Kaori started to make his way towards Bill's house. He's been there several times in the past due to some situations with the investigation that he was doing about Eevee and its evolutions. Kaori managed to teach him about the evolutions via friendship and helped one of its Eevee to evolve into Espeon and Umbreon.
Still, Kaori didn't feel comfortable having these Pokémon to the Kanto Pokédex so, he decided to tell them to add them to the Johto Pokédex. While walking, Kaori had a feeling of being watched by something.
'Meh, I will take care of that later.' Kaori.
Kaori made his way towards Bill, who is now residing in a lighthouse investigating a massive Dragonite.
Kaori got near the Lighthouse and knock the door three times. Afterwards, Bill opened the door.
"Kaori. It's been so long." Bill.
"Come on mas. It's only been 5 months." Kaori.
"I know, but after all the help you have given me, I owe you so much."
"Please, I told you that there's no need of that. I only helped you because you seemed like a friendly folk."
"Still, I wanted to give you something in return as thanks."
"Let me guess. An Eevee?"
"…" Bill with a poker face.
"Ha! Knew it, It's an Evee, right?"
"N…no not at all, it is…" Bill kept looking in his room for another gift.
'I really need to repay some of the good fortune to Kaori. He saved me from getting my DNA completely corrupted with a Pokémon sample, he helped me with my Evolution research, he even helped me in the construction of this lighthouse. I have to give him an awesome gift.' Bill.
Bill then spots a ticket to the SS Anne and gets an idea.
"How about this ticket to the SS Anne? Bet you weren't expecting that, were you?" Bill.
"Ok, I was not expecting that. (lie)" Kaori.
"Hehe, I was supposed to give a research presentation about friendship evolution, but how about you go, do the presentation for just an hour, and then, enjoy the trip."
"Sounds like work to me…but I'll do it for the ride."
'Now that I think about it, it isn't a full paid cruise travel. He still has to do some work, stupid Bill, Stupid!' Bill cursed himself while having a composed look on the outside.
"So…what's your new research about?" Kaori.
Bill snaps from his confusion and answers Kaori.
"I'm investigating some Pokémon that characterized in being way bigger than the normal specimen of its species." Bill.
"Like a two meters tall Pikachu?"
"Something like that."
"What does it have to do with the lighthouse? You said it was vital for your research."
"Well…near this lighthouse, I have the suspicion of a giant Dragonite living and circulating the area around here."
"Oh please, you are going to get yourself killed if you get close to a Dragonite that big."
"I really didn't think about that at all."
"I can see that; you're like an open book when it's about stuff like this."
"Hehe…" Bill scratches the back of his head in shame.
"Tell you what, I've been aching for adventure so, how about you let me help you find this Pokémon?"
"Oh, I can't Kaori, y owe you so much, and I don't want to waste your time to get the Gym Badges." Bill.
"Don't sweat it Bill, I'll take this little Vee as payment, then, you will not owe nothing. How bout that?" Kaori asks while juggling Eevee's Poké Ball.
"You've always been good with those quick switches." Bill.
"Fine, you can help me. But be careful, I'll feel terrible if you get hurt for helping me."
"Wilco, see ya later."
Kaori makes his way outside and releases Eevee.
'System, analysis.'
[Level: 15]
[Potential: 5%]
[Trust: 50%]
[Gender: Male]
[Type: Normal]
[Nature: Quirky]
[Status: Healthy]
[HP: 46]
[Attack: 26]
[Defense: 24]
[Sp. Atk: 23]
[Sp. Def: 29]
[Speed: 26]
[Moves: Tackle, Growl, Sand Attack, Double Kick, Covet, Tail Whip, Baby-Doll Eyes, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Swift, Hyper Voice, Mud-Slap, Last Resort]]
'Nice, I can work with this. System, is there a way to prevent my Pokémon from evolving?'
[Answer: Yes, there is a recipe for a pill that keeps a Pokémon from evolving and also allows it to unlock its full potential in said form]
'Again, Nice! What's the recipe?'
[Ingredients: 20 Chesto Berries, 12 Cheri Berries, 11 Pecha Berries, 12 Rawst Berries, 34 Aspear Berries, 1 Perism Berry, 50 Lum Berries, 30 Leppa Berries, 90 Oran Berries, 45 Sitrus Berries, 30 Figy Berries, 20 Wiki Berries and 40 Mago Berries, salt, sugar, water]
'You've got to be kidding me.'
[Process: 1st begin to manually squash all 20 Chesto Berries at the same time until a somewhat watery paste is made, 2nd separate the Cheri Berries from its stem and let them dry to the sun for 2 hours, 3rd separate the Pecha Berries from their leaves and save them for other steps, cut the Pecha Berries unto cubes and let them absorb water in a bowl for an hour, 4th Peel the Rawst Berries and throw only its skin into the past made of Chesto Berries until they integrate completely, 5th cut the stems of the Aspear Berries and squash them alongside the leaves of the Pecha Berries, 6th cover the Perism Berry with the paste made in the last step and let it rest for an hour, 7th in a big blender, put the 50 Lum Berries, water and sugar and then, after the mixing is over, strain the result, 8th put inside the oven the 30 Leppa Berries for 10 minutes at 125 Fahrenheit, 9th make a blend of the 90 Oran Berries and the paste made in the 4th step DO NOT STRAIN, 10th make a blend with the 45 Sitrus Berries and combine it with the Cheri Berries and Pecha Berries DO NOT STRAIN, 11th Simultaneously mix the 30 Figy Berries, 100 grams of salt and sugar, 12th use only the spikes of Wiki Berries and squeeze their juice into the results of both step 9 and step 10, 12th Boil both of the results for 2 whole hours, 13th divide the 40 Mago Berries into 20 and throw 20 into each liquid, 14th Let the liquid boil until most of it evaporates leaving a little bit left in the bottom, 15th combine what's left of the liquids and mix them properly while they keep boiling, 16th after an hour of boiling, spread the mixture in a silver tray and let the mixture cool down for over an hour]
[Congratulations, you have created a substance that is capable of preventing a Pokémon from evolving and allowed them to reach beyond their normal potential]
[Warning: The product will only work on Pokémon that don't have the desire to evolve]
'Great, I feel my brain dying from all of that tedious procedure, and now, you are telling me that if Eevee wants to evolve, it won't work?'
'There's no way that he doesn't want to evolve' Kaori send Eevee out of its Poké Ball.
"Eevee!" Eevee makes its appearance and snuggles lovingly to Kaori.
Kaori notices a star-like pattern in Eevee's cheek and realizes something important.
"Ah! it's you!" Kaori.
(5 Months ago)
Kaori was helping building the lighthouse for Bill, Bill offered his house to let Kaori rest. Kaori played with Bill's Eevees, but he noticed a peculiar Eevee.
Normally, Bill shows his Eevees a film in which every Eeveelution (Except Sylveon, cause no Eevee learned a fairy-type move) but, there was an Eevee that didn't liked the idea of evolving.
To be more specific, he didn't want to evolve himself. So, when Kaori offered to train him to excel himself, he accepted.
After training with him, Eevee became stronger and wanted to follow Kaori. Unfortunately, Kaori went back to Pallet Town to keep his studies about Pokémon and Eevee couldn't follow him.
Since then, Eevee has been training to become the strongest Eevee in the world.
(Back to the present)
['There's no way that he doesn't want to evolve' Are the words that the Host just said]
'Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of me eating my own words.'
"Well, welcome to the team old friend."
"Now, let's search for this Giant Pokémon."