-New York, Central Park-
The God and mortal teen continued their battle on frozen lake – around the fissure and cracks formed across the lake.
Thor brought his hammer on Peter who deflected it with ease and retaliated with his Kagune. Thor repelled the sharp tentacled limbs with his silver arm braces. His long-lived experience and training could only do so much for him.
Peter slugged him across the face and Thor retaliated with a hammer to the Peter's left cheek. Peter caught the hammer and rammed his head into Thor's nose disorienting him. He followed though with a palm on Thor's armored chest blasting the god back with a blood bullet. Before Thor could fly far invisible bandages plucked him from the air, binding his form and pulled towards Peter's round house kick.
Lightning ignited around Thor allowing him to burn and break through his binding in time to form a cross guard against Peters kick however Peter Kagune followed suite through a calculating combo. All four crimson limbs merged into one and slammed into Thor using Peters momentum throwing the Asgardians form.
The attack left a small gash on Thor's left shoulder.
The Norse God slid to a stop on the frozen lake, but already sharp red crystal shards were heading for him.
Thankful a large ice spike's shot up in front of him protecting him.
The Executioner was not sitting idle by held the Enchantress close as he provided Thor with support. The Icey spikes were blown to bits by the exploding crystal shards, but it gave Thor time to regain his Bearings. His mind was in turmoil, but he had no time to consider things.
Peter tried to get past the Thor but Thor was making it his new mission to keep Thor away form Amora by any means necessary.
Not far to their left the green behemoth and Peter's false Ajin fought on matching blow for blow. Noir's voice could be heard amidst their clash trying and failing to talk some sense back into the Hulk.
To their right beyond the edges of the lake team X-men watched on. Jean in particular observed the fight with renewed intensity. Her form covered in a bright golden aura that resembled golden flames. She looked ready to hop into the fray and had Scott not spoken to her she might had done that.
Peter threw a punch which the Asgardian prince deflected with his hammer. The force was still enough to push him back. Peter limbs however showed no signs or bruising that came with using the Will of Saitama. The teen was learning, he applied the abilities strength enhancement just enough to grant him a boost but not enough to destroy his limbs.
He timed the activation of the Will of Saitama to go into effect only when his punches met resistance from an outside force. Cypher provided the calculations needed to achieve this to maximum effect complimenting Peter intuition and battle instincts. His Imagine Breaker was also activated in short immediate burst at oddly timed intervals to throw the Asgardian prince of his game.
In a span of a few minutes Peter's fool's gambit systematically absorbed Peter's experience and used it as a basis to develop a fighting style that was both effective and dangerous for the Asgardians. It left no room for unnecessary thoughts or internal musings- no witty banter, no fear, no rational self-imposed limitation, no moral dilemma, no emotional distraction, nothing but the ineffable compelling urge to complete the given task and the obsessive drive to adapt, improve and evolve until the given task was accomplished.
Death and pain were never an obstacle and without the sense of self-preservation that all mortal beings possess the clueless teen would unknowingly engrave his existence as one of, if not the most deranged and dangerous humans on the face of planet Earth into the minds of all those present.
It was as though Peter that exited the portal to Central Park and the Peter the Asgardian's faced from moments ago were two different people. To Thor and the executioner facing the teen and the X-man intently watching the fight, Peter became a different monster entirely.
Even so, Peter fought with caution.
His crimson armor pulsed with a red glow as it bled over his limbs beneath the invisible bandages – covering and reinforcing his limbs.
The Asgardian prince's form surged with lightning as he called forth more lighting only to be momentarily interrupted by Peter's Imagine Breaker as he shot towards the Executioner. Thor held his hammer close as he moved forward to intercept the child.
Thor's eyes flickered between green and blue, over the last few minutes the God of Thunder was regaining short bouts of clarity during their fight, but it was never enough to wake him.
The same could be said for the Hulk.
Peter's imagine breaker was however chipping away at the spell that bound him and the hulk to the enchantress.
