The Rank E commission I accepted was to take down a pack of Gray Wolves. It seems that the population has increased after the breeding season, and one of the packs, looking for a new feeding ground, has started to appear near the highway.
As a rank E commission only, the Gray Wolves are not that strong. It looks like a Gray Wolf as its name suggests, and its size is about that of a medium-sized dog. They move around in groups of five or six, but their intelligence is low, so there's no need for an ambush, traps, or other safeguards. Even inexperienced adventurers can hunt them if they work in groups of two or three.
Of course, I was much stronger than most of the combatants in the area, so there was no reason for me to struggle. As soon as I arrived, I killed them instantly with the daggers I held in both of my hands.
I remembered how to kill them because they were also there in the mountain forests where I hunt demonic beasts. Thanks to it, I was able to kill them all instantly with a single blow, and the materials that I got could be sold at the highest quality. More money, yay!
—I was relieved that I could finish the commission so quickly, but my two companions seemed to disagree. They were groaning and lowering their heads.
The reason why they are in a bad mood is that I quickly completed the commission. They were so excited to be able to fight demonic beasts, and they didn't like the fact that it only took me five seconds to finish the job. Perhaps, they were imagining themselves playing an active role against demonic beasts.
Then, with a dismayed expression on their face, I called out to them.
"I told you, it wouldn't be fun to come with me."
"That's true, but…"
After accepting the task of defeating the gray wolves, I told them that it would be boring if they came with me because I would annihilate them in an instant. I don't really want to see them sulk like this, but they were the ones who pushed through with that and chose to accompany me.
However, it's cruel to point it out so strongly because both of them are still children. They may make mistakes because they let their curiosity get the better of them. As a parent or guardian, the best thing to do would be to watch them warmly, while rebuking them for it.
Because of it, I patted the heads of the two who were pouting their lips.
Both of them were surprised by what I did, but they didn't reject it. Rather, they were squinting happily.
After confirming that they were in a good mood, I suggested a proposal.
"Now then, why don't we take a detour off the highway and look for a nest of Gray Wolves that are said to have bred?"
Hearing my line, both of them made an expression as if they were pigeons that has been shot by a pea*. It's like they were saying, 'You've accomplished the task, and now you want to go to the trouble of doing something outside of the job?' It's natural that they would doubt it.
But, I didn't say it to make their mood better. When I accepted the commission, I had already set my sight on checking out the nest.
The reason is that even if I had defeated a single pack of gray wolves, it wouldn't solve this problem fundamentally. If the overflowing herd appeared due to overpopulation, then after a little time, another pack would emerge again.
If the nest itself, the root of the problem, isn't addressed, commissions like this will continue to appear forever. In the worst-case scenario, it could develop into a situation where ordinary people passing through the highway could be attacked. That's why an early solution would be great.
On the other hand, it was impossible for the guild to order a subjugation request to a place that was further away from the main road.
After all, the nest of the Gray Wolves is presumed to live in the inner part of the forest. It's not usual for an eccentric person to request the extermination of a demonic beast in an uninhabited area. Most of the adventurers' hunts for demonic beasts were those that entered human living areas or harmed humans.
These kinds of things that involve the security of the territory were basically sent to the rulers, such as lords, who then dispatched knights to the area.
In other words, the jurisdiction varies. Everywhere in the world, it is the job of a bureaucrat.
Getting back to the subject.
Now, let me remind you of my position. I'm the son of the lord and the de facto administrator of the territory. In other words, I am the one who's in charge of this whole mess. I could have left it to my subordinates, but since this was my chance to earn experience, I decided to go there myself.
Well, I was actually thinking of doing it at a later date, but when they're so blatantly depressed like that, it's my nature as an older brother that wants to do something about it. I will accept the criticisms of being a Sis-con and Bro-con. On the contrary, I'll take it as a compliment.
So, after explaining the situation to the two of them, we crossed the meadow and entered a nearby forest.
Since it was a good opportunity, I let them experience searching for enemies. In front of me, there's an adorable little brother and sister, scurrying around the area. So cute.
Does that include Orca, you ask? Of course, he's my brother, even though he's adopted. As the matter of fact, he's too cute looking that sometimes I wonder if he's really a guy. I've bathed with him before, so I'm pretty sure he is.
Anyway, both of them have mastered detection spells according to their respective magical aptitudes, so I can leave it to them.
