Chereads / Giantess town / Chapter 6 - The trap (2)

Chapter 6 - The trap (2)

Melody woke up and started to stretch as her arms brushed up against some of the branches of the trees above her. Standing up she quickly woke up her group, Cathy groggily complained at how early it was. It took her a while to get up but she finally stopped complaining. Ginger on the other hand got up without a complaint at all. "Let's head out," Melody told them as she led them down the road away from where Cindy went last night. Cathy patted her rounded out gut watching it ripple slightly as she mumbled something about her stomach. Melody just rolled her eyes at her complaining.

"Can we at least eat something," Cathy asked in a whiny voice.

Melody fought the temptation of snapping at her. All the bitching she does would make anyone want to tear into her, but Melody knew better. When it came down to it, she was very reliable. In fact, she was more concerned that Ginger, the new one, and how she might ruin their hunt more than Cathy. "If it stops your moaning," Melody told Cathy who seemed a little hurt but went off to find some food. Melody thought of following her to get some food too, but always seemed to find her prey better on an empty stomach. In fact, she enjoyed the feeling of having an empty gut being filled with the squirming movements of her prey. Just thinking about it made her gut cry out for food like Cathy did. It didn't take long till Cathy came back rubbing her gut. "Better?"

"My stomach still feels weird but yeah," Cathy told her as they started heading out again. Melody could hear Ginger talking to Cathy as they traveled further and further down the road. The sun was almost all the way up in the sky, signaling noon, and they still hadn't found anything. Melody was starting to get upset as she realized maybe she misjudged that Cindy girl.

"How much further did you want to go," Ginger asked.

"As far as it takes," Melody told her.

Ginger stopped in her tracks causing the others to too. "We had a fine spot for a trap and now you have us chasing after some hunch you have."

Melody wanted to argue with Ginger but she was right. She did lead them away from a perfectly good hiding spot for food. She wanted to make them walk until they found something. Realizing how petty she was being right now she swallowed her pride and nodded in agreement, "Your right. Let's head back." Melody turned around and lead her group back toward their camp they were at last night. As they were heading back Melody couldn't take it any longer as her gut made her stop in her tracks. Holding her stomach, she turned to her group, "Let's get some fruit and then head back to camp. I'm sorry I lead us out here for nothing."

"It's fine," Cathy said.

"Let's just get something to eat before you collapse," Ginger said as they went to look for some food. They headed deeper into the woods and found some berries and a few animals that were dumb enough to cross their path. With her stomach now sated, they headed back to where they were this morning. Melody lead the way through the forest which seemed to thicken a little bit. They were traveling down a new path back and had to slow down a little due to the trees that were starting to grow closer together. Melody stepped around a tree and paused. In front of her stood 14 little people in a small group who all froze and looked up at her. Melody looked down at them and recognized that 12 of them had military armor on them and must be hired protection. The one that caught her eye the most was not the sole female of the group, it was the one that was leading them. He stood out from the rest of the group. The male held some kind of alluring force that just made Melody want to snatch him up right then and there. They all stared at each other for the next second or two until Ginger and Cathy walked past Melody and came into view of the frozen people.

Melody couldn't tell who moved first but all of a sudden it was chaos. Melody quickly went for the one she desired above all else but he was quick. He was gone in an instant with the female as they ran back where they came from between the narrow trees. The rest of the group split into different directions in a panic forcing Cathy and Ginger to split up after them.

"Cathy go that way, Ginger, that way," Melody said pointing Cathy to her left and Ginger to her right as they chased after the ones who ran off in those directions. This left Melody with heading toward where the female and her desired prize. Stepping around the tree Melody caught a glimpse of them running and followed after them. She could already feel the female pounding away in her stomach, screaming and cry, while the male squirming in another spot that was throbbing with anticipation. This just made her day…

Dagon was leading the group through the forest where the trees were thickest, which meant harder time for Giantess to go through. It was a slower pace but safer. He just wanted to go a little further into the woods before heading back toward the road. They would have passed a great distance away from the fallen tree and any possible trap set up for them. Dagon hopped over one of many tall tree roots with ease. As he was continuing his way forward he heard the princess struggling. Turning around Dagon was shocked at how far behind they all were. Cursing to himself, he completely forgot how unprepared the others were with dealing with the outside world. Dagon sighed and headed back to help the princess over a large root. Climbing on top of the root he helped lift her up and then back down.

