At the edge of the universe lies the Shadow Realm, home to the powerful Arishma. A rift opens from an unknown location, and from it strides an army of dark, corrupted fallen heroes. Their numbers are vast, numbering around 100 million soldiers. As the last of the corrupted heroes steps out of the rift, seven imposing figures emerge. These are the generals of repercussion, each one a formidable foe in their own right: The Devourer (Anara, the World Eater), The Harbinger (Calamity, the Bringer of Doom), The Corruptor (Vile, the Master of Darkness), The Destroyer (Ruin, the Bringer of Chaos), The Ravager (Scourge, the Death Bringer), The Tormentor (Agony, The master of suffering), and The Executioner(Grief, The bringer of Sorrow).
It is said that these generals are powerful enough to rival the seven generals of preservation: Nsu (the Unyielding Protector), Kam(the Wise Counsellor), Malia(The Shadow Dancer), Maria(the Strong Defender), Micaela( the Just Judge), Amara(the Peaceful Mediator), and Ianthe(the Voice of the People). As the generals and their army march towards the main kingdom, Arishma feels a sense of unease. She can sense the evil aura emanating from them and hastily prepares for their arrival.
When they finally reach her kingdom, Arishma stands before them, her eyes meeting those of the generals. In a voice that is both authoritative and booming, she demands to know their business. "State your business here," she says, "or meet your demise." The generals exchange a glance before turning back to face Arishma. Anara is the first to speak, her voice high but calm. "Our lord has ordered us to destroy or peacefully take over your domain," she says. "He is willing to forgive you if you join his side by taking his hand in marriage."
Before she can finish her sentence, a sharp cackle of laughter erupts from Arishma. Her eyes turn cold and harsh as she sends an explosion of dark matter towards them at blinding speed. Calamity steps forward and slams his huge celestial steel shield down, completely nullifying the wave of energy. He signals for both sides to initiate their attacks.
A long and brutal battle ensues, with both sides taking heavy losses. The seven generals clash with Arishma in a battle that lasts for days and wreaks havoc across the entire domain. Each general unleashes their unique abilities and special moves based on their titles. Anara devours everything in her path with her World Eater ability. Calamity brings doom with his powerful attacks. Vile corrupts everything he touches with his mastery of darkness.
Arishma, the powerful ruler of the Shadow Realm, stood her ground as the generals of repercussions and their army marched towards her kingdom. She was determined to protect her people and her land from the evil that threatened to destroy it.
As the battle raged on, Arishma unleashed her unique abilities and special moves. She had control over darkness and the land of the dead, and she used this power to devastating effect. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned legions of undead warriors to fight by her side. With a wave of her hand, she enveloped her enemies in a shroud of darkness, blinding them and sowing confusion among their ranks.
But even with her formidable powers, Arishma was eventually forced to retreat. She escaped to her father's realm through a warping device, leaving behind a trail of destruction. But she knew that the war was far from over. She would regroup, gather her strength, and return to face her enemies once again.
As she fled, Arishma could hear the laughter of the Void echoing in her ears. He had won this battle, but she knew that the war was far from over. She would not rest until she had defeated him and restored peace to her kingdom. For Arishma was a warrior at heart, and she would never give up the fight.
The battle between Arishma and the generals was one for the ages. It was a clash between light and darkness, between good and evil. Both sides fought with all their might, unleashing devastating attacks upon one another.
In addition to summoning legions of undead warriors and enveloping her enemies in darkness, Arishma also used her control over dark matter to create powerful blasts that could level entire armies in an instant. She was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
But even with all her power, Arishma could not defeat all seven generals on her own. They were too powerful and too skilled in combat. In desperation, she called upon her father for aid.
Her father responded by sending reinforcements from his own realm to aid his daughter in battle. Together with these new allies, Arishma fought on with renewed vigor.
The tide began to turn, but as soon as it seemed that the tide was turning in Arishma's favor, a trumpet sounded and a huge wave of corrupted energy slammed down onto the domain. The force of the blast was so great that it wiped out nearly all of Arishma's forces, leaving only her and a few thousand of her allies alive.
In the face of this overwhelming power, Arishma knew that she had to act quickly to save herself and her remaining allies. She called upon her control over darkness to shield them from the blast, enveloping them in a protective shroud that allowed them to escape to Diveri.
As they fled, Arishma could feel the weight of their defeat bearing down upon her. She had lost so many brave warriors in the battle, and her kingdom lay in ruins. But she knew that she could not give up hope. She would regroup, gather her strength, and return to face her enemies once again.
For now, however, she and her allies were safe in Diveri. They would rest and recover from their wounds, and plan their next move. The war was far from over, and Arishma was determined to emerge victorious in the end. She would not rest until she had defeated the Void and restored peace to her kingdom. For she was a warrior at heart, and she would never give up the fight.