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A New Adventures Awaits

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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

Back story:

This story is about a family going on some crazy new adventures together and apart. The family has been apart for about 3 years now and the mother and father thought it was time for their kids to come over to Japan and live there with them but some of the younger kid doesn't want to go because he hates them, while the others are just wanting to get out of the USA and start a new adventures together and apart. Their parents bought them a whole apartment building for their kids to stay in until they are ready to move out on their own and take that step to many new memories. A new adventure awaits them with so many surprises!

Present day:

Iris and Elijah were so excited that their kids were finally coming to live with them. They knew it was going to be hard but it was going to be hard for everyone. "When are the kids supposed to get here?" Elijah says to his wife Iris. "They are supposed to be here tomorrow honey. They should be on the plane by now though." She told him. "Ah, Ok. Do you know what time? I would like us to meet them at the airport, if we can." he says as he was getting ready for work. "I think they are going to be here at noon but I could be wrong. Asher is supposed to call me when they all land." She says as she walks into the bathroom to do her make-up. "Damn, then we aren't going to be able to pick them up. We will be in meetings all afternoon." He said as he was putting on his tie. "I know and that is why I am hoping that Asher calls me when they land." she told him as she was finishing her make-up. They finished getting ready for work and then they left the house.

As they were going to work their kids were getting on their plane. Asher arrived at the airport before the others did. "I wonder where the others are?" he asked himself as he was looking at his watch. After looking at his watch he was starting to get a little worried about them because he knew that his little brother Josh was going to be a handful to get to the airport. After all he was the only one that didn't like the fact that their mom and dad wanted them to finally move over there. "Josh please don't give the others a hard time." Asher said to himself as he was shaking his head. He then decided to text Dee and see where they were. The text read "Hey, where are you guys at? I am worried about you all and I need to know what is going on." He then sent it and about a minute later Dee replied back. The text reads "We are on the way now. Josh was giving us some trouble. As you probably already knew. I will text you once we are at the airport." As Asher is reading it he is shaking his head "Why can't you just be like the rest of us little brother." he says out loud.

"Well, since I am waiting here, I guess I will go and get me some Starbucks." He said to himself. Asher walks to the Starbucks "thank god it is close by." he giggles. He stands in line but as he is waiting he texts his mom. It reads "Hey mom it's just me. Josh is giving everyone trouble and I am hoping we will be making our flight. I don't know why he is doing this to us. We all know that you and dad are busy and we understand but when it comes to him it's like, we are ripping him away from something." He then hits send as he finally makes it to the counter. "Hello and welcome to Starbucks. How may I help you tonight?" the young lady asked. "Hi there, I would like a venti vanilla sweet cream cold, please." he asked the young lady as his phone went off. "Yes you can and what is the name going to be for the order?" she asked. "Huh, oh it will be Asher," he said. "Ok, we will have that out for you as quickly as possible." she tells him as he then walks off.

Text was from mom and it reads "I hate that he is giving you all a horrible time but please just give him some time and he will see that we really do care. I know it took us all these years for all of you to move here but we needed to make sure that we had somewhere that you all could live. We also wanted to make a good amount of money, so that we could get you all here safely. Please Asher tell the others, give him some time. Ok?" Asher stood there for a moment with tears in his eyes "mom, you finally told me the reason why it took you and dad so long to make this move." he said to himself. "An order for Asher!" a man calls out. He walks over to the guy "that's me." he says as he grabs the coffee. "Thank you and come again." the man said as Asher walked away, his phone went off once again but this time it was Dee. The text reads, "We are here and we are going to security. You know all that good shit."

Asher shakes his head "what the fuck is wrong with him." He says to himself. He then texts Dee back and reads "I know and I am sorry you two went though that. I texted mom and we all need to talk." Dee, Josh and Zoey walked to the terminal that they needed to be. Dee reads the text that Asher sent and then he shows the others "What does he mean by that?" Zoey asked Dee. "I have know idea but we need to hurry up." Dee says as they all start to walk a little faster. "Fight 263 to Japan is now boring!" The lady said over the intercom. "Shit where the hell are they?" Asher grumbled to himself as he was looking around to see if he could spot them but he didn't see them. "I guess I'll get on the plant and wait for them there." He mumbles. He starts to walk over to where everyone was boarding the plane 'they better hurry up and get here fast.' He thinks to himself as he waits in line.

