He was tied up in a sitting position for who knows how long until he fell asleep and felt so sore. He woke up suddenly as a group of people entered the room and took him away.

"Where are you taking me?" Elijah asked worriedly.

"Just follow me," one of the men replied curtly.

"I'm going to meet Isaac and Map?"

"You'll see."

Elijah was silent and said nothing more. But this time his eyes were not covered. So he could see the surroundings. He was led out of the previous room, then through dimly lit hallways. Up the stairs, through a very quiet corridor, then stopped in front of another door. As he entered, he could see various sophisticated equipment, including a bed, like a research lab.

"What are you going to do to me?" Elijah began to panic.

He struggled and began to resist, driven by fear. But the rebels restrained Elijah's body, forcing him to lie down and tie him down with ropes attached to the bed.

Elijah felt that he had cooperated, that if the rebels wanted to hold him, they didn't have to turn him into a guinea pig. Didn't the woman who looked like Halsey also say that Elijah would soon be reunited with Isaac and Map? Then why did they break their promise?

"Stop! Let me go!" Elijah shouted angrily.

"Shut up!" One of the men snapped.

"No! Liars! You said you'd let me see Isaac and Map! Let me go!"

One of them had already raised a fist, but suddenly someone held him back.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down!"

A bespectacled, stocky woman in a lab coat burst from behind the group of men. Elijah was still tense, his eyes showing anger.

Gwyneth shook her head. "Stop it, all of you!"

"This weird kid won't shut up!"

"We don't do violence to children."

All the rebels fell silent.

"We won't hurt you." Gwyneth tried to calm Elijah.

"Then why am I tied up here?"

"Just a series of tests, but no intent to harm you." Gwyneth touched Elijah's arm. "It's going to be okay, trust me."

Elijah swallowed and the tension in his body began to ease. Although he still couldn't quite believe it.

"I'm Gwyneth," the woman added. Then she untied the ropes that bound Elijah.

"What are you doing?" one of the rebels asked loudly.

"I guarantee he won't do anything," Gwyneth said. Then her eyes shifted to Elijah sitting in front of her. "If you can trust me, then I can trust you, can't I, Elijah?"

The young man gave a weak nod. "Yes, ma'am."

"Miss. I'm not married," Gwyneth corrected.

Gwyneth waved her hand and ordered the group of men to leave the room. They looked reluctant, but did as Gwyneth told them. Elijah sat down to compose himself, his heart pounding wildly.


Suddenly, the writing appeared in Elijah's eyes, jolting the young man to attention.

[Stealth Mode]

Suddenly, Elijah felt a tingling sensation throughout his body, even though there was no physical change. Gwyneth was attaching devices to various parts of Elijah's body, she was busy walking over to the monitor and checking on Elijah's condition. She also wrote on the tablet in her left hand.

After a while, Gwyneth removed the devices.

"Okay, it's done," she said.

Elijah nodded. "Thank you."

"I'll take you to Isaac and Map."

Elijah's eyes stared at the still-lit screens, and Gwyneth still had the tablet in her hand. They walked out of the room, then down the corridor and down the small staircase. After that, she led Elijah through an intersection where they passed another rebel member. After that, they entered another corridor where there were rows of doors.

Every door has a lock. Gwyneth took a card from the pocket of her lab coat that she had taped to it, and the door opened. Elijah walked in without force, and the door was immediately locked from the outside. Inside, Isaac and Map sat facing each other on the bed, eating.

"Eli!" cried Map happily.

The little girl ran to Elijah and hugged him tightly. Map cried again, sobbing.

"Don't cry, I'm here." Elijah crouched down and wiped away Map's tears. "Are you okay?"


Elijah chuckled. "Yes, Map. It's okay, isn't it? Is Isaac taking care of you?"


Elijah smiled and stood up. His eyes met Isaac's and he saw the bruises on Isaac's face begin to fade.

"Looks like you had a rough day," Elijah said.

"You must be glad I went through what you did."

"Not really."

Isaac pointed to a tray of food on a table near another bed. "Your food."

"Okay, thanks."

Map went back to eating with Isaac while Elijah picked up the tray on the table. Then he sat down on the floor next to the bed. Elijah stretched his sore joints. A tingle ran down the back of his neck, so he touched it reflexively.

"What is it?" Isaac asked in surprise.

Elijah turned his head. "What?"

"A stone, on the back of your neck." Isaac looked cautious.

"It's nothing."

Suddenly, Isaac lunged at Elijah and they wrestled on the ground. Elijah was on the defensive, trying to withstand Isaac's onslaught of punches. Map screamed as she watched the struggle between Isaac and Elijah.

"Who are you! Who!!!" Isaac shouted.

"Stop! Isaac!!!"


[Activation Mode]

[τηλεκίνηση] [Telekinesis]

Isaac's body was thrown against the wall and seemed to stay there. Elijah stood up and looked at Map, who was crying in the corner of the bed, covering her ears. Meanwhile, Isaac was still moaning in pain, unable to fight back.

"What are you doing to me?" Isaac hissed.

"Isaac, listen to me first."

Elijah just stared at Isaac in amazement. "What do you mean?"

"You want to kill me, alien? You possessed my friend's body?"

"Alien?" Elijah shook his head quickly. "No, you're wrong. I'll let you go, but you have to listen to your explanation, okay?"

Isaac spat at Elijah. "Just kill me, quick, I don't want to be your host!"

"Man, you watch too many movies!" Elijah complained.

"Asshole! You savage creature!"

[Activation Mode]

[αέρας] [Air]

[γη] [Earth]

[Φωτιά] [Fire]

[κεραυνός] [Lightning Bolt]

[νερό] [Water]

Elijah opened both palms, one emitting electricity, the other fire. Then he changed into water and wind. He picked up one of the tile boxes and put it back. Isaac looked so shocked.

"What are you?" Isaac looked at Elijah in horror.

"I got this power after my birthday, Isaac."