"Thank you," Olivia told him as he nodded and helped the others over the difficult terrain. As they continued their journey Olivia looked up at distant canopy. It was nearly impossible to see the top and there was barely any light shining into the forest. She was in awe at the size of the trees. Looking back down, Olivia saw a large sea of plant roots entangling all around them. Some were as large as her arm others as big as she was. It was like a large hedge maze leading off in the distance. It wasn't long before she started to grow tired from the constant climbing over the large wooden obstructions. She needed to catch her breath.

Olivia was going to say something when Kevin spoke up, "We need to rest."

Dagon was going to argue with the guard but noticed that the princess and the rest of her guard were a little tired. Nodding in agreement Dagon leaned up against one of the many roots around waited for the party to recharge. Deciding to give them a 10-minute rest he looked up at the sky, or what was of the sky with all the trees in the way. He could barely make out the sun in the center of the sky, it was around noon. They would travel for another hour or two before heading toward the road.

Dagon was going to grab some water from one of the guards when he stopped. Everyone looked at him confused as Dagon turned his head off to the right of them. "What's wrong," Olivia asked. Dagon held up his hand for silences as he continued to listen.

"I heard something," He whispered. Dagon kept listen for what seemed like a minutes until Kevin broke the silence.

"We don't hear anything," Kevin said annoyed at Dagon's actions.

Dagon was about to say something when he heard it again. It sounded like branches being snapped. This time everyone heard it and looked in the direction of where it came from. Out from behind a tree walked a Giantess. She looked just as surprised as they were only her surprise quickly turned into delight whereas Dagon's turned into dread. Neither party moved as the Giantess looked at each one of them and they in turn looked at her. As the tension grew Dagon glanced around to see if there were any more Giantess around and the best possible escape route. Dagon didn't see any other Giantess but he knew better than to believe that, he couldn't take the chance that she was alone. As Dagon looked at the Giantess he noticed that she had a weird look in her eyes, she was looking right at him. Dagon gulped, this couldn't be good for him. Just as Dagon was deciding when to run for it, suddenly two other Giantess step out from around the first one. There was a split-second before all hell broke loose. One of the guards made a mad dash which caused everyone else to run. Dagon quickly grabbed the princess' hand and ran away weaving in and out of tree roots hoping to lose the Giantess in the trees. Dagon could hear one of the Giantess calling the shots and split up after the others while she chased Dagon and the Princess down.

Dagon quickly pulled the princess over a large root and between a narrow space between two trees just as a large hand reached out and narrowly missed them. Dagon didn't look back but heard the Giantess let out an aggravating growl as she couldn't fit between the large trees and needed to go around the enormous trees. Luck was on Dagon's side as they continued to flee deeper into the forest where the gaps between the trees became smaller and smaller limiting the Giantess' mobility. The princess was trying to keep up but Dagon noticed that she was slowing down and breathing heavily. She wouldn't last much longer. However, Olivia's breathing wasn't what worried Dagon, it was the other heavy breathing he heard in the distances. He could hear the Giantess breathing, but it wasn't the sound of being out of breath… it was a heavy lust filled sound as the Giantess was closing the distance between them. Dagon quickly picked up Olivia and nearly tossed her over a large root as he hopped over and snatched her hand to continue running.

"Dagon… leave me… she's going… to get … both of … us … if you … don't…" Olivia gasped between breaths.

"Don't say that," Dagon said as he tried to pick up the pace faster but the sound of the Giantess catching up were growing closer.

"I'm… slowing…. You ….. down…." Olivia tried to say.

