Once the sunlight had illuminated the forest area, Elijah felt a little more relieved. Their steps quickened as it was no longer so difficult to see in the darkness. It had been over three hours since they had walked without rest, everyone was tired but still trying to hold on.
Rick turned to Drew after confirming the route he occasionally saw on the holographic screen of the bracelet in his hand. The man seemed to find a glimmer of hope.
"In less than a mile we'll hit the main road," he said.
"Is it safe?" asked Phebe.
Rick shrugged. "I don't know."
"Let's just hope the aliens are exhausted and inside the Orb by now," Drew said. "We'll attack them when we have enough forces."
There will never be enough troops, Elijah thought. The enemy had the advantage of multiplying their ant colony. Using the human body as a host for the ant larvae. Surely, destroying the Orb and its Queen was the most effective way.