To Alyssra, the lifespan of a Terran is but a fleeting moment. Perhaps that's why she tolerates me. Drevolan's tolerance stems from his years spent among Terrans during the Regency Break. As for Thaleia, I've never quite understood her tolerance; maybe she's just being courteous to Drevolan. Alyssra is a known figure among Imperions, but few have actually met her. She's alternately hailed as a hero and vilified as a dark sorceress. Every so often, some aspiring hero would venture up the mountain to vanquish her. She'd transform them into Chimerix or Vipera and send them back down. I've warned her that this isn't helping her reputation, but she just smiles.
Beside her was her dagger, Frostfire, which is like a miniature version of Pardus Mountain. I don't know much about it, and even thinking about it unsettles me.
I greeted them with a bow. "Thank you for the sanctuary, Alyssra."
"It's my pleasure, Viktor," she replied. "I'm glad to see you're recovering."