The god of Thunder was beginning to realize that this wasn't going to end well. His body was bruised, and his armor was worn showing signs of the ensuing battle- blood trailed from the edges of his lips.
The Executor brought down his glowing battle axe hoping to deter the teen but the magical energy he brought forward was easily dissipated by the teen's Imagine Breaker. The beam he shot from his axe was deflected by
Peter's open palm. His ability eroded the beam out of existence as the sound of shattering glass reverberated throughout the field.
Thor met him in the middle. His hammer clashed with Peters's forearm, his magical energy clashing with Peter's Imagine Breaker which manifested in the real world like a form of invisible aura that permeated off his form visually resembling heat waves.
"Mighty Warrior Bloodborne! Stop!" Thor pleaded hastily, "Allow me a moment of respite, my mind has regained some clarity. I am not your Enemy!"
Thor glowered and with some effort summoned a torrent of lightning upon them momentarily separating them.
After some distance was put between him and Peter, he held his hands in a disarming fashion.
His actions prompted Peter to pause in his onslaught; his secondary objective was to incapacitate Thor and the Hulk which would require them to still be alive. As it was Peter might just kill or mortally wound them in his attempts to accomplish his first goal which was to kill Amora therefore considered the plausibility of negotiation a probable cause of action.
"That's irrelevant, my primary objective is clear- she must die." Peter pointed at the wounded Amora. He then moved the same hand and pointed it towards the area where Noir and the Hulk were brawling it out. "The Hulks and your freedom from her control is secondary."
Peter's last objective which was to win was left unsaid.
Blood then bled from him and coagulated in the air In front of his outstretched pointer and compressed into a ball the size of a fist. Peter activated the Will of Saitama and channeled its effects to his Index finger.
"I won't, I can't stop until those objectives are complete."
Without warning he flicked his finger and sent the blood hurling toward the Hulk like a projectile shot from a rail gun. The unsuspecting green giant was hit dead center in the chest and sent sprawling into the forest beyond the lack.
Noir's surprised shout and subsequent curses at his other self were heard across the frozen lake before he rushed after the Hulk.
"I'll give you fifteen seconds to propose a suitable compromise." With that said, Peter tried something new. He activated both the Imagine Breaker and the will of Saitama, this time he tried to use the effects of the will of
Saitama to momentarily boost the effects of Imagine Breaker.
It worked, a little too well and the following side effects were that much worse. His bones formed fractures within his body, his muscles burned, and his mind became numb. His mind felt numbingly hot, he could taste iron in his mouth and resisted the urge to cough out blood.
If it wasn't for the Fool's gambit and Fool's Mask working with the Incarnation of Garou Peter would have crossed the distance between them in a blink and attempted to kill Thor. When he was done there, he would have moved on to the X-man.
Thousands upon millions of whispers began seeping through the edges of his perception like silent prayers only he could hear screamed in his mind. These unintelligible mutterings told him things he could not understand, secrets and hidden truths, and attempted to influence his actions in any way they could.
As Peter stood there his imagine breaker domain spread over the area. It covered the radius of the lake and even reached the X-man standing near the edge. Jean's golden form was extinguished by the sound of shattering glass.
Thor's eyes return to their stormy blue as the flickering faded. The magic binding him to the enchantress losing its hold on his mind.
Peter's will influenced by the Incarnation of Garou prevailed in the end. He stilled his actions and waited patiently for Thor's answer. Peter thought he could keep Imagine Breaker active for at least twenty seconds- now it seems as though he could only keep it active for half that time.
"Well?" Peter asked Thor, he exuded killing intent in waves unintentionally cementing his stance on the matter of Enchantress.
Thor took a moment to consider things before doing something that surprised Peter.
He then turned solemnly to the Executioner; his mind made up regarding the next course of action.
Executioner took a step forward in defense of the Enchantress, but Mjolnir slammed into his chest launching him back, Thor held the enchantress before she fell and placed his hammer on her chest.
