Chapter 46 - Chapter 46

Chapter 46

(Town invasion, Pt 4 of 5)

Theo Pov:

"Dang it, why did it have to wear off! I thought I had over —-,—- — last time I checked!," He screams starting to talk to himself.

"What are you saying, we can't here part of it. Also I thought you were poisoned, and if you are seven, how can you use magic?," I ask him.

He calms himself down before responding, "I have a magic to keep information confidential. I guess I have not a lot of Magic due to my age. But the other reason I can use it, is because I am a Legendary Beast-kin. Me and my brother and sister, if they didn't tell you, are Beast-kin Dire wolves. We are born with the ability to use magic, same for Dragons, and Great foxes in their Beast-kin forms."

At that we are shocked as those are beasts not thought to exist. Also being that meant he had a different last name than Boshu. There is a reason that they are legendary beasts for a reason. "Well, technically anyone can use magic once they are born. It is just that they don't or can't really use it that well. The only difference is that we have a higher affinity for it," Jake finishes.

"Wait, so I can use Magic?!," Aaron yells.

"Technically yes, but I have to get you back to the stronghold. All the soldiers seemed to have been pushed back there. Sadly I don't have status magic yet so I cannot see my magic power. Come on lets go," Jake says.

"O—, Watch o—!," I try to yell seeing a Yeti swing at him. But my warning is unneeded as the Yeti's arm is cut off effortlessly. Jake then turns around and, disappears? No he dropped down taking the Yeti off it's feet and follows through with a Left hook. The punch sends it flying through buildings and into a wall killing it.

"Just what are you?," Aaron asks astonished, as am I. How can someone younger than me and just barley older than my sister do that!

"Can you guys keep the thing about me using magic a secret?," He asks.

"Yeah, why?," We ask him wondering why it should be kept secret.

"Lets just say many unsavory individuals would come after me. An I don't think you want trouble coming to this kingdom. Here let me get you back," He says picking us up over his shoulders.

"Hey! You can't just do that all of a sudden!," I yell as we are royalty.

"I will leave you with Samuel, Let's go," He says. Before we can process anything we are by the stronghold. He puts us down and turns around. At that I notice that he is only wearing pants and a shirt. How is he able to withstand this weather in that when we couldn't in more!

His shirt is as white as the snow falling around. An his pants are similar to the ones Emma gave us for the cold. Then he disappears as snow fly's around and we hear our names being called.

It was Samuel!

Jake Pov:

Why do nobles always have to get themselves in trouble. I run around taking out the remaining monsters with my sword. Man this is tiresome, why are there so many different monsters.

I then notice that the great Demon is almost at the Stronghold. He is just in front of it! I need to stop him before he starts killing people!

Hunter Pov:

I wake up to see a Henry looking at me. "What happened?," I ask curious. Last thing I remember was falling and being enveloped in green.

"We don't exactly know either, though I will fill you in. A man with silver hair to his waist, with a beard and mustache to his chest, got you, Emma, and Hannah out of the earth dome you fell into. He said that Jake had been teleported somewhere and he left to get him. Then as Samuel was heading back to the Stronghold we heard the Royalty was missing. Then before we could do anything Jake showed up out of nowhere putting them on the ground. Then he went back into the town for some odd reason. That is the current status of the situation," Henry says filling me in.

"I understand, I guess he got the Anti-venom th—," I can't finish as War horns are sounded. "What was that?!," I ask as I hear a big explosion. I was very tired as I had run non-stop for days to get the Anti-venom. Then I had to fight that Demon.

"That means that there is danger at the front gate! Come on lets go," Henry says as we set off to see what the commotion was. When we arrived at the front gate we saw a Greater demon the size of a house in front of us.

"No, that isn't possible, we are doomed!," I whisper, Henry overhearing, do to the situation.

"What do you mean?," He asks curious.

"Only one greater Demon has ever come to invade land. That was the one who did so around the year Thirty-one! The only reason he left was there was someone much more powerful than him. That was the man who defeated the Hero, and he died six hundred years ago. But he wanted that man not to be remembered most likely so he would be feared!," I say remembering stuff from Rider.

"Then how are we going to survive this!," He asks. But then our question is answered as a man appears before the Demon.