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Nothing To “Sho” For As a Teacher: An Erasermic One Shot

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A simple existence was not something heroes could count on. Working at an agency was already a full time job, but adding the pressures of teaching on top of it? How did it even come about for Hizashi and Shota?

Chapter 1 - Nothing To “Sho” For As a Teacher: An Erasermic One Shot

Inside their small and cozy apartment Shota let out a large groan as he sits on the couch. After his grueling patrol he was happy to be in his favorite jogging pants and one of Hizashi's "Hands Up Radio" shirts. Taking a sip of coffee out of his favorite treasure, a handmade #1 Husband mug that he received from Hizashi, he takes in his hard work. Hizashi had recently purchased hanging fairy lights and was jumping around with excitement of how cool they would look in their living room and how it would be "a vibe." Shota was not 100% sure what "the vibe" was in fact, but as long as his copious amounts of blankets make the cut he was pretty alright with whatever else "the vibe" entailed if it made his husband happy. By the time they got home to feed "Careless Whiskers" their Scottish Fold gray kitty and made dinner for themselves that night they were too tired to do much else.

So Shota knew that when he returned from patrol his number one goal was to put out the fairy lights. As he laid out each strand he tried very hard to remember exactly how Hizashi enthusiastically chirped about his vision between his overly excited "YEEAAAAAAH"s and "OH BABY"s. Shota continued to sip coffee with anticipation hoping he captured what Hizashi was looking for. As their front door opened Hizashi has his hands full with take out from their favorite diner around the corner. As he puts the bags down on the table Hizashi's first thought was how cute his husband looked in his shirt. Before he had a chance to tease him ferociously about how hot he looked Hizashi stopped in his tracks. His eyes were glittering with gold flecks as he processed how beautiful the lights looked and how they were better than anything he could have imagined. He stares at them for a few seconds before he feels a pair of strong arms pull him closer enveloping him in kisses. "Sho~!" Hizashi exclaims, "I love it so much - thank you for putting them up. They're perfect.I know you had to patrol today. You must be exhausted and did not have to do this." Aizawa has a soft smile as he purrs into Hizashi's ear "Zashi, your reaction makes it 100% worth it. I'm just glad that I hung them the way you envisioned." Which makes Hizashi blush. Sho goes into the kitchen to grab two glasses and some wine as Hizashi unpacks their meals. Rice, noodles, and chicken to share. Simple, but their favorite order at the diner. As they dig in Hizashi takes a deep breath. "Here goes nothing" he thinks to himself. "Sho, I went by UA and spoke to Nezu."

When Hizashi had first brought up the idea of teaching at their alma mater, Shota was 100% behind his husband. It wasn't until Hizashi handed him an additional application that he started to realize his husband was roping him in too. Shota stared at the application with the bold letters "UA Faculty Application" in a menacing font. Unlike Hizashi, Shota was not a fan of kids, much less teenagers. I'm his experience, when teens crossed his path they were usually either delinquents, cocky brats, or both. Why would he willingly put himself into such a torturous position? Shota wasn't a masochist, but he was starting to wonder if Hizashi was a sadist for even suggesting this.

"Zashi…" Sho hesitated trying to find the right words. He was unfairly cut off by puppy dog eyes. His husband knew his weakness was Hizashi himself. Shota started pressing his fingers into circles around his temples.

"Sho, I know we've already been super busy and that this is probably a crazy idea. I just have this feeling that it's what we're meant to do. When I met with Nezu agreed that you would be the perfect fit for the other role"

Shota snorted and rolled his eyes at that. "Zashi, in what world do I give a shit about what the rat bear thinks of me? I didn't care what he thought when I was at UA—" It was then that Shota's face had a dark expression. All this talk of UA made him think of what, no, who he has been trying to not think about for the last few years. Deep down he felt like Oboro's death was his fault. How could he teach young minds and shape them for the world when he couldn't protect someone precious to him? "it's all your fault" plays on repeat over and over until he feels two hands cupping his face. A gentle voice just above a whisper releases "Sho?" He looks up at two sparkling green orbs on a face filled with concern.

