The door of the first carriage opened, and out stepped a demon dressed as a butler, followed by a gray-haired demon guard, a large hammer with tiger patterns and a huge ruby in its teeth behind its back.
Butler stared in amazement at the magic scene.
-Butler -What's going on here, Lady Elaine?
-Elaine -Hello Mr. Lars, what a punishment for a filthy slave who dares to insult his master.
-Lars -It seems to me that the slave you have launched into the air no longer belongs to Mr. Elde, he is the rightful property of the [Roel] family, so I will ask you to release my master's slave.
Hearing these words, Elaine felt furious that she no longer had the right to legally punish Kirk, Elaine loosened her magic, Kirk fell to the ground with a great rumble.
-Kirk -Gkha ay bitch couldn't have been softer.
Elaine looked at Kirk with a sizzling look.
-Elaine -Don't talk to me like that, you pathetic insect capable of nothing but pathetic insults.
With those words, Elaine sent a stone into Kirk's chest with her magic.
The stone hit Kirk and broke a couple of ribs, but for a demon of rank [D] a couple of broken bones costs nothing, and he healed them almost instantly with his regeneration.
-Lars -Lady Elaine, I beg you not to maim any more slaves of the [Roel] family, relations between our kingdoms are not good enough as it is.
Elaine looked at Lars with a sarcastic look and said.
-Elaine - This is only a slave for 20 bronze nells, the likes of him are a pittance, and I have decided to buy this slave back from you for 20 gold nells, so tell me if you will sell this flawed creature back to me.
At that moment, a young statuesque demon dressed in expensive clothes that few aristocratic demons can afford emerged from the second carriage.
Lars and the guard knelt down to greet the young aristocrat.
-Lars -Hello, Mr. Hayes.
-The guard -Hello to the master.
After greeting the second heir of the [Roel] family and getting his permission, they rose from their knees and cleared the way to direct him to Elaine.
Elaine, upon seeing the second heir, immediately curtsied and said.
-Elaine - Greetings to a member of one of the 7 great demon families, Mr. Hayes Roel.
Hayes walked up to Elaine, kissed her hand and said.
-Hayes -I am very glad to see you too, Lady Elaine, but I saw that you dared to punish my slave girl without my permission, and I may regard this scene as a declaration of war between our families, Lady Elaine.
Hearing these words, goosebumps ran through Elaine's body and her face turned slightly pale, and she immediately began to think* No, we cannot declare war on [Roel's] family because of one poor slave, we must find some justification, yes, I thought about it*.
-Elaine -I wouldn't punish that lowlife without a good reason.
Elaine suddenly cried and sat down on the ground and said in a trembling voice.
-Elaine -He dared to peep at me while I was washing my body for prayer, and you, Mr. Hayes, know that you cannot peep at a demon washing before praying to his master.
Hayes didn't change a bit in his face, he still had the same smile with which he came out of the carriage, * ha ha ha great move Lady Elaine I wonder at your cunning, coming up with this story so quickly she must be an actress with such abilities.