Florn finished cutting the tree he cut down into logs. He put some on a something similar to a sled and wrapped rope around his shoulders and waist and dragged it back to his home. When he got home he went to put the logs up. After doing that he found his wife sitting up on the bed with a bowl of soup on the bedside. They looked at one another. He had already ate a couple hours ago. The cooks of the village made three meals a day using the herbs the gatherers brought and the meat the hunters brought. There was a river nearby where some fishers were located. Florin looked at his wife.
" Honey i'm sure you noticed that our daughter has a gift. "
She nodded,
" Kind of hard to miss actually. Considering you know of this fact someone must have come by. "
" The Chief did. "
Her eyes revealed that she was surprised by the information.
" The Chief came? "
" He said that our daughter, Ameria, had potential to join the Elite Hunters. "
A smile appeared on her face.
" There's only 4 Elite Hunters at the moment correct? "
" Yes, all of them and their families live closer to the middle of the village, have bigger houses, and more. "
" Yes, but let's try not to push her too hard. I'd much rather her not come to hate us. "
" I agree however I think we should try to push her in that direction. "
" Every parent should attempt to lead their child in the best direction. Although some aren't exactly the best at deciding what's best. "
The conversation continued and eventually night fell which caused the both of them to feel the need to go to bed which is precisely what they did. Days turned to weeks and weeks into months. It wasn't long before Ameria said her first words and began to walk albeit clumsily. Her mother had taken her on her daily gatherings which let her become somewhat knowledgeable about the different herbs, trees, berries, and more. This also allowed Ameria to get use to be around others. The ambient cold spirits surrounding her when she was out also helped her get more use to them and she even played with them a bit. As she grew older her personality started to become more evident. This leads to when she's 4 years old. This is also when her lessons with the Chief's wife began.