The bleeding Amora struggle to gran Thor's hand. A deep morbid cut ran diagonally from the top of her forehead down to her chest and ended on the left side of her hip. Her bleeding form writhing in pain as she pleaded as her magic blinked in and out of existence. "Thor, what?... What are you doing? Please, my love. I did this for us. Please…Don't…Thor?"
The Asgardian Prince sighed in resignation before replying. "Forgive me, Amora."
Lightning sparked across his fingers, then through his Mjolnir, before zapping the Enchantress, with pinpoint accuracy it stopped her heart.
With her death, the magic that bound the Hulk and Thor disappeared.
"NOOOO!" The Execution cried out, he quickly got to his feet and ran towards the dead Enchantress. Holding her close with his Axe by his side. "What have you done my prince? You've killed her?"
The loyal warrior gripped his weapon tightly fully prepared to exact vengeance on the God of thunder. The axe sparked, its runes blinking with power fighting against Peter Domain.
A single glance from Thor silenced the Asgardian warrior- his axe slid from his fingers with a clang, enraged and vengeful as he might be he would never raise his weapon against a Son of Odin- least of all the right full heir to the Throne of Asguard.
"AAAAAAAARRRRRGG!" He let out a sorrow-filled howl before settling to hug Amora close glaring with murderous rage at Peter yet made no move forward to attack the teen.
Thor stood up and turned to face Peter.
"Is this an acceptable outcome warrior Blood Borne" He spoke stoically, even against Peter's boosted Imagine Breaker Thor's eyes brightened with power. Lightning arced across his form and thunder rumbled above.
Peter stood still for a moment before deactivating his Imagine Breaker. Relief instantly flooded his form and although he could not physically feel pain at the moment, he was sure he was gonna be sore after this.
The teen had a sudden sense of blissful fulfillment with Amora's death. The kind that could not be put into words.
He could fill the restriction of the first condition being released and with it the condition for the second one too.
All that was left was the last one.
"It is" Peter answered him. He could fell his Noir and hulks fight deescalating as the spoke.
"Very well, what do you intend to do now?" Thor asked still guarded.
Peter regarded Thor for a moment before turning in the direction of the giant portal in the sky. He turned back and answered with a single word.
"I intend to win."
The frozen lake beneath Peter was blasted apart as he launched himself into the sky. He paused in the clouds, taking a moment to familiarize himself with the feeling of walking on air.
It was his first attempt after all.
After a few seconds of familiarizing himself with the feeling of pushing against gravity beneath his feet, he shot towards Stark Tower in a resounding boom.
Thor let out an exasperated sigh as he watched the teen heading toward what was most definitely his brother's location.
He turned to the Executioner and spoke softly with remorse clear in his voice. "Take your charge and leave this place, I will deal with my brother."
lightning sparked as electricity crackled across Amora's chest and against all odds the Enchantress let out a breath. Color returned to her skin- Thor had only used his control of Mjolnir and it's magical lightning to momentarily stop her heart. A trick he learned on his many adventures.
She was truly dead, but only for a few minutes at best.
The Executioner's eyes were filled with relief, he looked at Thor but said nothing- he gave the prince a respective nod as he hugged the Enchantress closer to his chst. Slowly he picked up his degraded weapon and stood up, he took great care of the enchantress in his arms as he stood. He then sliced into the space beside him opening a portal to places unknown.
Before turning to step into the portal under Thor's watchful gaze he said. "Thank you for sparing her, I, we will not forget this kindness. You have my word as Berserker of Old. Fare thee well…" with a momentary pause he continued. "My King. "
Having said his piece, the Executioner retreated into the portal with his Enchantress.
Thor glanced around him slowly, noting the destructing of his battle with the Boy Warrior Blood Born brought. He stood there in silence before reequipping his earpiece. He took note of the X-man but paid them no mind.
"Captain, Can you hear me?".
