The bell rang which meant control class was finally over. Almora and Stacy packed their bags and headed out of the class. "Ahhhhhhhhh" Almora screamed. Before she could fall someone had caught her by the waist.
Staring at his eyes, Almora felt like she would drown in those beautiful eyes if she kept on staring. Screaming at herself, she finally gained her balance and stood up. "Thank you" she said and scurried away. Lucian kept staring at the door she went out from. He then looked at his hand which he used in holding on to her slender waist. Melanie's eyes were throwing daggers at the door Almora just went out from.
Mr Powell looked at what just happened between Almora and Lucian and smiled.
On their way to the cafeteria, Stacy said "What just happened back there?"
"Nothing happened Stacy"
"Well it looks like you have gotten yourself an admirer".
"Stop Stacy. I don't want to talk about it"
They talked all through their lunch.
After their lunch at the cafeteria, Stacy said"It's time for the extra curricular activities" let's go and show them what we have got in our different fields"
"You don't know how you looked like while saying that" Almora said while laughing.
"Ble ble..... whatever, let's just go and kill it" Stacy said with a whooping sound.
They both hugged each other and said "Good luck to both of us".
Almora headed for her dance class. 'Oh god, he's here again' Almora said in her mind immediately she sighted Lucian in the class.
"Hello new students, I'm your dance teacher Ms Daniella" You will perform in groups or solos and I will select the dancers. If you are good, you get selected and if you are not, you get cut off"
"So please start"
'This is..... Phewww' Almora said to herself. Different students came and performed in groups or solos. It was finally Almora's turn and she decided to perform Solo. The music started playing and Almora took a deep breath and closed her eyes imagining herself in her room. She began to dance, following the rhythm of the music. Her movements were so fluent, they were like silk moving in the air. Almora could dance both contemporary and hip-hop dance. Lucian was awestruck by what he was seeing.
The music finally stopped and Almora opened her eyes. People started applauding her. She was surprised as she thought she didn't do too well. "Ms Almora you have done more than what I had expected to see. You are the most beautiful dancer I have seen in this school. You are exceptional. 'An Exceptional Red'" Ms Daniella said. "Thank you very much ma'am"
Almora's name was the first on the list of selected dancers. After a little orientation, the class was finally over. "You are a great dancer" Lucian said as he walked over to Almora. "Thank you" Almora said giving him a little smile.
"Babe, let's go won't you come for the selection of the volleyball players" Melanie said as she interlocked her arms with Lucian's giving a hard stare to Almora.
Almora left even before Lucian could say anything to Melanie. "How did it go?" Stacy and Almora asked each other at the same time. They giggled. " You go first" Almora said.
"It was awesome. They liked my designs and I have been selected" Stacy said jumping up and giggling. "What about urs?"
"Well....Ms Daniella didn't actually like my dance"
"Oh no...why"
"Because she loved it" Almora said with a very big smile. "Oh my God, you really got me Almora. I'm so happy for the both of us"
"Let's head off to volleyball selections"