He looks at his watch then to his phone 'I should text Dee and see where they are' he thought to himself. He texts them one last time before he gets to the lady that is taking tickets, since he was the next in line. He texts Dee "where are you at? I am boarding the plane right now!" Dee looks at his phone "Fuck its Asher, he is boarding the plane right now." Dee tells the others as they are now running to the terminal. "What, he's not going to wait on us?" Josh said in an annoyed tone. Dee look over at Josh "well, if someone would have just fucking listen and came along, we wouldn't be in this fucking situation. You fucking dumbass!" Dee yells at Josh. "What the hell did I do? I'm not like you fucker that want to go to Japan." Josh yells back.

Asher hears familiar voices and turns to see Zoey speed walking away from the loud mouths. "Excuse me sir?" The lady asked him. He looked back at her "sorry I will be right back." He tells her as he gets out of the line to meet up with Zoey. "Hey little bro!" Zoey says as he walks up to Asher "you know I hate when you call me little bro shortcake." Asher teases. Zoey looks at him with annoyed expression "why do you insist on call shortcake, you dumb fuck." She says in an agitated tone. Asher smirks "cause you are so short." He teases her as he puts his arm on her shoulder. She pushes it off "you better be glad there are people around." She said in an annoyed tone as she walked off to get in line.

Asher laughs "you know you love me shortcake!" He calls out. She turns and gives him this look when she is annoyed with him.

While Asher and Zoey were teasing each other, Dee and Josh were still fighting. Asher walks up to them "you know there are people around and looking at you two." He says as he walks behind Josh and smacks him in the back of the head. "Damn, what was that for?" Josh yells out in pain. "That was for being a complete moron." Asher says in a pissed off tone. "Why didn't you smack Dee?" Josh asked as he was still rubbing the back of his head. "Cause I think Zoey has something for him later." He growled. Dee smirks, "I'm so scared of her." Dee laughed as he got in line. "you better be scared, you know our sister has a Mean Streak in her and you know she can get us back in so many ways." Asher says. Dee just turns and smirks at him.

Asher looks at Josh "come on you little jerk." He said in an annoyed tone. "I'm not getting on that plane." Josh yells. "If you're not going to get on that plane by yourself, I'm going to pick your ass up and carry you on." Asher tells him with an evil grin on his face. "I would love to see you fucking try old man." Josh smirked. Asher grins "I guess we are going to do this the hard way." He said as he then picks Josh up and throws him over the shoulder. As all of this was going on Zoey finally made it to the lady that was taking the tickets "hello, how are you doing today?" She asked sweetly. Zoey smiles "I am good, just having some trouble with my little brother."

She tells the lady as she hands her her ticket. The lady takes it as she looks behind Zoey "I see." The lady giggles. Zoey laughs "yeah they are all a handful at this point." Zoey giggles. "I know that one too well. My brothers are too." The lady giggled as she handed back her ticket. "I hope they behave better on the plane and have a nice flight to Japan." The lady continues to say. Zoey takes her ticket "I hope they will and thank you. I hope you have a great rest of your day." She said as she walked onto the plane.

As she was getting on the plane as Dee was next in line "Hello there sir, how are you doing today?" the lady asked him. "I could be doing better. How are you doing today?" he asked her as he handed her his ticket. "I am doing good." she said as she took his ticket and looked it over. "Ok sir, you are good to go and I hope your day gets better." she smiled as she handed his ticket back to him. Dee heads to the plane, he turns to see that Asher and Josh finally made it in line 'what a little spoiled brat he is' Dee thought to himself as he was heading to his seat, which was the window seat that was next to Zoey. Dee put his carry on in the overhead compartment and sat down next to Zoey. As he sat down, he took his phone out and turned it off. "Sis, did you turn your phone off?" He asked her as he put his phone back into his pocket. She looked at him "yeah I did. Were Asher and Josh behind you?" She asked. "No, he was getting into line when I was getting on the plane." He said.

As they were waiting Asher was waiting in line with Josh still on his shoulder but Josh wasn't going easy. He was kicking and swearing at Asher. "If you would of just listened we wouldn't be here, now would we?" Asher asked in an annoyed tone as he smacked Josh on the ass. "Ouch, fucking shit head!" Josh yelled out. "Then stop kicking and whaling. I wouldn't have hit you." He tells him and he moves up one spot. "Why wouldn't I fucking kick you? You and everyone else knows I don't want to fucking go. Mom and dad took this long to get us over there, why the fuck now?" He yelled out. Asher just stood there in silence 'if you only knew they were doing this for us, prick.' Asher thought to himself as he was the next in line. "Are you listening to me, bitch!" Josh yelled. Asher smacks him again "watch your mouth, there are kids around." He said as he walked up to the counter.