It was true, Dagon probably would have lost the Giantess by now. However, he wasn't going to let Olivia get caught just so he could flee. What kind of person would that make him? He would be just as bad as a Giantess…

Dagon felt a force on his back pushing him forward and tripping. Falling to the ground Dagon rolled over and saw that the Giantess was reaching between two large trees unable to go any further. She must have swiped at him in the back knocking him down. Dagon made the horrible mistake of looking into the Giantess' eyes. They were full of a burning desire that seemed to consume her. He saw the look in her eyes and on her face, she desperately wanted to capture them. Quickly Dagon got to his feet. They didn't have much time before she found a way around the trees and continued after them. Dagon tried to run faster but he was on the verge of pulling Olivia's arm off. There was the sound of wood creaking and breaking as the Giantess must have found a way past the trees and was hot on their trail. Dagon was about to pick up Olivia and try to carry her away but spotted something, it was their only chance...

"This way," Dagon told Olivia as he dragged her toward jumbled up mass of roots.

Olivia could barely breath as Dagon pulled Olivia to where ever he wanted. Suddenly Olivia let out a gasp as Dagon pulled Olivia ahead of himself and shoved her forward causing her to stumble and fall into a gap between a bunch of tree roots. There was just enough room for Olivia to fill if she hunched up and pulled her legs in. "No matter what don't leave until I get you," Dagon said as he quickly pulled out his knife and made a few quick motions to mark one of the large roots that help hide Olivia from sight. Then just like that Dagon took off running as fast as he could. Olivia was about to call out for him to wait when there was a large footfall right in front of the small gap causing Olivia to gasp in fear. She couldn't breathe, between her fear and the running she was nearly hyperventilating. Then just as sudden as the large foot appear it lifted up showering Olivia in debris of wood, dirt, and whatever else the Giantess stepped on. Any second Olivia thought she would see the Giantess return or hear Dagon get capture or something, but as the seconds passed and turned to minutes she realized that she was safe. She just had to wait till Dagon returned, whenever that maybe…

Dagon sprinted as fast as he could when he made sure the Giantess spotted him and was following after him. She didn't notice that Olivia wasn't with him, or she didn't care. As Dagon weaved in and out of large roots and between narrow trees, he could hear the Giantess getting more and more frustrating that she couldn't catch him. Just as luck seemed to be on his side, the trees started to spread out and the narrow passages that Dagon was using started to get larger and larger.

"No, no, no, no," Dagon said to himself as he tried to find more narrow trees to use as coverage. Sadly, it seemed that the Giantess was herding him into the open where she could easily move and close the distance. He heard a deep laugh as the Giantess started to gain ground fast. "Damn it," Dagon shouted as he spotted the only safe place was a small hole in a trunk of a tree. It was big enough for him to hide in but was not nearly deep enough to keep the Giantess from getting him. There wasn't anything else Dagon could do except go for it and hope that it was deeper than it looked. Diving into the hole Dagon slammed into the back of the tree just in time to see the Giantess' hand reaching for him. Her finger tips just brush past his face, mere inches away.

"I got you now," Melody chuckled and reached in again only to be just a few inches away from touching her prize. Biting her bottom lip, she leaned into the tree and tried to reach deeper into the tree hollow. She grazed past what she assumed was his shirt and felt her fingertip hook onto the shirt. Grinning she tugged at it only to have her finger slip off and lose her prize. Now getting mad at this stupid game she tried one more time before huffing out loud. Bending down she looked into the hollow and saw the man up against the furthest part of the tree. "I've had a long day. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can come on out and make this so much easier for me," Melody said in a nice tone. Then switching it to a harsher one, "Or you can have me tear this fucking tree apart and snatch you up and make your last moments a living hell." Switching back to the gentler voice, "It's your choice."

Dagon gulped. He knew that her threat was real. Dagon remembered how easily Cindy can rip apart a tree for fire wood. He had no doubt that this Giantess could rip open that hole in a few moments and pull him out. Although Dagon could try and fight her, he did have a few weapons on him. Nothing that could kill her, but it would make her regret even trying to touch him. Weighing all his options Dagon knew what he had to do.

Melody was about to start counting when the man said, "Ok…" He started to walk out of the tree. Melody did her best not to let out a gleeful noise as she watched the man slowly come out from the tree and walk right into her palm.

"I'm glad you saw reason," Melody carefully closed her hand around the man and held him captive. "Now, time to find that bitch that ran off somewhere."

Hearing that made Dagon slightly relived. She didn't know where Olivia was. She was safe as long as she stayed there until someone finds her. Dagon just hoped that the others got away…