on the cultivator's body and pedigree. The conversion from temporary storage to permanent storage, very roughly speaking. And it doesn't happen quickly.
The next not unimportant concept is Thought Essence (Thinking Substance Soul) - the mind, the memory of a sentient being. It has a greenish tint, and in the vessel it is concentrated in the form of a spiral with six tails. If there is a physical body, it is concentrated in the brain cells, but can exist without it, hiding (clinging) between the Energy of Soul and the Soul itself.
And that leaves the concept of the Soul - the central core of Vial Soul to which all other parts of the soul are attached. After the final death of the cultivator, the Soul remains in the vessel for reincarnation. The Soul is absolutely impossible to destroy - an immutable tiny particle of the universe.
Cultivators are not immortal. Though the Soul is reincarnated, but the memory is completely assimilated: Soul is cleansed and processed in the *Limbo* dimension.
Concept of the Nine Primary Elements
There is only one type of magic known as Magic of Primary Elements (Primordial Magic), and all other forms of magic are born from their countless combinations.
Mastering a new type of magic depends on various factors: the resilience of the physical body, the strength of the Vial Soul and its individual elements, the degree of information and awareness of the world's laws, mental power, including the power of words, thoughts, and gestures, the level of perception of the cosmic order, and the strength of will and spirit. The amount of energy in the Vial Soul or in individual small vessels within the inner volume of the soul, as well as the number of Stars formed and attached to the Vial Soul, also plays a significant role.
The quantity, quality, and peculiarities of a particular type of magic can vary from Stellar Cultivator to another. Each practitioner can possess a unique cosmic singularity throughout their life.
Magic of Primary Elements is divided into nine immutable and inviolable concepts, the combinations of which create the well-known subspecies of magic:
Nonexistence, Existence, Matter, Time, Gravity, Space, Negative Energy, Positive Energy, Soul Singularity.
Nonexistence (Infinite presence of processes that reject reality of the cosmos), Existence (Infinite existence of processes that accept reality of the cosmos), Matter (A combination of infinite substances containing elementary particles such as quarks, leptons, and bosons), Time (Engine, driving force for all Primordial elements, including itself. Paradoxicality, and primary cause of all events), Gravity (Acts as the equilibrium. Weighing scales of Universe), Space (Permeated by elementary particles, acting as an infinitely extended plane and platform), Negative Energy (Vacuum cosmological constant. Feminine nature), Positive Energy (Vacuum cosmological constant. Masculine nature), Soul Singularity (The unshakable tiniest particle of Universe).
(Link to a clearer internet version of the picture in the comments)
Only the nine concepts mentioned above have truly significant importance, and beyond that, there is the incomplete energy of Magic of Primary Elements, which Stellar Cultivators have divided into narrow directions within subspecies:
Subspecies of the School of Destructive Magic:
Chaos Energy (part of nonexistence, gravity, space, matter), Void Energy (part of nonexistence, space), Darkness Energy (part of space, matter, nonexistence), Reality Energy (part of matter, nonexistence, existence), Death Energy (part of nonexistence, matter), Blood Energy (part of negative energy, positive energy, space, matter), Heat Energy (part of negative energy, matter, space).
Subspecies of the School of Constructive Magic:
Order or Orderliness Energy (part of existence, matter, time, positive and negative energy, gravity), Life Energy (part of matter, existence, time), Nature Energy (part of existence, matter, Soul Singularity), Light Energy (part of matter, space, existence, gravity), Reality Energy (part of matter, existence, nonexistence) (illusion manipulation), Soul Energy (part of Soul Singularity, existence, positive energy), Mental Energy (part of Soul Singularity, positive and negative energy, time, gravity. Part of the branch of mental magic telepathy), Heat Energy (part of positive energy, matter, space), Charms Energy (part of time, existence, nonexistence).
Subspecies of the School of Necromancy and Demonology Magic:
Death Energy (part of matter, nonexistence, time), Soul Energy (part of Soul Singularity, time, nonexistence, existence, negative energy, positive energy, gravity), Darkness Energy (part of space, gravity, time, matter) (shadow manipulation or summonings included), Blood Energy (part of matter, part of positive energy, part of negative energy), Lust Energy (part of negative and positive energy of beings, part of existence), Curse Energy (part of time, nonexistence, existence).
Subspecies of the Agrarian States School of Magic of elements and substances:
Gas Energy (part of matter, space, gravity), Plasma Energy (part of matter, space, nonexistence) (very hot energy, stronger than flames), Liquid Energy (part of matter, space, existence), Amorphous Body Energy (part of matter, time, space), Crystalline Body Energy (part of matter, space, time).
Further, the concept of the nine Primordial Elements (Magic of Primary Elements) has less significance, as the energy is used on a more simplified level, not affecting the scales of the universe.
Subtypes of the School of Chemical and Elemental Magic, which include various forms of Matter magic:
Fire Energy (phoenix, dragon, wyvern flames, etc.), Water Energy (Ice), Air Energy (levitation may be possible), Earth Energy (lava, metals), Weather Energy (extremely rare, tornadoes, fog, storms, etc.), Acid Energy, Poison Energy, Lightning Energy, and so on... the list is endless.
Subtypes of the School of Mental Magic (Consists of Soul Energy and Mental Energy, nourished by the Thought Essence within Vial of the Soul. Based on the mind and will of sentient beings):
Telepathy (reading the thoughts of weaker cultivators), Spiritism (controlling ghosts), Psionics (the ability to create or manipulate paranormal phenomena with the power of the mind), Telekinesis (manipulating objects in space), Control of Electromagnetic Fields (distorting and creating them), Enhancement Energy (By using Enhancement energy, cultivators convert energy into spheres that enhance physical or mental characteristics).
Subtypes of specific magics that do not exclude the use of mental energy:
Sound Wave Energy (music magic), Radiation, Vibration, Animal Control, Electricity and Technology Manipulation, and so on.
Support Magic (Derived from Enhancement Energy. Cultivators can learn to use a narrow form of any of the nine concepts):
Materialization, Enchanting and Artifact Creation (including antimagic), Alchemy, Golemmology, Transmutation, Rune Crafting (infusing intention into runic formations, runic pentagrams).
(This is a significant part of the knowledge accumulated by Stellar Cultivators over millions of years of evolution and existence)
P.S. Forgot to add that you didn't have to read this as it will all be explained as the story progresses, hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee