
A survivor's tale written in bløød💌.....


Fade in:

Previsously on the Creepers Apocalypse: Bayo and Ojogbon finally meet on the highway and they collaborate to fend off the determined zombies. Medina and Bayo finally agree to work together to fight off the Bongos

[Inside the Ojogbon Beast Buggy]

Inside the tank like car, we see Medina grabbing the side machine gun's joystick as she speaks into her radio. 

MEDINA (Into Radio)

Okay Bayo…do you copy?

BAYO (From Radio)

First time…what's up…

MEDINA (Into Radio)

I am in charge of the side guns which are now currently pointed in your direction. I need you to work with me here…those are Bongos…one of the most feared version of the undead. 

BAYO (From Radio)

Feed me…

MEDINA (Into Radio)

They were once dogs but they either ate infected meat, drank from an infected water source or got bitten by the normal creepers…you see…when they become zombie dogs…the zombie virus strain enhances their visuals, nasals, physique and over all intelligence. A single Bongo will never walk alone, the smallest is a pack of five and they are lethal, well organized and could be your worst night mare when you don't have guns or you have guns but don't know how to use them.

BAYO (From Radio)

They know quite well to avoid bullets…how do we take them down cause they don't seem to tire from running. They are still actively on my tail.


Bayo checks the side view mirror and discovers that they are actually getting closer. 

MEDINA (From Radio)

Okay now…this is not the first time we have dealt with this…I need you to do as I say and we will be alright…

BAYO (Into Radio)

We will be alright…wheew

Bayo changes gears and maximizes speed putting quite a distance between him and the bongos. He checks his fuel gauge and all working appliances in his car just in case. His eyes deepens as the most inhuman attitude is activated. Now Bayo has no other goal than to survive the whole ordeal. 

Above Ojogbon's Buggy, Morocco opens fire on the incoming horde ahead of them and clears path for safer passage using the roof machine gun 

MOROCCO (Voice Over)

We have plans for everything…and I mean everything…once the shit hits the fan, we have a plan for that…once shit hits the TV…we have a plan for that…and right now…we have a plan called Plan Porto. Inspired by one of my favorite football teams…FC Porto. The plan is only used when we are out flanked from the front and behind…either by an F type wave or Bongos…it can only be activated if and only if we have two working automobiles which we are lucky to have now. Bayo is the transmitter while we aboard the beast are the receiver…Bayo's job is to lure the threat behind towards Medina's guns…to do this, Bayo has to be a great driver…he has to perform crazy near misses, avoid bullets and drift like a monster…he is likely to get hit by a bullet from Medina's guns but it is what it is…while Bayo lures the incoming threat onto the guns…Ice King and I will take care of the hordes ahead…it's a win win.

BAYO (Voice Over)

I know what they are trying to do here…I am the bait…well it's a good thing I went to Driving School. I can't die here…I honestly can't…Until I find Tumininu…I won't rest…I won't die…I won't di…e

Bayo's determination increases by a double fold as he turns the steering towards the nuzzle of Medina's left side machine guns. He looks at the rear view and spots the bongos fast approaching.

[Inside the Ojogbon Beast Buggy]

Medina adjusts the position of the Machine Guns with her joy stick and tracks the movements behind using her monitor and external cameras. She signals to Ojogbon.


Bongo speed and trajectory detected…Ojogbon…slow down the buggy to 40km/hr…



Ojobon slowly marches on the brakes and slows the buggy down to a certain level


Bayo keeps tailing the beast buggy and awaits commands. He keeps waiting till he gets one.

MEDINA (From Radio)

Bayo…2 means swerve right…3 means swerve left…1 means hard stop…5 means u turn…are you getting me…

BAYO (Into Radio)


MEDINA (From Radio)

On a count of three…one…two…ready…go…2

Bayo swerves to the right with blazing speed and Medina immediately opens fire on the Bongo he lures…the undead dog yelps and stumbles as it is hit by bullets from the machine gun. One down Four to go.

MEDINA (From Radio)


Bayo turns the steering hard left exposing another Bongo which Medina doesn't hesitate to bring down. 

OJOGBON (From Radio)

Two down…two to go.

MEDINA (From Radio)


MEDINA (From Radio)

It is done

Bayo performs the combinations and Medina doesn't hesitate to fire at the rotten threats behind them she takes them down one by one as Bayo performs the insane stunts without making any mistake or losing control. The Bongos are down and now it left to Morocco and Ice King to clear the path. The zombies cloud the road stupidly and Ojogbon doesn't hesitate to engage the bladed saws on the front of the buggy slicing them to pieces. Morocco keeps shooting at any zombie who tries to attach themselves like clingers and soon, they make it past the whole army of zombies. 

[Inside the Ojogbon Beast Buggy]


Victory at last…Wooohooo

Everyone scream in joy as they get past the whole problems of undead dogs and zombies. Only Medina doesn't react to their victory. She just rests her back on her chair and sighs a sigh of relief. She is blank and almost has no feelings like she is not grateful to even be alive. Morocco climbs down from the roof soaking wet in his own sweat and sits beside Kunle who has fallen asleep all through the whole ordeal. 


You were amazing today Medina…you happily worked quite well with the new guy…wetin dey sup?

Medina gives Morocco a bombastic side eye and no reply. Morocco immediately learns to mind his business. 


Make I put this thing in autopilot mode jare.

Ojogbon taps a button on the control panels above him engaging the autopilot as he turns his swivel chair to the back and observes everyone closely


Our main goal today was to loot food and supplies from our regular source…


Bayo and Kunle fucked that up…the mall is no longer available…the zombies must have overrun it by now…Medina's RPg must have also done a number. We no fit go back there.


We need to look for a new food source…

Ice King cuts Ojogbon in his tracks


We had to restart those generators…remember the stress we had to go through…we lost Anna, Peace, Nwosu and Jonah to that mission…remember the whole ordeal we had to go through in maintaining that place. Now it's all gone.


Okay that is what our job entails Ice…we can't have gold forever…no matter how precious…


That is not my point guys…


Then what is your point?


My point is…the people at camp will never forgive us if they know that the food source is tainted…we need to cover that up and look for a possible replacement in four days…there are more malls scattered all over Osogbo…


Let's forget that and rejoice that team Ojogbon didn't die today plus we have new team member…whom Medina seems to work well with…

Medina doesn't react. She just bends low and picks her nails cautiously


Bayo is bored as he keeps tailing Ojogbon's buggy. He stares down at the stab wound from the battle earlier with the zombies that surrounded his truck. He remembers what fully transpired…

BAYO (Voice Over)

That particular zombie…It…It was smart enough to use a knife…how weird was that…or was I seeing double…I saw quite well…the zombie smiled…zombies don't smile…shit…this whole thing is fucked up.

Bayo snaps back to reality as they approach a gigantic fortress in the middle of nowhere. A gigantic wall which points its sharp spikes to heaven welcomes him with a gigantic gate to compliment the greetings. Bayo wonders what is behind the wall. He looks up at the wall and sees a welcoming text widely written on it. "WELCOME TO CAMP AJEGUNLE"

EPISODE SUMMARY: Team Ojogbon through the help of Medina, Bayo

and Morocco defeat the threat ahead and behind them. They finally reach Camp Ajegunle.