"Hello there sir, how are you doing today?" The lady asked with a slight giggle. "I could be better. How are you doing today?" He asked her as he handed her both his and Josh's ticket. "I am doing good and I see you have your hands full." She giggles. "Yeah I sure do. I bet you haven't seen anything like this." He laughed. She hands him the tickets "nope, this would be the first for me." She smiles. "Thank you and I hope you have a great day." He says as he takes the tickets. "Thank you and I hope you have a better day, sir." She tells him. He walks onto the plane with Josh still kicking and swearing. "You really need to shut up." Asher tells him as he carries him to his seat. He finds their seats and sets him down "now sit down and shut up." He tells him in a pissed off tone. Josh sits down on the other side of Zoey as Asher puts both their carry ons in the overhead bins.

Asher then sets down and takes a deep breath "Josh make sure you turn off your phone." He said as he sent a quick text to their parents. After he sent the text he turned off his phone. "Why should I turn off my phone?" Josh annoyingly asked. Zoey leans over toward him "turn you fucking phone off or I'll fucking take it and throw it off this plane." She whispered to him. Josh looks at her and does as he was told because he knew that look she had. "Good boy." She said as she sat back into her seat. Josh sat there mumbling to himself as the rest of the passengers were getting on. "Fight 263 to Japan will be leaving soon. So, please make sure your phones are off and that your seat belts are on." The pilot said over the intercom. Zoey looked over at Asher, then over at Dee "When are you going to ask him about that text?" Zoey whispered to Dee.

Dee looks at her "When should I ask him?" Dee asked. "You should asked now and see what the hell is going on." She demanded. Dee looks over at Asher "He looks kind of pissed. I don't think it is a good idea to ask him right now." he whispers. "I wonder who's fault that is." She looks over at Josh. "What the hell did I do now?" he asked in a bratty tone. "You know what you did. You gave us one hell of a time. Trying to get your ass here. I'm sorry that you are leaving your friends but the move is going to make us a better family." she tells him. "I don't know why they are calling us over now. I didn't won't to go because of my friends but there was my band. We were going to be on the road and they took that from me." Josh says as he teared up. Zoey grabs his hand "once we are all settled down I can bring you back for a while and you can go on the road with your band then. We need to think about mom and dad and how they feel about all of this." she tells him.

"Who cares what they think, they called us over there now, right when everything was going right." he said. Zoey knew how he felt, when she told her boyfriend and friends that she would be moving to japan. Her boyfriend ended it with her because he didn't want a long distance relationship. "Josh I know how you feel but mom and dad want us to live with them for a while and I am pretty sure, if you don't like it over there after a period of time and when you are older, they will let you go back." she told him softly. Josh just looks at her "you all know that they have a reason they want us with them." Asher tells him all. Zoey looks over at him "and what is that?" she asked him. He closes his eyes "Mom texted explaining why they left and now what us there. They were trying to make enough money, so they could buy us a whole apartment building for us to live in. Knowing them they had it redone so that it's more like a huge house." Asher says.

Zoey looks back at Dee with a surprised look on her face 'so they were actually doing all of this for us' she thought to yourself. Josh looks at Asher "what the hell are they getting out of this after all this fucking time. They could of fucking took us with them and not just up and leave us behind. I don't care if they were trying to get the money and a place that was big enough for us." Josh yells out. Asher opens his eyes "I understand where you are coming from Josh but you need to understand that they want us with them now. It shouldn't matter if they wanted us to come then or now. They were thinking about us and not themselves." Asher said. "Asher, is that all mom said to you?" Zoey blurts out. "Yes that was all she said but when we get there maybe she will tell us more about why they took so long." He said. "Well they should have already told us and not just left like that." Josh blurts out.

"Josh, you need to understand where they are coming from." Asher said as he closed his eyes again. "Tell me this Asher, what do they get out of all of this?" Josh asked in a snarky tone. "Josh!" Zoey said. "What, I would like to know," he said. "Asher, what do you think about all of this?" Zoey asked. "I think it's a second chance at life. Well, it's more like a new adventure. Just think about it, how many people get the chance to go to Japan? What do you and Dee think about all of this?" he asked them. Dee looks out the window "I think it's going to be a great adventure for all of us and I think it will be nice to see mom and dad." Dee said softly. "And what about you Zoey." Asher asked as he opened his eyes and looked at her. "I think it will be nice but some of us have friends and partners here and we had to let some of them go." Zoey tears up. Dee looks over at her and puts his hand on hers "it will be ok." he tells her. "We all had to give up something." Asher said.

