Chapter 36 - Trust

It was early evening and the warm rays of the sun shone on Iris's wooden desk as she prepared to leave for the evening. Just then, Emma arrived at the front door and handed over a report on the transfer student.

"Your Highness, about the transfer student, I don't think he is someone we can trust. He has even detected me even when I masked my aura."

Emma's voice was heightened, warning Iris about the danger. However, Emma's Lord was disinterested and was humming as she prepares her things.

"Your Highness?" Emma calls out Iris once again and noticed she seemed happier than usual.

"I want to call off the investigation Emma." Iris said in a calm tone.

"But! You are in danger, he should be expelled immediately or disposed off."

"He's a Rank-S hunter Emma, even if we try to dispose of him. The entire school will be a battlefield and I cannot risk the lives of the students."

"Rank S!? How did you manage to get that information, Your Highness?" Startled, Emma's voice cracked.

"I asked him of course," Iris replied casually, she then gave Emma her bag before continuing their conversation in the hallway.

"Your Highness, if he is a Rank S just like what you've said. He's probably a half-breed or worse a Celestial." Emma raises concerns once again.

"I understand your concerns Emma since you are my best friend, but he has every opportunity to kill me yet he didn't. I don't think he's here to do that or cause any trouble. I think he's on a mission and that's what I want to find out."

Next to the parking lot, a group of white SUVs is parked, waiting for Iris. They are being protected by men in gold and white uniforms, carrying rapiers on their hips.

Before entering one of the SUVs, Iris gave Emma a stern warning.

"I know you are going to disobey me like before, but are off the mission Emma. I'll take over from here, but thank you for your service." Iris's tone is direct, yet she didn't forget to smile in gratitude at the end.

In spite of this, Emma bit her lip in dismay after hearing that order.

"B-but" She stuttered but yielded in the end. "I-I understand Your Highness." She said in a disheartened tone.

Emma watches Iris leave with the convoy, her eyes furrowed thinking of the possible threat to Iris's life.

"Her Highness is too soft on that transfer student. If she won't do something, then I will." Emma mutter, her hands clenched shut.


Late Afternoon (Thur) Spring 4, Year 1

Convenience store, Baywalk, Neotopia.


It was late afternoon and the sun was beginning to set over the tropical paradise of Neotopia. Rhen changed into his casual outfit and head out to the convenience store.

On the side of the parking lot, he checks to see if no one was around. After making sure no passerby is at an eyeshot beside him, he bends down with a vial and a latex glove on.

He sees a bluish powdery substance on the pavement where Claire and her boyfriend once stood. He swabs the substance and puts it in the vial for later analysis.

High above the resort hotel, Azrel hears a knock on his door. He didn't care to open it, but he knew it was his brother and he too is preoccupied with the sensitive files in his desktop computer.

Rhen enters and walks to what used to be a kitchen sink corner. It has been turned into a portable laboratory by the two men.

A television news report is playing next to Rhen, highlighting an upsurge in Etherite overdose cases in local hospitals.

Rhen open the sample and put it in a glass vial, he adds some reagents into the mix which turns red indicating it was pure Etherite, judging from the amount Clair was holding it was worth around 100,000 Kadweinian Dollars.

Although Etherite is made from Ether the base material to make Mana potions and Fuel, is also very dangerous and addictive. When pure Ether is ingested by a normal person, he or she will experience magical overload and an immediate increase in strength at the cost of burning out their magical circuits followed by death.

Azrel printed a copy of the files he's been reading and hands it out to Rhen.

"Mat said to give this to you as well." He said.

Rhen checks the documents as stated. "Operation Rampage. Capture the Crimson blood clan inner circle member and gather intel on the whereabouts of Wraith. The mission starts at 20:00H Sat Spring 6, Eastport Harbor Neotopia."

[Main Quest received: Operation Rampage - Capture a inner circle member and gather more intel.]

"Anything else?" Rhen said giving the document to his brother.

"Well not much is known about him aside from the code name Rampage. Most of his work is done by his accomplice." Azrel then opens a file on his computer and shows it to Rhen before continuing.

"Rampage is also a major Etherite distributor, he does this by renting a warehouse in Eastport Harbor and labeling it as a pharmaceutical storage facility."

On Azrel's computer is a picture of Rampage, a hulking Red Orc that towers over the others. Rhen notices his rank to be A and class Berserker, it is a rank lower to him however, by his experience rank does not determine who would win but combat experience.

There are two noteworthy skills "Invulnerability - Lasts ten seconds" and "Rage - Increase strength and speed upon taking hits, stackable."

"With you and me this will be easy." Proclaimed Azrel, however, Rhen has other thoughts on the matter.

"Not exactly brother aren't you forgetting something, this isn't Kadwein."

"Oh yeah… Fuck. Wraith will take notice." Upon noticing his mistake, Azrel ruffles his hair.

"Exactly, so we can't use our full strength. Once Wraith knows we're in the area he'll flee and we can't risk it."

"Got something in mind?" Azrel inquired.

"Hmmm..." Rhen gives it a thought. If only there was someone who is at Rank S other than them.

Rhen snaps his fingers at the thought of something. "Scarlet, If Iris introduces her in public then it's possible. She can burn everything to the ground after the mission, masking our scent with her own. So who's the assault team?" Rhen asked.

"The assault team will be just the two of us, three if you count Scarlet. The Neotopian Knights will also be there, but I haven't gouged their capabilities. I'll try asking Mat if he can help."

"Knights? You mean medieval knights?" Rhen pondered, he wonders whether or not they are actual knights of old or if it was just a call sign of their unit.

"I dunno." Azrel shrugged. "That's what they call themselves thou."

"Honestly I'd rather have Scarlet out of this, we have to babysit her if we bring her to the frontlines, but then again she's the only one that can go all out."

"It's your decision, big brother." Azrel stresses out, he passes the responsibility onto Rhen for he believes covert operations are his forte.

Rhen crosses his arms as he thinks over it, he wanted Scarlet to do surveillance only, but with them limiting their abilities, Rhen has to consider otherwise.

Ultimately, he decides to have Scarlet help out in any way she could.

"Alright, she can help as long she's careful," Rhen said with a heavy sigh.


It was then the bedroom doors opened with a loud noise.

"YES!" Scarlet yelled, she does a victory pose after with nothing but a nightgown on. Her hair is disheveled and her delicate figure is seen through the semi-lucent gown.

"FINALLY! My first mission." She said excitedly, her eyes sparkling in glee.

"Remember just take out the mobs and we'll do the heavy lifting," Rhen replied, despite her appearance, Scarlet is the only girl in the world Rhen can see naked without an ounce of lust.

"Why? He's just an A Rank." She said crossing her arms whilst pouting to the side.

This time it was Azrel who replied. "Scarly, just because he's A rank doesn't mean he can't defeat you. All it takes is one slip, up and you're dead. This isn't some tournament or fighting monsters, judging by his starts, he a melee powerhouse."

"Alright alright sheesh… I'll be nice and do the easy work and let the men do that hard work I get it." Scarlet grumbled. She goes back to their bedroom, and despite what she said the two brothers can clearly hear her jumping and giggling from behind the door.

"YES! YES! I get to wear my costume, I'm so excited." Scarlet said in a muffled tone.

Azrel calls for Rhen's attention "Oh, by the way, Mat said not to destroy the entire port if possible as it may ruin our relations with Neotopia."

Rhen nods "I think we have plenty of time to prepare, I'll be next door if you need me." He gives his brother a pat on the back before heading to his room.

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