It had been a long day. As he stood on the dimly lit curb, waiting for a cab, impatience gnawed at him. His fingers twitched at his sides, his mind restless. He had sent his car away. He needed a change—something to jolt his mind back into focus.
His thoughts were tangled, a chaotic storm. Usually, a long drive was enough to untangle the knots in his head, the rhythmic hum of the road easing the tension. But he didn't want to upset his personal driver with his odd behavior.
So he waited. And watched.
A few cabs passed him by, and he let them go. It was a matter of caution, of survival. Getting into a cab that was too eager to pick him up could be the last mistake he ever made. Gun-woo's reach was long, his traps well-laid, and Kevin had no doubt that somewhere in the city, his enemy was already moving pieces into place.