"What the fuck did you give up?" Josh asked in an annoying tone. "Well kid, I had to leave my company behind, my girlfriend, well more like my ex now." he tells him. "You can move your company and you will fine someone new cause you are a fucking playboy." Josh said. Asher gives him this look that he is going to get his ass beat, so Josh shuts his mouth as the intercom comes on "Ladies and Germs, we are about to take off, so please make sure your seat belts are on and that your phones are off. Thank you." the pilot said over the intercom. They all then make sure that their belts are buckled and that their phones are off, as they feel the plane start to move.

The plane moved into position because there were a few planes in front of them. "What is taking so damn long?" Josh blurts out. Zoey looks at him "There are probably a couple of planes in front of us. We just can't take off, dumbass." Zoey tells him in an annoyed tone. "Then why did he just say that we are about to take off when there are planes in front of us? This is just some fucking bull shit. I didn't want to fucking go and now that you all got me on this fucking plane we are held up." Josh said in a pissy tone. Zoey smacks him in the back of the head once again "Why don't you shut the fuck up and go to sleep." she said in a demanding tone. Josh rubs his head and looks away "fine but you all are ass wipes for making me do this shit." he said as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

After about 30 minutes of sitting on the take off strip they started to move. "I see that we are moving, guess we are about to take off and we aren't going to see our home again." Dee said under his breath as he looked out the window and saw them leaving the ground. The pilot came over the intercom again "Our flight for Settle to Japan is under way. Our flight will take 10 hours and 35 minutes. I hope you all enjoy your flight." the pilot said. Once the plant was in the air the intercom came on again "Ladies and Germs, we are on in the air and you are now free to move about the plant. We will have drinks and snacks coming your way very soon. We hope that you enjoy the rest of your flight and thank you for choosing 263 to Japan." the pilot said. Zoey unbuckles her belt and looks in her purse and gets out a quick dissolving melatonin as the stewardess comes around with drinks. "What can I get you to drink?" she asked Zoey. "Can I get water for him and a cocktail for me?" she asked her as Josh sat up. "Yes ma'am, I will get that for you right away and do the gentlemen next to you want anything?" she asked. Dee looked over at her "No I am good for now, thank you." he said.

The lady then looks over at Asher "Hello sir, would you like anything?" she asked him. He smiles "yes I would like to have a cocktail too." he told her. "Ok, I will have that out for you soon." she said as she walked away. About 5 minutes later she comes with their drinks "here you go ma'am." she said as she handed Zoey her cocktail and water. Then she turns to Asher "Here you go sir." she said with a big smile on her face as she handed him his drink and a note. "Thank you miss." he said with a smirk as she left. Everyone looks over at him "So what does the note say?" Zoey asked as he put one of the quick dissolving melatonin into Josh's drink. Asher smirks "Wouldn't you all like to know." he said in a snarky tone. Dee smiles "I bet that notes say to meet her in the bathroom or some shit like that." he said as he turned back to look out the window. "See I told you that you were a fucking playboy." Josh remarks. "You all are mad cause I can get anyone I want." Asher replies.

Zoey gives Josh his drink "Yeah we know that. You can get any gender you want and you would be so damn proud of it. Hell you almost took my boyfriend from me." Zoey said as Josh took the water from her. "Yeah true, you all know that I am pansexual and I love to play with anyone that comes my way cause they how that I am a good fuck." he laughs as Josh takes a sip of his drink and about sips it back out. "I really didn't need to fucking hear that." Josh says as he is wiping his mouth off. "Aww, why? I bet that you haven't even fucked anyone yet, little boy." Asher said in a snarky tone. "Yeah well you all are not like you, who wants to fuck everything in sight." Josh replies as he takes another sip of his water. "Why don't you all just get some rest and let me worry about this little note." as he waved it around.

Josh leans back in his chair and closes his eyes "Asher please be careful and don't lean her on." Zoey was pleased. "You know that I wouldn't do that. She should know that I am the type of guy who just wants a good fuck after the hell that little shit put me through." he tells her. She then leans back into her seat and closes her eyes. Asher reads the note, it reads 'meet me in the bathroom in 20 minutes' he then folds the note up and puts it in his pocket. About 20 minutes later he sees the women walk into the bathroom and he then gets up, walks to the bathroom and knocks. She opens the door and pulls him in by his tie.

