Chereads / My True Name / Chapter 2 - The Null_Realm

Chapter 2 - The Null_Realm

"Good evening and thank you for tunning in to AXC. I'm Martha Stewart and our top story tonight concerns the upcoming thunder hail predicted to fall in the north of NEW YUKON.

This region is renowned for its advance robotics, AI System and high-tech infrastructure. It is a hub for technological innovation and a leader in robotic, anti matter research and development.

New Yukon is one of the top ten powerful regions that emerged after earth's great war. The war left a lot of scars on those who survived and those who fought in the war, humanity suffered a lot of casualty for obvious reasons the enemy that attacked earth wasn't human and they possessed great strength and high resilience every thing was useless, nuclear bombs will just cause a mess of the city, poisoning the air and leaving huge crater but that just it, the enemy remains standing unfazed grinning from ear to ear, watching us suffer so much pain just to hurt it.

The enemy all look hideous, scary as shit, and they all take different form, shape and size the only striking feature is the spike they possess which according to government analysis the number of spike determine the strength of the enemy.

Every soul on earth called this creature NEPHILIM cause that is what the Cristian community calls them and we believe they are Nephilims cause only Christian priests and nuns could slay them_ They chant Bible verses and they use holy water on weapons that shine a whitish light to slay them.

The Government joined forces with the Christian community and just when we think we are winning most humans from 18 and above started to change into nightmare creature after falling asleep randomly. humans had to kill their own kind those who wouldn't do this were use as meals to satiate the taste of their fellow human who now look a lot like the enemy.

The Government slaughtered most of the human who turned into monsters and ceased the sleepers bodies case unlike the Nephilims they were easy to kill.

When humanity was on it's last leg, the sleepers who refuse to give in woke up and joined the battle they were able to wield strange powers, when the sleepers were asked of what happened they all said the same thing "TRIAL BY HEAVEN BLESSED BY GOD."

Among the sleepers there were a few outstanding one's like the AMOS–Phoenix flame and his cohorts who fought a four spike Nephilim (Abdigen), the fight ended in a stalemate since either side is unable to kill the other both party signed a peace treaty with Amos representing humanity, a lot of rumour was going round that the rulers of earth let Amos represent humanity cause he fought the Nephilim in a 1 vs 1 others said the demons were afraid of him, there was one rumour that stood out Amos died cause he disappeared five years ago after the peace treaty.

" We have received report from meteorologist of New Yukon that a severe thunderstorm is expected to hit the region, bringing with it large hailstones and potential damaging wind.

The Storm is expected to last several hours approximately sixty three hours and resident are expected to take precautions to ensure their safety. we will continue to monitor the situation and bring you update as they become available.

The Baron of New Yukon "Danali Froststone" has commenced immediate lock down and set up measures to ensure that citizens of New Yukon are safe during the storm. stay tuned to AXC for more on this developing story."

*KAk* *KAk*

A stunning woman who is a little past 40, wearing a White loose shirt which huge tight to her unnatural breast and training black shorts is seated on the floor in a mess of a room, the room is badly built inside a bunker turned on it's side, patches of alt rock and first class copper is used to make most of the furniture in the room, she is staring at the AV with lifeless eyes as she feed on her fingers.

Maria Quiton is Jack's mother the don't look alike at all which is strange case humans born in earth has striking resemblance to their parents they take the features of their dad or mum but not both, it a little creepy looking at ur child that looks like a younger clone, no one knows what cause this change but they were fine with it.

What have I done? Maria mumbling as she took full mouth of her fingers with each bite, she blame herself for the state of her only son, seeing his already pale skin look like that made her stomach turn.

Maria was not a bad mom, she knew he will have to challenge the heaven trial when he turn 18 which was last three months and she tried to increase he son chance of survival but buying information on how to survive in the Null Realm ain't cheap, she can bearly afford a decent meal for her and he son, if I work for Madam peach for six months I should have enough to by the information but how do I strengthen him a shard cost a lot which I can't make in a lifetime.

Jack has been sleeping for two weeks now I can't take him to the church they don't accept sleepers and the government will shot him straight in the head even if all they notice is a change in his breathing. ..b–but what if he turns into a nightmare creature.


Maria stopped breathing as she turn her head towards her son. ..h-he is moving... Maria forced out words from her mouth, She could fell the intense pressure coming from her son. "DID I JINX IT?."