Chapter 93
(Emma's Fiasco, Pt 5 of 6)
Iris Pov:
I was training to be a Tank with a lot of health, despite my slim stature. I wore Light Armor and used a spear to attack. I was training to be a good adventurer as well, but me and my brother were on a C rank persons quest when Ibes was B rank. We were running through the forest towards where she was last seen.
Though on the way I saw a small pool of Dried blood, what was that from. We continued forward until Hunter stopped and inspected the ground. "This is where my Brother passed out from the smell. The Kidnappers headed into the forest, they probably tried to lose the scent there. Which means they are either camping it out, or they have already left. I will go around the 40 mile perimeter, can you search the inside while I do that?," He asks.
"Yeah, we should be fine, but what will you do if you find the scent?," I ask him.
"I will send Night to get you, Sunny and Halfdan will be with you so don't worry. If I find the scent I will follow it until a Checkpoint next arrives. Is that alright?," He asks us.
"Yes, good luck," My brother says. With that we head into the forest.
Narrator Pov:
The duo headed into the forest, to no avail. They searched the regions closest to the Great Lake, to no avail. Hunter headed around the forest at a respectable speed. He couldn't go fast though due to his fatigue.
It took him around sixteen hours to go the full distance because of the fatigue. With that, it was four in the afternoon, and even if he did not know it, he only had a day and eight hours left. Any longer and his sister would be lost forever.
But, that was not true, they were having a harder time due to her species. Legendary beasts are more resistant to status effects than most. They are only hurt by things of the same rank as them. Or not if they grew a resistant to them.
The Adventurers were also having a Hard time, they weren't used to this Jungle. It took them twelve hours to just check from where they started to the bottom border. They headed back and started searching elsewhere for five hours when Night arrived. They had indeed left the Rainforest, and the scent had been lost inside it.
They ran and exited following the Wolves. But as they did they saw a collapsed Hunter ahead, with a Slimo on his shoulder. "What happened!," I ask as we get down to check up on him.
"He passed out from exhaustion, he hasn't slept in over two Days," Slimo says surprising the Duo.
"You can talk!," They scream, surprised.
"Yes, Halfdan can to, we just don't normally as we see no need to. Anyway, the scent is headed this way, come on," The Slime says bouncing away. Before we can do anything, Halfdan picks up Hunter and follows, bouncing along at a faster pace.
Seeing that they are going to be left behind, they run after them. They catch up to the slower Slimo and Iris puts him on her Shoulder. They follow the Giant slime for around a hour and a half at full speed when they reach a Jungle.
"It will be harder to smell inside the Jungle, and you two need rest," Halfdan says, pointing it out. Ibes and Iris Sov were Very tired from the run through the forest. They agreed and sat down and got ready to make a campfire.
"No campfire, it would alert our position. Jungles are the best place to hide, and there is nothing else for miles. This is where they will be," The slime says and the two sigh. They get out rations and just eat them as they are.
They do so until Midnight that night when Hunter wakes up. "I see you are finally well rested," Ibes said, handing him some food and water. He takes it and just starts eating it.
"Why did we stop here?," He asks confused.
"Well, you were out of it, and we needed a break as well," Iris tells him.
"I see, well lets get ready to go, Also, you guys stay behind, if we are not back in a day, come get us," He tells them to which they do. Once they are ready, they set out into the Jungle. Over the next three hours they make their way through the dense Jungle. At the end of that time they come along a building in a clearing.
"You think that's it?," Ibes askes Hunter.
"Yes, it most definitely is," Hunter responds.
"Then, lets head in, slowly," Iris says and they all agree. They slowly creep up to the building and into it. They make their way through it finding cages with people. That is when they realize this is just like the other day. "This is inhuman," Iris whispers and they nod in agreement.
They make their way into the Chamber at the end of the building. Inside, they find a Beaten up Emma chained to the wall in rags. She had been beaten, cut, bruised, and hurt by her captors while they tried to operate on her. All she had was a rag on her waist, and her hair covering her chest.
The three, not being able to stand it, rush forward to help, when someone speaks. "Oh, so we have some people who think they can be hero's, think again," A man says. He comes out of the Shadows in a flash and knock the three down.
"The eldest brother and two adventurers, this will be fun. Lock them up against the wall as well, we will have our fun Later! The girl will be especially good," The man shouts and other people come out and do it. They were the slaves who lost the right to think for themselves.
A few hours later when they awake they see the man who captured them. "It seems you are awake, knowing that you know this person. I guess it would be proper torture for you to see them turned into a mindless being. Continue," He says as they see Emma. She has been injured even more to where she only has on rags basically.
But just then the wall to the right of Emma, and opposite of the three, is broken down. Sunlight falling in around a shape of someone who enters. But the second they see the condition of Emma and the three, they yell an earsplitting Roar!