In a far-off land draped with enchantment, there lived a primordial existence named Lumina. Enigmatic Starchild by birthright billionaire otaku by happenstance, Lumina was no stranger to the interplay of fantasy and reality. When she had altruistically chosen to exchange life with the humble princess of the realm, Lumina was giddy with anticipation.
She could barely contain her excitement at the prospect of stepping into the stories she'd adored - casting aside the recluse to immerse in the living narratives around her.
The hero's parade was a jaw-dropping celebration of courage, victory, and virtue—a spectacle Lumina was thrilled to view from the wings.
Yet, as the raucous festivities unfolded, Lumina desired the austere tranquillity her humble abode in the slums offered. After the parade, she meandered through the chattering crowd, passing royal horses and carts, nobility and commoners, until the castle and parade were behind her.
She navigated through the maze of five intertwining alleyways, worn-out cobblestones echoing her steps until she reached her destination—a dilapidated shed. It was a shelter barely standing, seemingly held together by a sheer force of will and memories of better days. Nevertheless, it was home.
A home Lumina had claimed seven months ago after the rebellion had stripped her royal friend of her status.
Inside, Lumina cautiously navigated across the makeshift newspaper bed to the three-legged stool. This no-frills home had housed her for months, and though it was far from royal luxury, it was her haven.
Settling upon her temporary bed, Lumina invoked her soul-borne treasure, the Infinite Wishing Orb. This mystical artifact perceived her wishes, transmuting them into reality with a radiant pulse of magic.
Her dreams were many; she wished to master various talents, becoming a master swordsman capable of delivering justice with a swift flick of her blade. She desired the wisdom of alchemy, the profound ability to peel back nature's layers and twist them to her whims. Lumina sought to master magic, casting influential spells that heal, harm, or protect. Her ambition stretched to becoming a meticulous blacksmith and crafting artifacts pulsating with immense power. She aimed to heal hearts as a benevolent priest and tap into the vigor of the earth as a druid. Her longing to bridge gaps between cultures led her to wish to master every language.
But her wishes didn't end there. Lumina yearned for immense wealth—her secret—that would nest in an interdimensional Lingqian space filled with dragon and phoenix tear pools and bloodline pools. She dreamt of an omnipotent system complementing her every venture.
She went further still; Requesting an upgraded physique tingling with infinite mana, stamina, and strength capable of bearing the eyes of death, the divine Mangekyou Sharingan, and the power of mind reading, she wished to peer into the past and the future. Lumina envisioned herself possessing the physique of an ancestral dragon, a body lined with the intensive bloodline of a nine-tailed fox, a body that could shape-shift at will.
Her list finalized, Lumina braced herself. As she activated the Wishing Orb, an immense rush of power surged through her, enveloping her in a divine cocoon of magic. Each aspiration coursed through her veins; each dream became her reality. The transformation was a sublime ballet of chaos and serenity, a paradox of Lumina's life.
As Lumina emerged from her wish-fulfillment, she had metamorphosed into all she had wished—an enchanting beauty whose strength was unparalleled, a solitary figure ready to rejoin the world she'd walked away from and step into the narratives she held dear.
For all the grandeur of her aspirations, Lumina was no longer just a primordial, shut-in billionaire otaku; she was the living embodiment of her wishes. The world—and its stories—awaited her with bated breath.
Time would tell how Lumina would wield her newly gained power. But one thing was sure: taking on the characters' lives she cherished would be nothing short of an adventure.