"I see, seems like someone want a good fucking." Asher says as he closes the door behind him. She reaches down and unbuttons his pants "yes I do." She replies as she then gets on her knees. She reaches in his pants and slowly pulls out his hard cock. "Do you like what you see?" He asks. "Mhm." She says as she slowly takes him into her mouth. "Fuck that f-feels good." He moans out. She takes one hand and starts to stroke his cock as she is sucking on it. "D-damn you know w-what you're doing." He moans. She smirks a little and then starts to suck harder. "F-fuck!" He lets out. She stops "does that feel good?" She demanded. Asher smiles "yeah, but I think you could do better." He tells her as he forces her back on to his cock. "I want to feel the back of that fucking throat." He demands as she then starts to choke on his 14 inches.

After a minute of making her choke, he lets her go "mmm, good girl." He smirks as he lifts her up off the floor and bends her over the sink. He then leans over her "Now it's time to show you how good of a fuck I really am." He whispers in her ear. "Then show me." She says in a bratty tone. One of his eye brows lifts up and a big smirk comes upon his face. " getting bratty I see. Now you are going to have to beg me to fuck you." He says as he pulls down her stocking and panties. He takes his cock and rubs it against her pussy. She moans and squeezes her thighs together "beg daddy to fuck you." He demands. She looks back at him "please fuck me, I want to feel you inside me." She begged. He leans over her "I think you can do better than that." He whispers in her ear. "Please daddy, I want to feel your huge cock inside me." She pleaded. "Mm, that's better but not good enough." He said as he pulled away from her.

She looks at him and wiggles her ass "will daddy please fuck his little slut." She says. He bites his lower lips and he smirks "oh now that's better." He says as he puts the tip of his cock in her tight pussy. She lets out a loud moan. So, he takes his hand and puts it over her mouth "shh, we don't want the whole plane to know that I am fucking you." He teases as he slowly puts another inch in her. She knobs her head yes as slowly puts his cock inside her. "God damn your fucking tight." He moans as he takes his hand away from her mouth. "Y-your so f-fucking huge. I don't think I can take all of it." She moans out. He then slams the rest of his 14 inch cock into her. They both let out a loud moan "fuck d-daddy." She manages to as he held his cock inside her for a minute before slowly moving.

He slowly takes he cock almost all the way out, just leaving the tip. "Does this little fucking slut what to be fucked hard?" He tried to ask normally but her pussy was trying to suck him back in. "P-please pound the f-fuck out of my slutty pussy." She moans out. "Mm, good girl." He smirks as he slams into her again. "I'm not going to take it easy on you. I'm going to pound the fuck out of you till you beg me to stop and even if you beg me to, I wont stop." He said in a demanding tone. He starts to show her how a real man fucks. As he was started to fuck her harder and harder, she couldn't hold back her moans. They had gotten louder and louder with every thrust. He puts his hand over her mouth "shh, or w-we will g-get caught." He moans.

As this is going on Zoey and Dee could hear them in the bathroom. They look at each other and shake their heads "why does he need to be such a playboy?" She asked Dee. "I have no idea. He gets more ass than any of us." He teases. Zoey giggles "true he does. I just hope he's being careful." She says in a bit of a worried tone. Dee smiles at her "I'm sure he is being careful." He rescues her as a male walks up to them. "Sorry for interrupting, I was wondering if you all needed anything, since the stuartist is on her break?" He asked sweetly. Dee looks at him "can I get some hot tea, if you have it?" He asked. "Yes we do. Would you like some sugar with that or maybe some cookies?" The man asked. "Could I get both?" Dee asked. The man smiles and knobs "yes you can and does the lady want something?" He asked as he hands her a napkin with something written on it. She takes it "yes I would like a refill on my cocktail please." She asks sweetly. "Ill have those out to you soon." He said as he walks away.

Dee looks at her "what does the note say?" He asked with an annoyed tone. She looks at him and then down at the note. She opens it "it says that 'i think you are beautiful and if I would like to meet him in the stuartist area' why do men think I'm like that playboy of ours?" She asked him. Dee looks down "I don't know but at least you both have someone that is interested in you. I haven't had a partner in a few years." He said in a sad tone. Zoey puts one hand on his knee "you will find someone. Maybe Japan is your second chance at love." She rescues him. He puts his hand on hers "maybe but what if I don't. I mean look at me, I look like I could kill someone with my bare hands." He said in a tone that she hasn't heard in a long time.

"People are just judging you over your looks and it's not right because I know that you are the sweetest person in the world. Yeah you're on the taller side but you are so sweet and caring of others." She said as the man came back with their drinks and snacks. "Here you all go. Is there anything else I could get you?" He asked. "Thank you and we are good for now." Zoey said. The man knobs and walks away "you not going to meet him?" Dee teases Zoey. She gives him an annoyed look "no, I'm not going to be like our brother." She said,