The earpiece buzzed to life with a reply. "Thor. Boy, am I glad to hear from you! We're heading to Starks Tower- Loki's armada retreated into the city." There was a pause followed by the sound of scratching tires and plasma bolts.
Thor could feel the relief in Steve's voice. He spun his hammer in preparation for his flight.
"You finish catching up with your brother? Cause we could really use the hammer of a god right now." Hawkeye voiced sarcastically through the comms.
"Ay archer. Enough words have been spoken and now I must save him from another strange ally. I shall see you and the captain at the Metal Man's tower."
Thor took to the skies after Peter.
-With the X-man –
Team X-man watched as Thor shot into the skies after Peter.
"So, we can be sure that power nullification isn't his only ability, right?" Kitty asked aloud, she turned to Bobby next to her.
"Yes Kitty, I think we all saw that." Bobby sighed.
"Guys…" Storm who hovered above called out in an urgent tone as she looked ahead into the distance.
"Look I'm just saying, if we ever have a run-in with other mutants – I think know who I'd want on the team" Kitty retorted.
"And I keep telling you, we can't force them to join the team," Bobby replied.
"Guys," Storm said, the urgency in her voice increased.
"Well, I could always try to convince him to join," Kitty suggested proudly.
"Riiiiight. Cause that's sooo hot~ " Bobby teased.
"Screw you Iceman" Kitty tried a jab at Bobby who quickly encased his body with ice. "Ow, damn it, Bobby!"
Jean was silently looking at her hands trying to understand what just happened. After Scott pointed it out to her and realized that she was actually glowing, she couldn't stop thinking about it- the energy and the feeling that came with it. If the team had not held her back, she would have jumped right into the fight- the only problem was that she wasn't entirely sure that she was going there to help Peter.
The experience was confusing to Jean.
She couldn't understand it. The strange presence she felt in her head subsided and took its whispers with it. The last thing it said still lingered in her mind.
It referred to Peter as it's Kindred', and called the teen an 'Outsider'.
Whatever this was, she needed to talk to the professor about it.
"It's gone," Jean said, she tried to pull on that power again, but it had gone dormant. "I can't feel it anymore."
Scott stood nearby, watching her with concern.
"Guys!" Storm shouted getting all their attention.
"What!?" Bobby and Kat called out before their eyes widened in shock.
Over the horizon directly ahead of the group, an army of Chitauri following Amora's beacon surged towards the group in waves. They were simply tracking Amora's beacon to her last recorded location with the order to kill on sight.
"Well, you wanted to fight something Red. There you go." Kat stated as she prepared herself mentally for the coming battle. Kat took a few steps forward to stand next to Jean, and Bobby followed her close behind.
"Any idea's Scott," Bobby asked the team's designated strategist as he stopped next to Kitty.
Storm eyes glowed as lighting sparked across her hovering form. She lowered herself until she was hovering next to Scott.
"Yea… I got nothing." Scott reached up and adjusted the dial on his visor. "We wing it until the professor gets here I guess. Jean?"
" I can take them," Jean said confidently, golden flames shone through her pupils.
The group had to blink twice as two war cries simultaneously filled the air. A tree was suddenly tossed unceremoniously across the frozen lake toward the oncoming horde as two forms shot forward after the tree.
"ROOOOWWWRRR!" Roared a muscular green giant as it shot after the tree toward the trouble.
"BRING IT OOON!! YAAAAHOOOO!" Cried the deranged black-clad teen riding on the green giant's shoulder.
The Hulk barreled across the frozen lake with Noir standing on his shoulders- in one hand he spun what was left of his torn hoodie like a flag leaving the teen covered in only his bandages and t shirt and in the other hand he held a torn branch pointed like a sword at the Chitauri horde in a declaration of war.
"Well... that's not something you see every day."
"So, If Peter's the red guy then who's that crazy lunatic, cause he kind of sounds like Peter"
To their relief and sanity, they spotted the X-jet descending from the clouds just around the corner and directly to them.
-Chapter End-