Chereads / SOULBOUND; Beyond The Curse of Moira / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11- A MAD ROGUE

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11- A MAD ROGUE

Rina's Pov:


Never would I have imagined that I would behold the scene of a massacre right when it was being carried out, in my lifetime.

My blood was starting to go cold from the fear I was feeling and my legs refused to move. The sound of people coming out of the portal behind me though, spurred my frozen body back to life as I sidestepped the mangled dogs' corpses lying on the ground just in time to avoid being bumped into, and ultimately discovered.

Carefully, I made my way down the hill and the scene only got worse as gruesomely shredded bodies lay here and there. Feeling sick, I tried hard not to throw up as I ducked and rolled, avoiding the wild wolves with furs that ranged from brown to red. It wasn't hard to tell from their furs that they were members of Red rogues, the second most feared and evil rogues back in the kingdom!

After moving far enough, I spotted a safe and quiet area to take cover, - a huge dresser with deep claw marks on it which had been turned to lay horizontally with the mirror broken into bits.

I crawled towards it, keeping a sharp eye on everything going on within my perimeters while being careful with my movement. Yes, I've always found myself in tense situations...but this?? This was a whole new level for me! And the sound of my frantic heartbeat threatening to burst my eardrums any moment soon, wasn't helping matters! Goddess, what should I do? Wait it all out??? But what if like I had previously planned, these people were also here to stay?

The wind brought with it the sound of people coming behind me and I quickened my steps, finally reaching the dresser, hiding under it's cover while struggling to catch my breath.

It didn't take long for me to hear voices within the range of my hideout.

Strangely, a growing sensation of something crawling in my hair sent tinges down my body but due to the unknown people now close to my hideout, I dared not open the hood to inspect or I might as well consider myself dead because the coat concealed both my presence and my scent. Opening any part of the coat would definitely spoil it's high concealing functions and get me exposed.

"For once, listening to that queen was worth it." A boisterous voice echoed. "I mean, just take a look at the spoils. So magnificent."

"By the spoils I'm sure you mean the women, hehehe" another voice interrupted.

"Not really, but they aren't any less important either. Some of the mutts couldn't even hold back, hehehe. Poor things. It's been so long they've lusted after blood and women in this manner. It feels good to be free." The boisterous voice said, giving a satisfactory sigh.

Then there was a sudden silence.


The sound of a third person walking ahead filled the sudden silence.

"Hey, you! You seem to be new here right?" The boisterous voice boomed not waiting for an answer as he continued, "You must be. That is why you do not know that nobody does anything else when I'm making a speech! To me, it's an insolence and a challenge!" He barked.


The third person kept walking, not giving a response. Peeping through a hole in the dresser, I could see the person not answering clothed in a dark cloak with the hood pulled over his face. He stopped and knelt on a knee to stare at the ground, placing two fingers on it.

Then the atmosphere suddenly changed as a baleful aura rose from the boisterous man behind.

His claws started to protrude and he growled as he moved towards the cloaked man in front. Meanwhile, the man who was previously giving answers to the boisterous one, scurried away as soon as he sensed something was about to happen.

A guttural voice sounded. " You have two options. Either answer me or you get your tongue ripped out by me."

Standing up while rubbing the fingers he had placed on the ground earlier, the cloaked man sighed. "You know, for a rogue, you talk too much."

"What?!" The other man exclaimed like his pride had just been hurt. "Good. At first, I wanted to teach you some obedience, but now that you've made your choice, you can just die!" He roared, rushing at the cloaked man and instantly turning into a wolf.

I closed my eyes as I've seen enough gory scenes and do not wish for more.


The loud fighting sounds finished and I opened my eyes to peer through the hole again but I couldn't believe what I saw. The cloaked man was standing right where he was, watching a hut nearby crash down.

Rock debris rolled apart as a red mangy wolf emerged from the ruins with bloodshot eyes that had a kind of dangerous crazy dance going on in them.

The wolf's muscles were tensed as it took taut steps away from the mess and dashed for the cloaked man again, expanding in mid-air and doubling in size, baring it's large canines and having a kind of expression that said "You're dead now!"

I closed my eyes again but opened them as soon as I heard sounds indicating the man was fighting back. The rogue was ferocious attacking in the same manner, while the cloaked man...absent-mindedly dodging it's attacks? It looked more like he was considering wether to kill the wolf or not.

The wolf tried biting down on the man's arms but ended up being kicked away.


The wolf was thrown into another hut, and the impact this time was greater as the whole structure crashed down. Not giving up, a madly raging wolf jumped out of the debris and prepared to go in for the kill, again.

I doubted if this rogue would ever learn and was about to shake my head when I heard a loud howl followed by the sound of flesh being sliced through and blood spilling on the ground. The mad wolf dropped from midair and started whimpering before growling madly again. What just happened?

I looked at the cloaked man but he was busy inspecting another portion of the ground with his fingers.

"You should get your brainless self out of here right now, unless you want this mission to be your last." Another rogue transforming back into his human form gnarled.

His bloodied claws were starting to retract, causing the blood-dripping chunk of flesh sticking on it to drop down. There was no doubt that I'ld throw up soon.

The once raging wolf licked it's deep wound, whimpering, before turning it's head to look at the cloaked man who was busy tracing a part of the wall. He became fierce again and his eyes bulged out with a short growl. It was evident how humiliated and mad the wolf felt that it was being ignored even after threatening and trying to kill the cloaked man.

"Leave!" The new-comer ordered, and with a vicious snarl, the mad rogue turned and started dashing out.

Little did he know he wasn't being ignored at all as he hadn't gone far before his head came rolling down. It was the cloaked man. I caught sight of two shiny silver daggers disappearing into the arms of a cloak and everything took place so fast that one couldn't tell the cloaked man wasn't originally there and that he had just used daggers.

"I didn't ask him to leave." The cloaked man's cold voice sounded and a thud resounded in response as the new man dropped on one of his knees, bowing to the cloaked man.

"Your highness!"