"Even if I wanted to do this, BIG if, I can't, Zashi. I couldn't protect him. He died and it's all my fault. No student would ever trust or respect me. Hell, I don't respect me!" Shota growls with rage and hurt in his eyes. Hizashi didn't even need Shota to say who he was referring to. Even though it has been three years the pain was still as fresh as yesterday morning. Hizashi brings Shota over to the couch and lets him lay his head on his lap. He caresses his hair and sits there silently for a bit. After a few minutes pass Hizashi gently begins "Sho, I can't dictate how you grieve. It's your own journey just like mine has been; however, I know for a fact he wouldn't have wanted you to stop living. You have a gift, Shota.I see this side of you that the world doesn't. The gentle man that cares deeper than anyone I have ever met. You're organized, always have a plan, and are meticulous with explaining things while not letting the other person feel like they are dumb." Shota's eyes close, swallowing the hard and sweet truths his husband is presenting him with. Hizashi continues "Don't get me wrong, I won't pressure you to do anything you don't want to do. I just wanted you to know that this opportunity doesn't have to be mine alone. I see you, I love you, and I am always proud of you no matter which direction you walk in. I will always be next to you in awe."

Hizashi has always been better with words than him. It's one of the things he loves and admires about him. He felt his chest tighten with anticipation as his stomach started turning with excitement. Was this something he wanted to pursue? He felt a spark in his heart. Something to channel the anger and sadness of losing someone so precious to him. If he did do this it wouldn't be alone. Maybe, he could do this. Lost in his own thoughts he didn't even realize he was crying until Hizashi started wiping his tears and kissing his stained face while whispering "Oh Sho, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Shota takes a deep breath in and whispers back "thank you for always believing in me, Zashi. I'll think about it.

*Beep, Beep, Beeeeeeeeep*

"Fuuuuuuck" groans an exhausted Shota as he turns off the alarm. Shota can't believe it. He actually went through with this shit. He turns over seeking refuge from the alarm through his heater in human form to devastatingly find out his husband isn't even in bed with him. Careless Whiskers is uninterested in additional cuddles and jumps off the bed retreating to the living room. "Traitor!" whines Shota as his final ally leaves him. "Ugggggh" another exaggerated groan leaves the young hero's body. Why did he agree to wake up at a godforsaken hour on a daily basis? As he ponders that thought he slowly gets out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom. On his short trek Mic's top 10 playlist of the day is erupting leading him to both his destination and husband. Shota's third groan escapes his mouth as he nears the door. "Zashi, lower the volume or so help me I will fucking lose it." Hizashi yells " GOOOOOOOOD MORNING HOT STU—-" and before he can finish Shota's hair raises towards the ceiling and eyes flash red." "Zashi, the sun isn't out. I haven't had coffee. Have I not been punished enough?" Sorry Sho~ I'm just so excited for our first day! We're going to be official as of today! Also grumpy pants I already brewed your coffee and a travel mug is waiting for you in the kitchen"

Shota lets out a small smirk and kisses his husband. Hizashi is so giddy Shota won't be surprised if he starts levitating in the air. "Ewwwwww, Sho, you're hitting me with killer morning breath." Shota's smile grows wide and twists as he grabs his partner. "I WOULD have brushed my teeth by now if someone wasn't hogging the sink to do their hair right now. Guess you'll just have to deal with it" as he tries to cover Hizashi in kisses. Hizashi is uncontrollably laughing and playfully squirming away to prepare for their depart to school. The bathroom is finally music and hair gel free allowing Shota to get himself ready.

Shota finds it hilarious that Hizashi finds Shota to be the organized one. He is giving Shota a run for his money with all his UA prep. He made sure they have their supplies, lunches, breakfasts packed for the ride there, coffees in hand, and are ready to go with time to spare. As Shota starts heading to the door Hizashi makes a mock frowns face as he yells "Hey wait mister! We need a first day of school picture." This makes Shota roll his eyes "Seriously, 'mom'?" This makes Hizashi pout. "Sho, I'm serious. This is a big deal and it would mean a lot to me to have a photo from today. "Fine, but let's please hurry. I don't want us to be late on our first day." Hizashi who loves a good theme grabs a sign he made that says "First Day of School" which immediately elicits a groan from Shota. Hizashi presses one side to Shota's hand and holds the other side with his. For the pic, Hizashi props his cellphone up with the timer function and as it counts down Sho uses his free non-sign holding hand to pull his partner in close. With genuine smiles and excitement the phone captures the sweetness.

After that they gather their things, lock the door and Hizashi turns back to Shota extending his hand. Shota grabs his and forward they begin their journey to UA together. As long as they are walking together, Shota will continue to follow this man into every new adventure.