More and more orcs appeared behind the mist in the village, making it even more difficult for Asher to track down the one holding the key to the underground orc prison. It proved that his previous assumption was wrong, finding the orc holding the key was much more difficult than he had imagined.
"Fuck, how can we find the orc now?" Chronos moved his eyes, looking at the pack of orcs that seemed to be in a fight with Rufina's bodyguards. "Argh, where's that fucking orc." He tugged his hair, a look of frustration on his face. 'Shit! Shit!"
"Chronos, calm down a bit. We need to be able to calm down so we can find the orcs because I believe it's around here somewhere." Asher kept moving his eyes like a moving camera. "We just need to be patient and wait."
"Argh, I hate waiting."