She nodded as if it was perfectly logical that such a request involved an attempt to bisect me. I suppose it does make sense to me too. It might have even seemed reasonable had they not chosen to intrude upon my home. Perhaps this doesn't resonate with you, or it might even seem irrational, but I've been a part of the Vorgan for several years, and in our culture, you simply don't do that.
"Will you?" she asked.
"Stay out of his affairs? Not anymore," I declared.
She chuckled slightly. Her eyes were a light shade of brown. "You sound like a Dragon."
"I would challenge you to a duel, but that would just validate your assumption, so I'll decline."
"Smart move," she said.
I kept my anger in check because it's more potent that way, more usable. It was a chilling rage, and I knew it would fuel me for quite a while — long enough to hunt down this Cernan and give him a taste of his own medicine.