They seem to be very motivated, perhaps because they feel they are being useful. The Mana that's exuding from them suggests that they are quite pleased with their work. If they're this enthusiastic, I don't think they will fail.
I'm ready to follow up at any time, but there doesn't appear to be any issue so far.
Then finally, after the three of us walked for a while, the real deal appeared. My detection spell caught several packs of gray wolves.
An hour after I caught sight of the enemy, the two kids walking in front of me seemed to sense it and suddenly stopped.
Huh, did they notice it at the same time? I had thought that Caron, who had been training with me for a long time, would be the one who would be first. This is a very interesting result.
One possible explanation is that Orca has a strong aptitude for searching.
I may have sounded pompous, but 9 times out of 10, this reasoning will be the deciding factor.
In the game, Orca's role was that of a supporter, a character who excelled at magic and was more of a scout. Caron, on the other hand, is an offensive character who wields powerful fire magic. It was obvious which of the two was superior at detection.
Nonetheless, I was surprised that he could catch up to Caron's skill in only half a year, even if only in detection.
As I recall, Caroon can detect objects within a radius of a kilometer or so. One of the conditions for joining the Covert Corps* of Foranada was a detection range of two kilometers…So, if he trains for another six months, he has a chance of reaching the same level as a professional. As one would expect from a major game character, he has tremendous potential.
While I was admiring, the two who had been using detecting spells seemed to be examining the details of the pack of gray wolves. They were concentrating their attention on the spell and matched each other's information with what they know.
It was a great decision to check with each other to make sure there were no discrepancies in the information.
But from another perspective, I had to scold both of them.
"You two."
When I called out to them, both Caron and Orca froze.
It seems that they have learned that when I speak at such a time, it's usually when I'm going to say something serious to them.
With a wry smile on my face, I then continued.
"The detection was highly accurate, and it was good that both of you were able to coordinate the information you had obtained. But the way you detected the gray wolves after you found it was not good enough."
"The way we detected, is it?"
Caron timidly tilted her head as if she don't know what I'm talking about.
"Ahh…" Orca, on the other hand, seemed to understand and said so while covering his face with both of his hands.
This type of reaction reveals their personalities. Caron is either bold in a good way or rough around the edges. Orca, on the other hand, lacks guts but is prudent and open-minded.
They are polar opposites in every way, but they complement each other well. They fill in the gaps where each other falls short. It would be perfect if Orca handled the detailed work, such as observations, while Caron handled the decisions that needed to be made.
Getting back to the topic.
"Orca, tell me what you noticed."
Orca seems to have grasped the problem I want to reprimand him for, so I ask him to answer.
He then removes his hands from his face and looked straight at me.
"I was excited about discovering the gray wolves that I was only focusing on them…"
"Yes, you're right."
He appears to be frustrated while saying so, but I simply shake my head.
"As he said, even though this is a forest full of dangers other than gray wolves, it's a fatal mistake for the two of you who were entrusted with the search to ignore your surroundings. It's like asking them to attack you."
After being pointed out, Caron seems to have understood. Covering her mouth with her hand, she then nodded her head.
However, she was not completely convinced.
"Since Onii-sama is with us, isn't it fine? Because it's Onii-sama we really don't have to be vigilant with our surroundings."
She responded with a rebuttal.
Her tone sounded a little cheeky, but I don't mind.
It's good to be able to honestly ask about something that's bothering you when you are being taught something. My opinion is not absolute, so I welcome this kind of rebuttal.
Well, in this case, she was right.
"Certainly, I was following up this time. But I was able to do that because I was the supervisor and I was paying attention. In a normal party, you wouldn't think that the spotter would leave the perimeter watch out, would you? It's fine to concentrate on gathering information on the target, but you have to call out to your companions in advance."
"That's…you're right. I'm sorry; I will reflect on it."
She bowed her head obediently when I spoke seriously.
This kind of honesty is one of Caron's strengths. She's a serious girl who tries to thoroughly clarify the parts she doesn't understand, but she's also a child who can admit her own mistakes.
"I think it's best if you can keep a perimeter watch while checking on your opponent. If that seems impossible, then close the distance to a point where that's possible. Or, ask other members of the party to help with it. In this case, the former would be better. Gray wolf's detection range is much narrower."
After I saw that they were both convinced, I gave them some advice.
It wasn't much, but they looked at me with sparkling respect and replied, "We understand!" This is kind of embarrassing…